Putro, M. Rifqi Al Hakim Gono and Dr. Ir. Sandra Malin Sutan, MP and La Choviya Hawa, STP., MP, Ph.D (2022) Pengaruh Kadar Air Pada Beberapa Sifat Fisik Dan Mekanik Gabah Beras Merah. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Salah satu jenis beras yang banyak dikembangkan di wilayah Indonesia adalah beras merah. Karena, beras merah sendiri merupakan beras yang memiliki aroma khas yang harum serta memiliki daya simpan yang tinggi. Karateristik fisik bahan merupakan salah satu sifat bahan yang sangat penting untuk analisis, penanganan (handling), serta operasi-operasi pengolahan pangan dan rekayasa produk pangan disamping sifat kimia dan sifat biokimia. . Rangkuman data fisik sangat diperlukan untuk menunjang keberlanjutan penelitian tentang varietas beras merah, dengan data yang lengkap dapat dijadikan referensi untuk perancang alat dan mesin pertanian untuk menentukan bagaimana suatu alat atau mesin akan dirancang, guna mendapatkan nilai efisiensi yang lebih tinggi. Minimnya informasi sifat fisik dan rangkuman data lengkap tentangnya menjadikan penanganan beras merah kurang efisien. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah Mengidentifikasi sifat fisik dan mekanik gabah beras merah dan menyusun rangkuman data lengkap sifat fisik dan mekanik gabah beras merah. Pada penelitian ini gabah beras merah dipisahkan dari malainya secara manual untuk mengurangi resiko kerusakan gabah. Kadar air gabah ditentukan menjadi tiga perlakuan yaitu 12,00% (b.b), 16,00% (b.b), 20,00% (b.b). kemudian sampel dimasukkan ke dalam plastik polietilen dan ditutup rapat, kemudian disimpan pada freezer pada suhu ±5o C selama 48 jam, sampel dikeluarkan dari freezer dan didiamkan sekitar 1 jam pada suhu ruang. Diukur dimensi, diameter, volume, luas permukaan, massa 1000 biji, densitas, porositas, sudut luncur, koefisien friksi, dan kuat tekan. Data yang didapat disusun menjadi rangkuman data lengkap. Sifat fisik dan mekanis gabah beras merah dengan kadar air 12%, 16%, dan 20% menghasilkan rata-rata dimensi mayor sebesar 8,218 mm, dimensi minor 2,164 mm, dimensi intermediet 3,483 mm, diameter aritmatika 4,617 mm, diameter geometri 3,974 mm, diameter kuadrat 4,235 mm, kebulatan 0,510, volume 66,70 mm3, luas permukaan 32,75 mm2, massa 100 biji 27,628 gram , bulk density 0,55 gr/cm3, true density 0,87 gr/cm3, porositas 37%, kuat tekan 7,288 kgf, sudut luncur (kaca) 30,830, sudut luncur (triplek) 39,230, sudut luncur (stainless steel) 20,360, koefisien friksi (kaca) 0,601, koefisien friksi (triplek) 0,824, dan koefisien friksi (stainless steel) 0,372.
English Abstract
One of the type of rice that is widely developed in Indonesia is brown rice. Because, brown rice itself is rice that has a distinctive aroma that is fragrant and has a high shelf life. The physical characteristics of materials are one of the very important material properties for analysis, handling, and operations of food processing and engineering of food products in addition to chemical and biochemical properties. . Summary of physical data is very necessary to support the sustainability of research on brown rice varieties, with complete data that can be used as a reference for designers of agricultural tools and machines to determine how a tool or machine will be designed, in order to get a higher efficiency value. The lack of information on physical properties and complete data summary about it makes the handling of brown rice less efficient. The purpose of this study was to identify the physical and mechanical properties of brown rice grains and to compile a complete summary of the physical and mechanical properties of brown rice grains. In this study, the brown rice grains were separated from the panicles manually to reduce the risk of grain damage. The moisture content of grain was determined into three treatments, namely 12.00% (w.b), 16.00% (w.b), 20.00% (w.b). then the sample is put into polyethylene plastic and tightly closed, then stored in the freezer at a temperature of ± 5o C for 48 hours, the sample is removed from the freezer and allowed to stand for about 1 hour at room temperature. Measured dimensions, diameter, volume, surface area, mass of 1000 seeds, density, porosity, sliding angle, coefficient of friction, and compressive strength. The data obtained are compiled into a complete data summary. Physical and mechanical properties of brown rice grain with moisture content of 12%, 16%, and 20% resulted in an average major dimension of 8.218 mm, minor dimensions of 2.164 mm, intermediate dimensions of 3.483 mm, arithmetic diameter of 4.617 mm, geometric diameter of 3.974 mm, diameter of squared 4.235 mm, roundness 0.510, volume 66.70 mm3, surface area 32.75 mm2, mass 100 seeds 27.628 grams, bulk density 0.55 gr/cm3, true density 0.87 gr/cm3, porosity 37%, compressive strength 7.288 kgf, sliding angle (glass) 30.830, sliding angle (plywood) 39.230, sliding angle (stainless steel) 20.360, coefficient of friction (glass) 0.601, coefficient of friction (plywood) 0.824, and coefficient of friction (stainless steel) 0.372.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 052210 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Gabah Beras Merah, Sifat Fisik, Kadar Air |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Endang Susworini |
Date Deposited: | 31 Jan 2024 02:23 |
Last Modified: | 31 Jan 2024 02:23 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/213545 |
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