Upaya Diplomasi Ekonomi Indonesia Dalam Meningkatkan Ekspor Ekonomi Kreatif Ke Switzerland Tahun 2020-2022

Indah Adiyobikenia, Shania and Dian Mutmainah, S. IP, MA (2023) Upaya Diplomasi Ekonomi Indonesia Dalam Meningkatkan Ekspor Ekonomi Kreatif Ke Switzerland Tahun 2020-2022. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


COVID-19 telah membuat upaya diplomasi ekonomi menjadi fleksibel. Indonesia terpaksa menyesuaikan kebijakan diplomasi ekonomi guna menangani wabah tersebut. Oleh dari itu, Indonesia melirik potensi sektor ekonomi kreatif sebagai strategi baru diplomasi ekonomi. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kontribusi signifikan sektor tersebut terhadap perekonomian Indonesia di kala pandemi. Selain itu, penelitian ini pun juga signifikan berkat strategi diversifikasi pasar diplomasi ekonomi Indonesia di masa COVID ke pasar non-tradisional, terutama di Swiss yang konsisten menyerap ekspor ekonomi kreatif di tahun 2020-2022. Padahal, ekspor Indonesia ke Swiss secara keseluruhan di masa pandemi sempat mengalami penurunan. Maka dari itu, upaya diplomasi ekonomi dalam meningkatkan ekspor ekonomi kreatif menjadi fokus penelitian penulis di Swiss. Dalam melakukan penelitian ini, peneliti melihat upaya diplomasi ekonomi yang dilakukan dengan mengacu pada gagasan four stages of economic diplomacy milik Kishan Rana melalui pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Peneliti menggunakan data-data sekunder, dengan merujuk informasi dari jurnal, website, sosial media, dan dokumen resmi. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa perwakilan pemerintah Indonesia di Swiss melakukan diplomasi ekonomi melalui image building - economic salesmanship - economic networking and advocacy - regulation management & resource mobilization. Kemudian dalam analisisnya, tahapan economic salesmanship dan image building merupakan dua upaya yang paling efektif dilakukan oleh pemerintah dan perwakilan pemerintah Indonesia di Swiss dibandingkan tahapan lainnya. Hal ini dikarenakan oleh upaya terfokus KBRI Bern dalam mempromosikan TTI melalui kegiatan-kegiatan seperti pameran dagang, festival, bazar, dan media sosial.

English Abstract

COVID-19 has made economic diplomacy efforts flexible by forcing Indonesia to adjust its policies. In doing so, Indonesia considers the creative economy sector's potential as a fresh approach to economic diplomacy. This is due to the sector's significant contribution to the Indonesian economy during the pandemic. Apart from that, this research highlights the market diversification strategy to non-traditional markets, especially in Switzerland which consistently absorbs creative economy exports in 2020-2022. Therefore, the focus of this research is the economic diplomacy efforts made by Indonesia to increase creative economy exports in Switzerland. In conducting this research, the author looked at economic diplomacy efforts carried out by referring to Kishan Rana's four stages of economic diplomacy idea through a descriptive qualitative approach. This thesis cites from secondary data, referring to information from journals, websites, social media and official documents. This research found that Indonesian government representatives in Switzerland carried out economic diplomacy through image building - economic salesmanship - economic networking and advocacy - regulation management & resource mobilization. Then in the analysis, the economic salesmanship and image building stages are the two most effective efforts carried out by the government and representatives of the Indonesian government in Switzerland. This is due to the focused efforts of the Indonesian Embassy in Bern in promoting TTI through activities such as trade fairs, festivals, bazaars and social media.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052311
Uncontrolled Keywords: Four Stage of Economy Diplomacy, Diplomasi Ekonomi, Ekonomi Kreatif, Four Stage of Economy Diplomacy, Economic Diplomacy, Creative Economy
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik > Hubungan Internasional
Depositing User: Annisti Nurul F
Date Deposited: 29 Jan 2024 00:59
Last Modified: 29 Jan 2024 00:59
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/214134
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