Upaya Peningkatan Unsur Hara N, P, K dan Produksi Tanaman Padi (Oryza sativa L.) Melalui’ Aplikasi Pupuk NPK

Luthfiyah, Farah and Dr. Lenny Sri Noprian, S.P., M.P and Syahrul Kurniawan, S.P., M.P., Ph. D (2023) Upaya Peningkatan Unsur Hara N, P, K dan Produksi Tanaman Padi (Oryza sativa L.) Melalui’ Aplikasi Pupuk NPK. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Padi mengalami ‘penurunan produksi-yang; disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor terkait rendahnya tingkat kesuburan tanah yang membatasi pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman. Peningkatan ketersediaan unsur hara dapat dilakukan melalui pemberian, pupuk NPK. Tujuan penelitian ini_adalah. ;. 1) untuk menganalisis pengaruh berbagai dosis aplikasi pupuk NPK uji terhadap pH tanah dan ketersediaan unsur N, P, K dibandingkan dengan pupuk tunggal dan NPK pembanding; 2) untuk mengetahui-dosis optimal pupuk NPK uji tethadap pH tanah; ketersediaan hara dan serapan’ Ny P, ‘K, pertuimbuhan dan produksi-padi; 3) untuk menganalisis hubungan antara ketersediaan-hara dan serapan N P, K dengan produksi padi. Kegiatan penelitian dilakukan di Lahan Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya, Jatimulyo, Lowokwaru, Kota Malang. Secara astronomis. terletak antara 7°56'26.3" dan ‘LS "112°37'0:8" BT, pada ketinggian 460 m dpl. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari hingga bulan Juni 2023. Kegiatan penelitian terdapat 9 perlakuan-dengan 3 ulangan Perlakuan penelitian meliputi-TO' (tanpal pupuk); T1 (Pupuk ; Tunggal 100%); T2 (Pupuk NPK Pembanding 100%); T3: (Pupuk NPK, Uji 50%); T4.(Pupuk NPK. Uji 75%); T5 (Pupuk NPK. Uji-100%); T6. (Pupuk NPK. Uji 125%); T7 (Pupuk NPK Uji 150%); T8, (Pupuk NPK Uji 200%). Parameter penelitian yang diamati yaitu N-total, P-tersedia, K-dd, serapan N, P, K, pertumbuhan tanaman, dan produksi tanaman: Data diuji menggunakan ‘Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) dilanjutkan ‘dengan uji lanjut DMRT (Duncan's Multiple Range Test) pada taraf'5% dan’ uji korelasi -dan - regresi untuk mengetahui hubungan: ketersediaan, hara:dan serapan N, P, K dengan produksi tanaman serta seberapa besar pengaruhnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan aplikasi pupuk NPK uji berpengaruh nyata dalam meningkatkan N-total dan P-tersedia dibandingkan dengan pupuk tunggal dan pupuk NPK pembanding, tetapi tidak berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan pH dan'K-dd tanah. Aplikasi' pupuk NPK' uji dengan dosis’ 15096 atau 300’ kg/ha berpengaruh nyata terhadap penurunan pH tanah. meskipun tidak mengubah kriteria kemasaman tanah dan, meningkatkan N-total, P-tersedia, serapan: N, P, K, pertumbuhan tanaman dan produksi padi, tetapi-tidak berpengaruh terhadap K-dd tanah. Berdasarkan hasil uji korelasi N-total (1 = 0,66), P-tersedia (1 = 0,64), serapan N (r = 0,50), serapan P (r = 0,66), serapan K 1 ="0,76) memiliki hubungan dengan produksi tanaman padi. Ntotal meningkatkan produksi ' sebesar 3620 (R2 & 0,36), ‘P-tersedia’ meningkatkan produksi sebesat 3126 (R?.—20,31), setapan N' meningkatkan-produksi sebesar 2820 (R2 = 0,28), serapan P;meningkatkan produksi sebesar 33%.(R?= 0,33),.dan serapan K meningkatkan produksi sebesar. 40%-(R? = 0,40).

English Abstract

Rice production has decreased due to several factors related to low soil fertility levels that limit plant growth and production. Increasing the availability of nutrients can be done through the application of NPK fertilizer. The objectives of this study were: 1) to analyze the effect of various doses of NPK fertilizer application on soil pH and availability of N, P, K elements compared to single fertilizer and NPK comparison; 2) to determine the optimal dose of NPK fertilizer on soil pH, nutrient availability and uptake of N, P, K, rice growth and production; 3) to analyze the relationship between nutrient availability and uptake of N, P, K with rice production. The research activities were conducted at the Experimental Field of Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University, Jatimulyo, Lowokwaru, Malang City. Astronomically located between 7°56'26.3" and 112°37'0.8" East, at an altitude of 460 m above sea level. The research was conducted from January to June 2023. There were 9 treatments with 3 replications. The research treatments included T0 (no fertilizer); T1 (100% Single Fertilizer); T2 (100% Comparator NPK Fertilizer); T3 (50% Test NPK Fertilizer); T4 (75% Test NPK Fertilizer); T5 (100% Test NPK Fertilizer); T6 (125% Test NPK Fertilizer); T7 (150% Test NPK Fertilizer); T8 (200% Test NPK Fertilizer). The research parameters observed were N-total, P-available, K-dd, uptake of N, P, K, plant growth, and plant production. Data were tested using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) followed by DMRT (Duncan's Multiple Range Test) at the 5% level and correlation and regression tests to determine the relationship of nutrient availability and uptake of N, P, K with plant production and how much influence. The results showed that the application of test NPK fertilizer had a significant effect in increasing N-total and P-available compared to single fertilizer and comparison NPK fertilizer, but had no effect in increasing soil pH and K-dd. Application of the test NPK fertilizer at a dose of 150% or 300 kg/ha had a significant effect on reducing soil pH although it did not change soil acidity criteria and increased N-total, P-available, uptake of N, P, K, plant growth and rice production, but had no effect on soil K-dd. Based on the correlation test results N-total (r = 0.66), P-available (r = 0.64), N uptake (r = 0.50), P uptake (r = 0.66), K uptake (r = 0.76) have a relationship with rice production. N-total increased production by 36% (R2 = 0.36), P-available increased production by 31% (R2 = 0.31), N uptake increased production by 28% (R2 = 0.28), P uptake increased production by 33% (R2 = 0.33), and K uptake increased production by 40% (R2 = 0.40).

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0523040336
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 12 Feb 2024 02:45
Last Modified: 12 Feb 2024 02:45
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/215629
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