Optimasi Berbagai Jenis Pupuk Kandang dan Pupuk Anorganik terhadap Perbaikan Sifat Kimia dan Biologi Tanah serta Produksi Tanaman Jagung Manis di Inceptisol Karangploso Malang

Hi. Usman, Alda Inayah A. and Dr. Ir. Yulia Nuraini,, M.S. and Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Rahayu Utami,, Ph.D. (2023) Optimasi Berbagai Jenis Pupuk Kandang dan Pupuk Anorganik terhadap Perbaikan Sifat Kimia dan Biologi Tanah serta Produksi Tanaman Jagung Manis di Inceptisol Karangploso Malang. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Pemanfaatan lahan budidaya secara intensif oleh petani sampai saat ini masih menggunakan input buatan seperti pupuk anorganik untuk mempertahankan hasil panen. Penggunaan pupuk anorganik secara berlebih dapat memberikan dampak buruk terhadap kesuburan tanah yang ditandai dengan penurunan sifat-sifat tanah. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kesuburan tanah. Salah satu cara yaitu dengan penambahan bahan organik. Pupuk kandang merupakan salah satu pupuk organik yang sering digunakan untuk meningkatkan bahan organik tanah, serta dapat meningkatkan efisiensi penggunaan pupuk anorganik. Namun pemberian pupuk kandang belum sepenuhnya menggantikan fungsi dari pupuk anorganik, sehingga kombinasi dari berbagai jenis pupuk kandang dan pupuk anorganik penting diteliti untuk menentukan jenis dan dosis pupuk yang paling optimum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperbaiki sifat kimia dan biologi tanah serta melihat produksi tanaman jagung manis di Inceptisol Karangploso Malang. Penelitian dilaksanakan mulai Juli 2022-Januari 2023. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Faktorial terdiri dari dua faktor : Faktor pertama adalah berbagai jenis pupuk kandang (P) terdiri dari 7 perlakuan yaitu (1) P0: Tanpa pupuk kandang, (2) P1: Pupuk kandang ayam dosis 10 t ha-1, (3) P2: Pupuk kandang ayam 20 t ha-1, (4) P3: Pupuk kandang kambing dosis 10 t ha-1, (5) P4: Pupuk kandang kambing 20 t ha-1, (6) P5: Pupuk kandang sapi 10 t ha-1, (7) P6: Pupuk kandang sapi 20 t ha-1. Faktor kedua adalah pupuk anorganik NPK Phonska 15-15-15 (A) terdiri dari 3 perlakuan yaitu (1) A0: Tanpa pupuk anorganik, (2) A1: Pupuk anorganik 150 kg ha-1 atau 50% dosis dari dosis anjuran, (3) A2: Pupuk anorganik 300 kg ha-1 atau 100% dosis anjuran, sehingga terdapat 21 perlakuan dengan 3x ulangan. Parameter yang diamati yaitu sifat kimia (pH tanah, C-Organik, N-Total, P-Total, P-Tersedia), dan sifat biologi yaitu (Populasi Bakteri Pelarut Fosfat dan Bakteri Penambat Nitrogen), serta pada tanaman (Pertumbuhan, Produksi, dan Serapan Hara N dan P Tanaman Jagung Manis). Data pengamatan dianalisis dengan ANOVA uji F taraf 5%, jika terdapat pengaruh nyata diuji lanjut menggunakan uji DMRT dengan taraf 5%. Analisis korelasi dan regresi dilakukan untuk melihat hubungan antar parameter, dilanjutkan uji efektivitas menggunakan metode de garmo dan uji Relative Agronomic Effectiveness untuk menentukan perlakuan terbaik yang dapat direkomendasikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian berbagai jenis pupuk kandang dan pupuk anorganik tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap pH tanah, dan berpengaruh nyata terhadap peningkatan (C-Organik berkisar 0,44-1,61%,N-Total 0,10-0,20%, P-Total 107,89-279,71 mg 100 g-1, dan P-Tersedia 67,84-124,85 ppm) dibandingkan kontrol (C-Organik 0,29%, N-Total 0,09%, P-Total 23,93 mg 100 g-1, dan P-Tersedia 12,71 ppm). Tidak terdapat interaksi antara berbagi jenis pupuk kandang dan pupuk anorganik terhadap populasi bakteri. Pemberian berbagai jenis pupuk kandang berpengaruh nyata terhadap peningkatan (populasi bakteri pelarut P berkisar 13,80 x 105-17,62 x 105 CFU g-1, dan populasi bakteri penambat N 12,81 x 106-25,66 x 106 CFU g-1) dibandingakan kontrol (populasi bakteri pelarut P 10,99 x 105 CFU g-1, dan populasi bakteri penambat N 10,14 x 106 CFU g-1). Pemberian berbagai jenis pupuk kandang dan pupuk anorganik berpengaruh nyata terhadap tinggi tanaman 28 HST berkisar antara 22,87-31,17 cm, dan 42 HST 42,80-108,07 cm, produksi berat tongkol 116,67-375 g tanaman-1. Terdapat korelasi yang kuat terhadap produksi tanaman dengan serapan P-tanaman sebesar 0,64, dan serapan N-tanaman dengan P-tanaman sebesar 0,68. Pemberian 50% pupuk anorganik yang dikombinasikan bersama 20 t ha-1 berbagai jenis pupuk kandang dapat memperbaiki sifat kimia, biologi tanah dan produksi tanaman jagung manis. Pemberian 10 t ha-1 pupuk kandang ayam + 150 kg ha-1 NPK 15-15-15 (P1A1) dengan nilai RAE sebesar 102,20%, dan 20 t ha-1 pupuk kandang ayam + 150 kg ha-1 NPK 15-15-15 (P2A1) RAE sebesar 101,65% menjadi perlakuan yang direkomendasikan dalam mempertahankan produksi tanaman jagung manis di Inceptisol Karangploso Malang.

English Abstract

Intensive use of cultivated land by farmers still uses artificial inputs such as inorganic fertilizers to maintain crop yields. Excessive use of inorganic fertilizers can have a negative impact on soil fertility, characterized by a decrease in soil properties. Various efforts have been made to increase soil fertility. One way is by adding organic materials. Manure is an organic fertilizer that is often used to increase soil organic matter, and can increase the efficiency of using inorganic fertilizers. However, the application of manure has not completely replaced the function of inorganic fertilizer, so the combination of various types of manure and inorganic fertilizer is important to research to determine the most optimum type and dose of fertilizer. This research aims to improve the chemical and biological properties of the soil and look at the production of sweet corn plants in Inceptisol Karangploso Malang. The research was carried out from July 2022-January 2023. The research used a factorial randomized block design consisting of two factors: The first factor was various types of manure (P) consisting of 7 treatments, namely (1) P0: No manure, (2) P1: Chicken manure dose 10 t ha-1, (3) P2: Chicken manure 20 t ha-1, (4) P3: Goat manure dose 10 t ha-1, (5) P4: Goat manure 20 t ha-1, (6) P5: Cow manure 10 t ha-1, (7) P6: Cow manure 20 t ha-1. The second factor is inorganic fertilizer NPK Phonska 15-15-15 (A) consisting of 3 treatments, namely (1) A0: Without inorganic fertilizer, (2) A1: Inorganic fertilizer 150 kg ha-1 or 50% of the recommended dose, (3) A2: Inorganic fertilizer 300 kg ha-1 or 100% recommended dose. There were 21 treatments with 3 repetitions. The parameters observed were chemical properties (soil pH, C-Organic, N-Total, P-Total, P-Available), and biological properties namely (Population of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria and Nitrogen Fixing Bacteria), as well as in plants (Growth, Production, and N and P Nutrient Uptake of Sweet Corn Plants). The observation data was analyzed using the ANOVA F test at a 5% level. If there was a real effect, it was further tested using the DMRT test at a 5% level. Correlation and regression analysis was carried out to see the relationship between parameters, followed by effectiveness testing using the de garmo method and the Relative Agronomic Effectiveness test to determine the best treatment that can be recommended. The results of the study showed that the application of various types of manure and inorganic fertilizer did not have a significant effect on soil pH, and had a significant effect on increasing (C-Organic ranged from 0,44-1,61%, N-Total 0,10-0,20%, P-Total 107,89-279,71 mg 100 g-1, and P-Available 67,84-124,85 ppm) compared to control (C-Organic 0,29%, N-Total 0,09%, P- Total 23,93 mg 100 g-1, and P-Available 12,71 ppm). There was no interaction between different types of manure and inorganic fertilizer on bacterial populations. The application of various types of manure had a significant effect on the increase (the population of P-solubilizing bacteria ranged from 13,80 x 105-17,62 x 105 CFU g-1, and the population of N-fixing bacteria was 12,81 x 106-25,66 x 106 CFU g-1) compared to controls (P-solubilizing bacterial population 10,99 x 105 CFU g-1, and N-fixing bacterial population 10,14 x 106 CFU g-1). Application various types of manure and inorganic fertilizer had a significant effect on plant height at 28 days after planting ranging from 22,87-31,17 cm, and at 42 days after planting 42,80-108,07 cm, production of cob weight of 116,67-375 g plant-1. There is a strong correlation with plant production with plant P uptake of 0,64, and plant N uptake with plant P uptake of 0,68. Application 50% inorganic fertilizer combined with 20 t ha-1 of various types of manure can improve the chemical, biological properties of the soil and production of sweet corn. Application 10 t ha-1 chicken manure + 150 kg ha-1 NPK 15-15-15 (P1A1) with an RAE value of 102,20%, and 20 t ha-1 chicken manure + 150 kg ha-1 NPK 15-15-15 (P2A1) RAE of 101,65% is the recommended treatment in maintaining sweet corn production in Inceptisol Karangploso Malang.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 0423040013
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Ilmu Tanah
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 01 Feb 2024 06:08
Last Modified: 01 Feb 2024 06:08
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/215395
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