Perancangan Rebranding Produk Fashion Ecoprint Ngagem Sae di Yogyakarta dalam Upaya untuk Meningkatkan Brand Awareness

Wardhani, Maulidia Kusuma and Citra Dewi Megawati, S.Sn., M.T. (2023) Perancangan Rebranding Produk Fashion Ecoprint Ngagem Sae di Yogyakarta dalam Upaya untuk Meningkatkan Brand Awareness. Diploma thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Ngagem Sae merupakan brand fashion ecoprint yang berasal dari kota Yogyakarta. Identitas logo dari brand Ngagem Sae masih berkesan kaku, kurang dinamis serta tidak adanya konsistensi pada media promosi dan pengaplikasian identitas visual. Selain itu, kegiatan promosi hanya bergantung pada promosi mouth-to-mouth sehingga menyebabkan kurangnya kesadaran akan merek oleh masyarakat terhadap brand Ngagem Sae di Yogyakarta. Terbukti dari hasil kuesioner yang dilakukan banyak yang belum mengetahui mengenai brand identity dari Ngagem Sae. Permasalahan diatas merupakan alasan yang menjadi latar belakang mengenai perancangan rebranding produk fashion ecoprint Ngagem Sae. Perancangan ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan brand identity baru yang mempengaruhi tingkat brand awareness agar masyarakat tahu mengenai keberadaan brand Ngagem Sae. Dalam perancangan ini menggunakan mix method dengan tahapan pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan kuesioner untuk memperoleh data yang ada. Hasil dari perancangan ini berupa logo dan buku pedoman pengenalan identitas baru graphic standard manual sebagai produk utama dan produk pendukung berupa packaging, katalog produk, poster, stamp, price tag, kartu nama, sticker, employee uniform dan instagram template. Diharapkan, perancangan rebranding ini dapat meningkatkan brand awareness dari brand Ngagem Sae terhadap masyarakat di kota Yogakarta.

English Abstract

Ngagem Sae is an ecoprint fashion brand from Yogyakarta. The logo identity of the Ngagem Sae brand still seems rigid, less dynamic and there is no consistency in promotional media and the application of visual identity. In addition, promotional activities only depend on mouth-to-mouth promotion, causing a lack of brand awareness by the public of the Ngagem Sae brand in Yogyakarta. It is evident from the results of the questionnaire that many do not know about the brand identity of Ngagem Sae. The above problems are the reason that became the background for the design of the rebranding of Ngagem Sae ecoprint fashion products. This design aims to create a new brand identity that affects the level of brand awareness so that people know about the existence of the Ngagem Sae brand. In this design using a mix method with data collection stages through observation, interviews, and questionnaires to obtain existing data. The results of this design are in the form of a logo and a new identity introduction guidebook graphic standard manual as the main product and supporting products in the form of packaging, product catalog, poster, stamp, price tag, business card, sticker, employee uniform and Instagram templates. Hopefully, this rebranding design can increase brand awareness of the Ngagem Sae brand to the people in the city of Yogyakarta.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Identification Number: 052317
Uncontrolled Keywords: Brand Awareness, Brand Identity, Ecoprint, Logo, Ngagem Sae, Rebranding
Divisions: Program Vokasi > D4 Desain Grafis
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username tunjungsari
Date Deposited: 01 Feb 2024 01:30
Last Modified: 01 Feb 2024 01:30
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