Muthiah, Ghina Khansa and Dr. Reka Dewantara, S.H., M.H and Afrizal Mukti Wibowo, S.H., M.H (2023) Akibat Hukum Atas Fraud Terhadap Laporan Penilaian Sendiri (Self Assessment) Oleh Perusahaan Perasuransian. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Pada Skripsi ini menjelaskan bahwa keberadaan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) sebagai suatu lembaga pengawas sektor keuangan di Indonesia perlu untuk diperhatikan salah satunya di bidang asuransi. Dijelaskan bahwa OJK berwenang dalam memberikan perlindungan kepada konsumen asuransi sebagai bagian dari fungsi pengawasan OJK. Sebagai upaya memberikan perlindungan bagi konsumen sektor jasa keuangan, OJK mengesahkan Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Nomor 6/POJK.07/2022 tentang Perlindungan Konsumen dan Masyarakat di Sektor Jasa Keuangan. Pada bagian kesepuluh Pasal 43 POJK No. 6/POJK.07/2022 tentang penilaian sendiri, bahwa PUJK wajib melakukan penilaian sendiri terhadap pemenuhan ketentuan Perlindungan Konsumen dan Masyarakat. Namun, tidak ada pengaturan dalam POJK No. 6/POJK.07/2022 yang mengatur sanksi apabila pelaku usaha jasa keuangan melakukan tindakan Fraud terhadap laporan penilaian sendiri. Berdasarkan hal tersebut di atas, skripsi ini mengangkat rumusan masalah sebagai berikut: (1) Bagaimana akibat hukum atas Fraud terhadap penilaian sendiri (self assessment) oleh perusahaan perasuransian berdasarkan POJK No. 6 tahun 2022 Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen Dan Masyarakat Di Sektor Jasa Keuangan? (2) Apakah urgensi pengaturan sanksi atas Fraud terhadap penilaian sendiri (self assessment) oleh perusahaan perasuransian berdasarkan POJK No. 6 tahun 2022 Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen Dan Masyarakat Di Sektor Jasa Keuangan? Kemudian untuk menjawab permasalahan yang ada, penulis menggunakan jenis penelitian yuridis normatif dengan metode pendekatan perundang-undangan (statue approach), pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach). Bahan hukum primer, sekunder, dan tersier serta menggunakan interpretasi gramatikal dan sistematis. Dari analisis terhadap POJK No. 6 tahun 2022 Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen Dan Masyarakat Di Sektor Jasa Keuangan, belum ada pengaturan terkait sanksi yang disebabkan atas tindakan Fraud terhadap Laporan Penilaian Sendiri (SelfAssessment) yang diwajibkan oleh OJK bagi perusahaan perasuransian. Tindakan fraud atas Laporan Penilaian Sendiri (Self-Assessment) termasuk@zx Perbuatan@zx Melawan@zxHukum@zxberdasarkan@zxPasal@zx1365@zxKUHPerdata karena tidak terpenuhinya hak konsumen untuk mendapatkan informasi yang benar. Perusahaan@zx perasuransian@zx wajib@zx memberikan@zx kompensasi,@zx ganti@zx rugi@zx dan@zx penggantian@zx kepada@zx Pemegang@zx Polis@zx selaku@zx konsumen@zx apabila@zx dapat@zx dibuktikan@zx terjadi@zx kerugian@zx yang@zx diakibatkan@zx oleh@zx fraud@zx atas@zx Laporan@zx Self-Assessment@zxtersebut. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya pengaturan lebih lanjut untuk mengatasi kekosongan dalam konsekuensi hukum yang diberikan kepada perusahaan perasuransian atas tindakan fraud terhadap Laporan Penilaian Sendiri, dimana hal ini perlu dilakukan dalam rangka memberikan perlindungan terhadap konsumen.
English Abstract
This thesis explains that the existence of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) as a financial sector supervisory institution in Indonesia needs to be considered, one of which is in the field of insurance. It is explained that the OJK is authorized to provide protection to insurance consumers as part of the OJK's supervisory function. As an effort to provide protection for consumers of the financial services sector, OJK has passed the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 6/ POJK.07/2022 concerning Consumer and Community Protection in the Financial Services Sector. In the tenth part of Article 43 of POJK No. 6/POJK.07/2022 concerning self-assessment, that PUJK is obliged to conduct a self-assessment of the fulfillment of the provisions of Consumer and Community Protection. However, there is no regulation in POJK No. 6/POJK.07/2022 which regulates sanctions if financial service business actors commit fraud against self-assessment reports. Based on the above, this thesis raises the following problem formulations: (1) What are the legal consequences of Fraud against self-assessment by insurance companies based on POJK No. 6 of 2022 concerning Consumer and Community Protection in the Financial Services Sector? (2) what is the regulation urgency of sanctions for Fraud against self-assessment by insurance companies based on POJK No. 6 of 2022 concerning Consumer and Community Protection in the Financial Services Sector? Then to answer the existing problems, the author uses a type of normative juridical research with a statue approach method, conceptual approach. Primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials and using grammatical and systematic interpretations. From the analysis of POJK No. 6 of 2022 concerning Consumer and Community Protection in the Financial Services Sector, there are no regulations related to sanctions caused by fraud against the Self-Assessment Report required by the OJK for insurance companies. Fraudulent actions on the Self-Assessment Report include Unlawful Acts based on Article 1365 of the Civil Code because consumer’s right to obtain correct information are not fulfilled. Insurance companies are obliged to provide compensation, compensation and reimbursement to Policy Holders as consumers if it can be proven that there is a loss caused by fraud on the SelfAssessment Report. Therefore, it is necessary to have further arrangements to overcome the void in the legal consequences given to insurance companies for fraud against their Self-Assessment Reports, where this needs to be done in order to provide protection to consumers.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 052301 |
Divisions: | Fakultas Hukum > Ilmu Hukum |
Depositing User: | Samuri |
Date Deposited: | 22 Jan 2024 03:40 |
Last Modified: | 22 Jan 2024 03:40 |
URI: | |
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