Pengaruh Electronic Word of Mouth (E-WOM) Terhadap Perilaku Pembelian Impulsif Produk The Originote Pada Aplikasi TikTok

Khansa Ufairah Sofian, Nurul and Dian Tamitiadini, S.I.Kom., M.Si (2023) Pengaruh Electronic Word of Mouth (E-WOM) Terhadap Perilaku Pembelian Impulsif Produk The Originote Pada Aplikasi TikTok. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian ini mengkaji pengaruh Electronic Word of Mouth terhadap perilaku pembelian impulsif produk The Originote pada aplikasi TikTok. Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat apakah Electronic Word of Mouth (e-WOM) memberikan pengaruh terhadap pembelian impulsif produk The Originote pada aplikasi TikTok yang dilihat dari tiga dimensi Electronic Word of Mouth yaitu Intensity (X1), Valence of Opinion (X2), dan Content (X3) serta pembelain impulsif sebagai variabel (Y). Dalam penelitian ini, penulis menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Kuesioner akan disebarkan kepada 100 responden secara daring dengan memberikan Google Form kepada seluruh responden yang pernah membeli produk The Originote di TikTok dan memenuhi kriteria menjadi anggota sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kuesioner yang digunakan telah valid dan reliabel. Selain itu, variabel independen dan dependen dalam model regresi berdistribusi normal dan tidak terjadi heteroskedastisitas. Hasil uji koefisien korelasi pada penelitian ini sebesar 79,4% yang menunjukkan bahwa hubungan antara variabel X dengan Y dapat dinyatakan kuat. Hasil pada uji t menunjukkan bahwa dimensi valence of opinion dan content berpengaruh secara parsial terhadap pembelian impulsif. Sedangkan intensity tidak berpengaruh secara parsial terhadap pembelian impulsif. Hasil pada uji F menunjukkan bahwa electronic word of mouth berpengaruh secara simultan terhadap pembelian impulsif. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa electronic word of mouth berpengaruh secara positif terhadap pembelian impulsif produk The Originote di TikTok.

English Abstract

This study examines the effect of Electronic Word of Mouth on the impulse buying behavior of The Originote products in the TikTok application. This study aims to see whether Electronic Word of Mouth (e-WOM) has an influence on impulse purchases of The Originote products on the TikTok application which is seen from the three dimensions of Electronic Word of Mouth, namely Intensity (X1), Valence of Opinion (X2), and Content (X3) and impulse buying as variable (Y). In this study, the authors used quantitative methods. The questionnaire will be distributed to 100 respondents online by providing Google Forms to all respondents who have purchased The Originote products on TikTok and meet the criteria to become sample members. The results showed that the questionnaire used was valid and reliable. In addition, the independent and dependent variables in the regression model are normally distributed and there is no heteroscedasticity. The correlation coefficient test results in this study amounted to 79.4%, which indicates that the relationship between variables X and Y can be stated as strong. The results of the t test show that the dimensions of valence of opinion and content partially affect impulse buying. Meanwhile, intensity has no partial effect on impulse purchases. The results of the F test show that electronic word of mouth simultaneously affects impulse purchases. Based on this research, it can be concluded that electronic word of mouth has a positive effect on impulse purchases of The Originote products on TikTok.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052311
Uncontrolled Keywords: electronic word of mouth, perilaku pembelian impulsif, The Originote, electronic word of mouth, impulse buying, The Originote
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik > Ilmu Komunikasi
Depositing User: Annisti Nurul F
Date Deposited: 26 Jan 2024 00:54
Last Modified: 26 Jan 2024 00:54
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