Peranginangin, Renaldy Sujaka and Luqman Qurata Aini,, S.P., M.Si., Ph.D. (2023) Efektivitas Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria (PGPB) Asal Tanaman Tanduk Rusa (Platycerium wandae) Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Intensitas Penyakit Pada Tanaman Selada Keriting (Lactuca sativa L.). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Tanaman selada keriting (Lactuca sativa L.) merupakan tanaman semusim yang memiliki nilai komersial yang tinggi dan prospek yang baik untuk pemenuhan pangan di Indonesia. Pemanfaatan selada keriting di Indonesia masih kurang efektif dikarenakan faktor biotik serta abiotik yang tidak mendukung pertumbuhan selada keriting. Pengaruh iklim sangat mempengaruhi produksi dari tanaman selada keriting dan dapat meningkatkan serangan patogen. Pemberian pupuk anorganik dan pestisida anorganik pernah dilakukan tetapi tidak memberikan efek jangka panjang terhadap selada keriting. Terdapat teknologi hayati yang masih dikembangkan yaitu penggunaan isolat bakteri yang berasal dari tanaman Platycerium wandae. Tanaman Platycerium wandae memiliki keragaman bakteri yang tinggi dikarenakan mampu mendekemposisi kebutuhan unsur haranya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan hasil mengetahui efektivitas isolat bakteri asal tanaman Platycerium wandae dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan kesehatan tanaman selada keriting. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus hingga November 2023. Riset mengenai efektivitas isolat bakteri asal tanaman Platycerium wandae terhadap pertumbuhan dan kesehatan tanaman selada keriting dilakukan di dua tempat yakni lahan pertanian Lily Harvest, Desa Tulungrejo, Kecamatan Bumiaji, Kota Batu, Provinsi Jawa Timur dan Laboratorium Penyakit Tumbuhan Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Brawijaya. Tahapan penelitian meliputi peremajaan isolat bakteri asal tanaman Platycerium wandae, persiapan media tanam, perendaman benih, perendaman akar tanaman selada keriting, penanaman bibit tanaman selada keriting, pengamatan pertumbuhan tanaman yang meliputi tinggi tanaman, berat basah tanaman, berat basah tanaman, berat basah akar, panjang akar, berat kering tanaman, berat kering dan kesehatan tanaman. Dataa dianalisis menggunakan sidik ragam dan diuji lanjut menggunakan Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) dengan signifikasi 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian isolat bakteri asal tanaman Platycerium wandae terhadap tinggi tanaman dan bobot basah perlakuan Pw II C, Pw IV D, dan Pw IV A. Pada berat basah akar dan panjang akar perlakuan Pw IV C, Pw II C, dan Pw I C memiliki hasil tertinggi. Pada pengamatan berat kering tanaman ditemukan perlakuan Pw II C, Pw I D, dan Pw I C memiliki hasil tertinggi. Pada berat kering akar perlakuan kontrol aquades menghasilkan berat tertinggi dibandingkan perlakuan isolat bakteri lainnya dan pada kesehatan tanaman tidak ditemukan patogen yang menyerang tanaman selada keriting.
English Abstract
Curly lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is an annual crop that has high commercial value and good prospects for food fulfillment in Indonesia. The utilization of curly lettuce in Indonesia is still less effective because biotic and abiotic factors that do not support the growth of curly lettuce. Climatic influences greatly affect the production of curly lettuce plants and can increase pathogen attacks. Inorganic fertilizers and inorganic pesticides have been applied but do not provide long-term effects on curly lettuce. There is a biological technology that is still being developed, namely the use of bacterial isolates derived from Platycerium wandae plants. Platycerium wandae plants have high bacterial diversity because they are able to decompose their nutrient needs. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of bacterial isolates from Platycerium wandae plants in improving the growth and health of curly lettuce plants. This research was conducted from August to November 2023. Research on the effectiveness of bacterial isolates from Platycerium wandae plants on the growth and health of curly lettuce plants was carried out in two places, namely the Lily Harvest farm, Tulungrejo Village, Bumiaji District, Batu City, East Java Province and the Plant Disease Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Brawijaya. The research stages include rejuvenation of bacterial isolates from Platycerium wandae plants, Planting media preparation, seed soaking, soaking the roots of curly lettuce plants, planting curly lettuce plant seedlings, observing plant growth which includes plant height, plant wet weight, plant wet weight, root wet weight, root length, plant dry weight, dry weight and plant health. Data were analyzed using variance analysis and further tested using Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) with 5% significance. The results showed that the provision of bacterial isolates from Platycerium wandae plants on plant height and wet weight of treatments Pw II C, Pw IV D, and Pw IV A. On the wet weight of roots and root length treatments Pw IV C, Pw II C, and Pw I C had the highest results. In the observation of plant dry weight, it was found that Pw II C, Pw I D, and Pw I C treatments had the highest results. In the dry weight of the roots, the distilled water control treatment produces the highest weight compared to other bacterial isolate treatments and in plant health, no pathogens are found that attack curly lettuce plants.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0523040353 |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with username nova |
Date Deposited: | 12 Feb 2024 07:11 |
Last Modified: | 12 Feb 2024 07:11 |
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