Wambrauw, Sopia Fransina (2024) Respon Kedelai (Glycine max. (L) Merrill) Terhadap Aplikasi Biochar Ampas Sagu dan Jerami Padi pada Tanah Inceptisol. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Kedelai (Glycine max (L) Merill) merupakan komoditas strategis ketiga setelah padi dan jagung yang memiliki sumber protein nabati mencapai 30 – 50%, karbohidrat 35% dan lemak 15%. Permintaan konsumen yang tinggi belum mampu memenuhi kebutuhan kedelai di Indonesia, sehingga untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut perlu adanya perluasan lahan pada area lahan yang kurang produktif menjadi lahan yang produktif lagi seperti pemanfaatan tanah jenis inceptisol. Pemanfaatan tanah inceptisol sebagai lahan pertanian yang tergolong tanah dengan tingkat kesuburan relatif rendah, serta memiliki sifat fisik, kimia dan biologi tanah yang masih rendah. Sehingga untuk meningkatkan tingkat kesuburan tanah perlu adanya penambahan bahan pembenah tanah seperti biochar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan perbandingan campuran yang tepat dari aplikasi biocahar ampas sagu dan jerami padi pada tanah untuk pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kedelai. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei - Juli 2021 di kebun Percobaan Balai Penelitian Tanaman Aneka Kacang Dan Umbi (BALITKABI) IP2TP Jambegede, Jl. Pertanian, No.6 Desa Kemiri, Kecamatan Kepanjen, Kabupaten Malang Jawa Timur. Bahan yang digunakan ialah benih kedelai varietas Anjasmoro, Ampas Sagu, Jerami Padi, pupuk organik, Urea, SP-36, KCl, Pestisida. Sedangkan Alat yang digunakan terdiri dari ; Alat pyrolysis, timbangan analitik, Leaf Area Meter (LAM), alat tulis serta kamera. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) yang terdiri dari 6 perlakuan diantaranya yaitu P0 = Tanpa biochar; P1 = Biochar jerami Padi (100%) P2 = Biochar Ampas Sagu (100%) P3 = Biochar Ampas Sagu 75% + Biochar Jerami Padi 25%, P4 = Biochar Ampas Sagu 50% + Biochar Jerami Padi 50%, P5 = Biochar Ampas Sagu 25% + Biochar Jerami Padi 75%. Variabel pengamatan pertumbuhan terdiri dari Tinggi tanaman, Jumlah Daun, Luas daun (cm2 tan-1), Jumlah buku subur, Bobot kering tanaman (g). Sedangkan pada pengamatan hasil panen meliputi Jumlah polong per tanaman, Bobot biji kering per tanaman, Bobot 100 biji, Bobot biji petak panen, Laju Pertumbuhan Tanaman, dan pengamatan tambahan berupa analisis tanah sebelum dan sesudah penanaman serta analisis biochar sebelum diberikan pada petak penelitian. Hasil data yang terkumpul akan dianalisis menggunakan sidik ragam (Anova), Apabila dalam perlakuan menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata terhadap variabel yang diamati, maka dilakukan uji lanjut menggunakan BNJ pada taraf nyata 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada Aplikasi perlakuan campuran biochar ampas sagu (75%) dan jerami padi (25%) meningkatkan pertumbuhan seperti tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, luas daun, jumlah buku subur, bobot kering tanaman, serta laju pertumbuhan tanaman. Sedangkan pada hasil tanaman kedelai juga ter jadi peningkat pada jumlah polong isi, jumlah polong hampa, bobot biji, bobot 100 biji dan juga pada hasil panen per hektarnya.
English Abstract
Soybean (Glycine max (L) Merill) is the third strategic commodity after rice and corn which contain vegetable protein source reaching 30-50%, 35% carbohydrate and 15% fat. High demand of soybean the market has not been able to full fill in Indonesia. There fore it is necessary to expand land in less productive land areas into productive land such as inceptisol until dominant in Serui Papua. The use of inceptisol soil as agricultural land is classified as land with a relatively low level of fertility, and has low physical, chemical and biological soil properties. Hence to increase the level of soil fertility, it is necessary to add soil amendment materials such as biochar. The aims of the research is to abtain to obtain the correct mixture ratio for the application of sago dregs and rice straw biochar to the soil for the growth and yield of soybean plants. The research was carried out in May-July 2021 at the Experimental Garden of the Research Institute for Various Nuts and Tubers (BALITKABI) IP2TP Jambegede, Jl. Agriculture, No.6 Kemiri Village, Kepanjen District, Malang Regency, East Java. The materials used are soybean seeds of the Anjasmoro variety, Sago Dregs, Rice Straw, organic fertilizers, Urea, SP-36, KCl, Pesticides. Meanculvile the tools used were of; Pyrolysis equipment, analytical scales, Leaf Area Meter (LAM), stationery and cameras. The study was conducted using a randomized block design (RBD) which consisted of 6 treatments, namely P0 = without biochar; P1 = Biochar Rice Straw (100%) P2 = Biochar Sago Dregs (100%) P3 = Biochar Sago Dregs 75% + Biochar Rice Straw 25%, P4 = Biochar Sago Dregs 50% + Biochar Rice Straw 50%, P5 = Biochar Dregs Sago 25% + Rice Straw Biochar 75%. Growth observation variables consisted of plant height, number of leaves, leaf area (cm2 tan-1), number of fertile nodes, plant dry weight (g). While the yield observations included the number of pods per plant, dry seed weight per plant, 100 seed weight, seed weight of the harvest plots, plant growth rate, and additional observations in the form of soil analysis before and after planting and analysis of biochar before being given to the research plots. The results of the collected data will be analyzed using variance (Anova). If the treatment shows a significant difference to the observed variable, then a further test is carried out using BNT at a significant level of 5%. The research results show that the treatment with a mixture of sago pulp biochar (75%) and rice straw (25%) increased growth such as plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, number of fertile noiles, plant dry weight, and plant growth rate. While the yield of soybean plants increased in the number of pods, the number of empty pods, seed weight, 100 seed weight and yield of soybeans per hectare.
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | 0524040018 |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Ilmu Tanaman, Fakultas Pertanian |
Depositing User: | agung |
Date Deposited: | 01 Feb 2024 07:42 |
Last Modified: | 01 Feb 2024 07:42 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/215470 |
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