Perancangan Sistem Website E-commerce Toko Butik Mafir Collection Dengan Metode Rational Unified Process

Astwo, Moch. Alim and Yusi Tyroni Mursityo, S.Kom., M.AB. and Dwija Wisnu Brata, S.ST., M.T. (2024) Perancangan Sistem Website E-commerce Toko Butik Mafir Collection Dengan Metode Rational Unified Process. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Sistem penjualan saat ini sudah berkembang sangat pesat, dimana semua usaha atau bisnis berlomba-lomba untuk meningkatkan peforma sistem penjualan mereka, dikarenakan dengan sistem penjualan yang efektif dan efisien akan mempermudah pihak stakeholder dalam mendata dan menganalisis penjualan. Menindaklanjuti persoalan tersebut, website e-comerce ini dirancang dengan harapan dapat memberikan kemudahan untuk melakukan transaksi yang sesuai dengan keinginan stakeholder mengenai semua proses penting dalam toko. Perancangan webiste e-commerce ini melibatkan stakeholder sebuah butik yang berada di Kota Banyuwangi yaitu Toko Butik Mafir Collection. Proses bisnis toko ini masih menggunakan cara manual dalam segala aspeknya, sehingga stakeholder masih kesulitan dalam mendata dan menganalisis segala proses yang terjadi didalam toko, sehingga perlu adanya perancangan yang mempermudah segala proses yang terjadi didalam toko. Perancangan sistem dalam penelitian ini menggunakan” metode ”RUP (Rational ”Unified” Process) serta ”melakukan observasi dan ”wawancara kepada ”stakeholder. Ra”tional Unifie”d Pro”cess (RUP) meru”pakan suatu met”ode dengan meng”gunakan kons”ep object o”riented, dimana akt”ifitas metode tersebut berfo”kus pada penge”mbangan model de”ngan menggu”nakan U”nified Model L”anguage (UML), mengingat perancangan ini berfokus pada stakeholder Butik Mafir Collection untuk mengorganisasi dan mengelola kode sumber. Tahap evaluasi pengujian dilakukan dengan ISO25010 dengan melihat hasil analisis dari functional suitability, dimana dari 7 fitur pokok yang di inginkan stakeholder terdapat 5 fitur pokok yang berhasil diimplementasikan yaitu sistem login, sistem penjualan, sistem CRUD barang, sistem retur barang dan laporan dihitung dengan rumus matrix feature completeness dengan hasil 0,71. Dalam p”engujian produ”k ini d”ikatakan baik d”alam karakteri”stik functi”onal su”itability jika n”ilai X men”dekati 1, karena nilai dari hasil pengujian fuctional suitability adalah 0 dan mendekati 1 maka pengujian perancangan ini dikatakan baik. Berdasarkan perhitungan yang telah dilakukan dalam analisis usability maka didapatkan hasil 72,8% yang artinya jika sesuai dengan perhitungan skala likert maka hasilnya dapat dikatakan layak.

English Abstract

The current sales system has developed very rapidly, where all businesses are competing to improve the performance of their sales system, because an effective and efficient sales system will make it easier for stakeholders to record and analyze sales. Following up on these problems, this e-commerce website was designed with the hope of making it easy to carry out transactions in accordance with the wishes of stakeholders regarding all important processes in the store. The design of this e-commerce website involved stakeholders from a boutique in Banyuwangi City, namely the Mafir Collection Boutique Store. This shop's business process still uses manual methods in all aspects, so stakeholders still have difficulty in recording and analyzing all the processes that occur in the shop, so there is a need for a design that makes all the processes that occur in the shop easier. The system design in this research used the RUP (Rational Unified Process) method and carried out observations and interviews with stakeholders. Rational Unified Process (RUP) is a method that uses an object-oriented concept, where the method's activities focus on the development model using the Unified Model Language (UML), considering that this design focuses on Butik Mafir Collection stakeholders to organize and manage the source code. The test evaluation stage is carried out with ISO25010 by looking at the results of the analysis of functional suitability, where of the 7 main features that stakeholders want, there are 5 main features that have been successfully implemented, namely the login system, sales system, CRUD goods system, goods returns system and reports calculated using the matrix feature completeness formula with a result of 0.71. In testing this product is said to be good in terms of suitability of functional characteristics if the X value is close to 1, because the value of the test results functional suitability is 0 and close to 1 then this design test is said to be good. Based on the calculations that have been carried out in the usability analysis, a result of 72,8% is obtained, which means that if it is in accordance with the Likert scale calculations, the result can be said to be feasible.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0524150134
Uncontrolled Keywords: Sistem penjualan, website e-commerce, RUP, ISO25010-Sales system, website e-commerce, RUP, ISO25010
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer > Sistem Informasi
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 23 Feb 2024 07:25
Last Modified: 23 Feb 2024 07:25
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