Analisis Asuhan Keperawatan Maternitas dengan Intervensi Masase Fundus pada Ny. D dengan Hemoragic Post Partum di Puskesmas Tumpang Malang

Pasaka, Yuris and Dr. Asti M. Astari, S.Kp, M.Kep, Sp.Mat and Dr. Ns. Fransiska Imavike F., S.Kep, M.Nurs (2024) Analisis Asuhan Keperawatan Maternitas dengan Intervensi Masase Fundus pada Ny. D dengan Hemoragic Post Partum di Puskesmas Tumpang Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Hemoragic post partum (perdarahan paska salin) merupakan perdarahan yang mengancam kematian ibu pasca melahirkan. Penyebab perdarahan paska salin meliputi tone (atonia uteri), tissue (retensio plasenta, sisa plasenta), tears (laserasi jalan lahir), dan thrombin (gangguan pembekuan darah). Sekitar 50-60% kejadian perdarahan paska salin disebabkan oleh atonia uteri, yang diakibatkan karena kelemahan atau tidak adanya kontraksi uterus. Kontraksi uterus diperlukan agar proses involusi uterus berlangsung dengan baik dan mencegah sub involusi uteri. Guna merangsang kontraksi otot polos uterus dan mengatasi perdarahan dibutuhkan pemberian masase fundus. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan asuhan keperawatan komprehensif untuk kasus perdarahan paska salin. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis asuhan keperawatan dengan penerapan terapi masase fundus sebagai teknik nonfarmakologik dalam mengatasi masalah keperawatan yang ada. Adapun diagnosa keperawatan yang ditemukan pada Ny. D yaitu ketidaknyamanan pasca partum, risiko infeksi dan ansietas. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi keperawatan selama 3 hari didapatkan masalah ketidaknyamanan pasca partum teratasi, risiko infeksi teratasi dan ansietas teratasi sesuai indikator luaran yang ditetapkan.

English Abstract

Postpartum hemorrhage (heavy bleeding after childbirth) refers to bleeding that may cause death to women after giving birth. The causes of postpartum hemorrhage include tone (uterine atony), tissue (retained placenta), tears (perineal lacerations), and thrombin (blood coagulation). Of 50-60% postpartum hemorrhage incidents are caused by uterine atony, of which resulted from the inadequate or the failure of the uterus to contract. Uterine contraction is needed in order for the uterus involution to happen and prevents uterus sub-involution. To stimulate the contraction of uterine smooth muscle and to deal with the bleeding, fundal massage is needed. The purpose of the study is to carry out comprehensive nursing care for the heavy bleeding after childbirth case. The study used an analysis method of nursing care with the implementation of fundal massage therapy as the non-pharmacological intervention technique to deal with the nursing issues happening. Furthermore, the nursing diagnosis found in Mrs. D case is those of postpartum discomforts, risk of infection and anxiety. Based on the nursing evaluation results, for 3 days it was found out that the postpartum discomforts were relieved, the risk of infection was dealt with, and the anxiety was coped with in accordance with the predetermined external indicators.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0524160006
Uncontrolled Keywords: hemoragic post partum, ketidaknyamanan pasca partum, risiko infeksi, ansietas, masase fundus-postpartum hemorrhage, postpartum discomfort, risk of infection, anxiety, fundal massage
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan > Profesi Keperawatan
Depositing User: Sugeng Moelyono
Date Deposited: 13 Feb 2024 07:48
Last Modified: 13 Feb 2024 07:48
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