Strategi Pengembangan Lahan Berbasis Agroforestri Dan Agrowisata Kopi (Coffea Spp) Di Koridor Kawasan Penyangga Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru Jawa Timur

Zayadi, Hasan and Prof. Luchman Hakim,, S.Si., M.Agr.Sc., Ph.D. and Dr. Ir. Sudarto, MS., MS. and Prof. Dr. Jati Batoro,, M.Si. (2024) Strategi Pengembangan Lahan Berbasis Agroforestri Dan Agrowisata Kopi (Coffea Spp) Di Koridor Kawasan Penyangga Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru Jawa Timur. Doktor thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kelestarian kawasan TNBTS dan upaya konservasi keanekaragaman hayati di TNBTS tidak terlepas dari kawasan pedesaan di sekitarnya, khususnya di kabupaten Malang meliputi kecamatan Poncokusumo, Wajak, Jabung, Tirtoyudo, Dampit dan Ampelgading. Kawasan pedesaan yang berbatasan langsung dengan TNBTS dan Perhutani merupakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari kawasan penyangga (Buffer zone). Akan tetapi, dalam beberapa tahun terakhir beberapa kawasan khususnya di kawasan desa yang berbatasan langsung dengan TNBTS banyak yang mengalami alih fungsi lahan dalam pengelolaannya dan juga adanya penambangan pasir yang tentunya akan memberikan ancaman terhadap kondisi biodiversitas yang ada pada TNBTS secara tidak langsung. Dampak yang ditimbulkan antara lain: adanya degradasi lahan, penebangan hutan, pembabatan hutan untuk konversi lahan pertanian dan penambangan pasir serta adanya perubahan iklim global memberikan dampak terhadap produktivitas pertanian masyarakat sekitar dan juga secara langsung akan memberikan dampak potensial atas terancamnya biodiversitas. Pendekatan berbasis lanskap diperlukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut. Pendekatan ini mencoba memfasilitasi berbagai kepentingan dalam pengelolaan wilayah dalam skala lanskap. Kegiatan yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan di atas adalah dengan melakukan Restorasi kawasan. Restorasi kawasan konservasi dapat berupa pelibatan masyarakat melalui pemeliharaan, perlindungan, penanaman, penangkaran satwa dan pelepasliaran fauna. Kegiatan restorasi harus melibatkan masyarakat sekitar kawasan hutan, khususnya masyarakat eks perambah untuk mendapatkan dukungan dan jaminan keberhasilan. Salah satu upaya restorasi yang sudah pernah dilakukan adalah melakukan rehabilitasi melalui pola tanam sistem agroforestri, salah satunya adalah dengan sistem agroforestri kopi. Di samping adanya ancaman di kawasan TNBTS terutama di kawasan penyangga, ada aspek lain yang berpotensi dalam pengembangan kawasan yakni di sektor pariwisata. Oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu kajian yang lebih mendalam dalam mengelola suatu kawasan terutama kawasan penyangga (desa yang berbatasan langsung dengan TNBTS) agar didapatkan strategi lahan agroforestri dan agrowisata berbasis kopi di kawasan penyangga TNBTS dengan mengintegrasikan aspek lanskap kawasan, biodiversitas, sosial ekonomi dan budaya masyarakat serta potensi atraksi wisata sehingga dapat dijadikan strategi pengembangan agrowisata berbasis kopi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada tahun 2022 di Kawasan desa penyangga TNBTS di Kecamatan Poncokusumo (Sumberejo) dan Wajak (Patokpicis dan Bambang)

English Abstract

The sustainability of the TNBTS area and efforts to conserve biodiversity in TNBTS cannot be separated from the surrounding rural areas, especially in Malang district including Poncokusumo, Wajak, Jabung, Tirtoyudo, Dampit and Ampelgading sub-districts. Rural areas directly adjacent to TNBTS and Perhutani are an integral part of the buffer zone. However, in recent years several areas, especially in the village area directly adjacent to TNBTS, have experienced land use change in their management and also sand mining which will certainly pose a threat to the condition of biodiversity in TNBTS indirectly. The impacts include: land degradation, deforestation, forest clearing for agricultural land conversion and sand mining, as well as global climate change, which impacts the agricultural productivity of the surrounding community and will also directly impact the potential threat to biodiversity. A landscape-based approach is needed to address these issues. This approach tries to facilitate various interests in managing the area at a landscape scale. Activities that can be carried out to overcome the above problems are to restore the area. Conservation area restoration can take the form of community involvement through maintenance, protection, planting, animal breeding and fauna release. Restoration activities must involve communities around the forest area, especially former encroachers, to gain support and guarantee success. One of the restoration efforts that have been carried out is rehabilitation through agroforestry system planting patterns, one of which is the coffee agroforestry system. In addition to the threats in the TNBTS area, especially in the buffer zone, there are other aspects that have potential in developing the area, namely in the tourism sector. Therefore, a more in-depth study is needed in managing an area, especially the buffer zone (villages directly adjacent to TNBTS) in order to obtain a strategy for agroforestry land and coffee-based agritourism in the buffer zone of TNBTS by integrating aspects of the regional landscape, biodiversity, socio-economic and cultural communities and potential tourist attractions so that it can be used as a coffee-based agritourism development strategy. This research was conducted in 2022 in the TNBTS buffer village area in Poncokusumo (Sumberejo) and Wajak (Patokpicis and Bambang) Districts of Malang Regency, which are directly adjacent to TNBTS. This research procedure includes: a). landscape mapping of the area in coffee-based agroforestry land, b). Profile of biodiversity conditions in coffee agroforestry land, c). Profile of social, economic and cultural conditions of the community around the area related to knowledge and management of coffee agroforestry land and d). Formulation of coffee-based agroforestry and agro-tourism land strategies in the buffer zone of TNBTS. The Land Capability Class obtained 4 categories namely class II, III, IV and VII on coffee-based agroforestry land (Coffea spp) in the corridor of the East Java TNBTS buffer zone which shows that the MPA is suitable for utilization as coffee agroforestry land. Class VII needs special attention to be utilized by prioritizing land conservation. The condition of flora diversity in coffee agroforestry land (Coffea spp) in the East Java TNBTS buffer zone corridor obtained 71 species. In Sumberejo village, the value is 3.12 (High category) while in Patokpicis (2.96) and Bambang (2.94) villages fall into the medium category. The general description of the social, economic and cultural conditions of the community related to the coffee (Coffea spp) agroforestry restoration program in the corridor of the East Java TNBTS buffer zone is still relatively low. Especially in the level of education and community income. There are 3 types of tourist attractions found, namely natural tourism, artificial tourism and cultural tourism in accessibility between locations that are easily accessible so that they support the concept of coffee-based agrotourism (Coffea spp) in the corridor of the East Java TNBTS buffer zone. The strategy of agroforestry land and coffee-based agro-tourism (Coffea spp) in the East Java TNBTS buffer zone is located in quadrant I which indicates to implement an aggressive strategy. By optimizing existing strengths and opportunities.

Item Type: Thesis (Doktor)
Identification Number: 0624090002
Divisions: S2/S3 > Doktor Biologi, Fakultas MIPA
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username nova
Date Deposited: 26 Jan 2024 02:09
Last Modified: 26 Jan 2024 02:09
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