Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Minat Beli Recommerce (Studi Kualitatif Jual Beli Pakaian Bekas di Aplikasi Carousell)

Linuwih, Dara Nurul Idlal and Aditya Rachmadi, S.ST., M.TI. and Ir. Admaja Dwi Herlambang, S.Pd., M.Pd. (2024) Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Minat Beli Recommerce (Studi Kualitatif Jual Beli Pakaian Bekas di Aplikasi Carousell). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Reverse commerce telah membawa perubahan besar pada cara berbelanja pakaian bekas yang turut meningkatkan popularitas fenomena thrifting di Indonesia, contohnya Carousell. Carousell digemari karena harganya yang murah, memberi rasa senang, serta memiliki konsep C2C yang mempermudah penjualan barang bekas pribadi (preloved). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi minat beli pakaian bekas di recommerce. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif grounded theory dengan teknik pengumpulan data in-depth interview melibatkan delapan narasumber dan observasi partisipasi aktif. Data yang diperoleh dari hasil wawancara dianalisis menggunakan MAXQDA untuk dilakukan tahap open, axial, dan selective coding. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat tiga faktor yang saling mempengaruhi minat beli pakaian bekas di recommerce, yaitu price value, hedonic motivation, dan effort expectancy. Faktor price value mempengaruhi minat beli karena subfaktor anggaran, kondisi dan kualitas, serta perbandingan harga. Faktor hedonic motivation mempengaruhi minat beli karena subfaktor harga, kebutuhan sandang, fashionability, rekreasi, serta produk yang edisinya terbatas, unik, beragam, dan memiliki citra merek terkenal. Faktor effort expectancy mempengaruhi minat beli karena subfaktor kompleksitas, kemudahan penggunaan, filter dan sortir, spesialisasi aplikasi, serta sekuritas.

English Abstract

Reverse commerce has brought a big change in the way second-hand clothes are shopped which has also increased the popularity of thrifting in Indonesia, such as Carousell. Carousell is popular because it offers affordable prices, gives a sense of fun, and has a C2C concept that makes selling personal used items (preloved) easier. This research aims to explore and analyze the factors that influence the purchase intention of preloved clothes on recommerce. This research uses a qualitative grounded theory method with data collection techniques of in-depth interviews involving eight informants and active participation observation. The data obtained from the interviews were analyzed using MAXQDA to conduct open, axial, and selective coding stages. The results of this research show that there are three factors that influence each other's purchase intention of preloved clothes on recommerce, which are price value, hedonic motivation, and effort expectancy. The price value factor affects purchase intention due to the subfactors of budget, condition and quality, and price comparison. The hedonic motivation factor influences purchase intention due to the subfactors of price, clothing needs, fashionability, recreation, and products that are limited edition, unique, diverse, and have a well-known brand image. The effort expectancy factor influences purchase intention due to the subfactors of complexity, ease of use, filter and sort, application specialization, and security.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0524150056
Uncontrolled Keywords: Price value, hedonic motivation, effort expectancy, pakaian bekas, minat beli, Carousell-Price value, hedonic motivation, effort expectancy, preloved clothes, purchase intention, Carousell.
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer > Sistem Informasi
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 19 Feb 2024 07:58
Last Modified: 19 Feb 2024 07:58
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