Analisis Postur Kerja pada Pekerja Produksi Kue Semprit dengan Menggunakan Metode Workplace Ergonomics Risk Assessment (WERA) (Studi Kasus: UMKM Kue Semprit Riho)

Rinanda, Shonia Nauvaly Dwi Rizky and Ir. Amanda Nur Cahyawati, ST., MT. and Ir. Ihwan Hamdala,, ST., MT., IPM (2023) Analisis Postur Kerja pada Pekerja Produksi Kue Semprit dengan Menggunakan Metode Workplace Ergonomics Risk Assessment (WERA) (Studi Kasus: UMKM Kue Semprit Riho). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


UMKM Kue Semprit Riho merupakan usaha milik Bapak Handoyo yang bergerak dibidang industri olahan makanan kue kering di Kota Malang. Jenis olahan kue kering yang diproduksi yaitu kue semprit. Banyaknya permintaan atau demand dari konsumen menjadikan usaha rumahan ini dapat bertahan hingga saat ini. Produk Kue Semprit Riho dipasarkan ke daerah dalam Kota Malang hingga luar kota seperti Surabaya, Blitar, Madiun, Kediri dan lain-lain. Proses pembuatan produk di UMKM ini sebagian besar dilakukan oleh tenaga manusia secara manual. Pada kondisi aktual, kenyamanan para pekerja dalam melakukan pekerjaan masih kurang diperhatikan. Setelah dilakukan wawancara, terdapat beberapa keluhan sakit pada bagian tubuh para pekerja seperti pegal pada punggung, tangan, bahu dan leher. Dari hasil observasi yang dilakukan pada UMKM Kue Semprit Riho, terlihat kondisi postur kerja para pekerja pada UMKM tersebut juga masih kurang baik. Dengan adanya hal tersebut, peneliti melakukan pendetailan dengan wawancara pada para pekerja UMKM Kue Semprit Riho untuk mengetahui tingkat keluhan sakit bagian tubuh pekerja menggunakan metode Nordic Body Map. Hasil dari wawancara tersebut dapat diketahui terdapat tindakan berupa perbaikan pada proses pengupasan kulit kelapa dengan skor NBM sebesar 73 yang berarti diperlukannya tindakan segera, proses pencetakan adonan pekerja 1 dan 2 masing masing 67 dan 59 yang berarti mungkin diperlukan tindakan dikemudian hari. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis lebih lanjut secara objektif pada workstation tersebut menggunakan metode Workplace Ergonomic Risk Assessment (WERA) yang mengukur beberapa faktor antara lain postur bagian tubuh, repetisi, forceful, getaran, kontak stress, dan durasi kerja. Dari hasil analisis pengukuran tersebut, dapat diketahui skor pekerja pengupasan kulit kelapa sebesar 37, pekerja 1 dan 2 pencetakan adonan secara berturut turut sebesar 39 dan 42 yang ketiga skor tersebut berdasarkan klasifikasi WERA terdapat pada tingkat risiko medium atau tugas/pekerjaan perlu dilakukan investigasi dan memerlukan adanya perubahan/perbaikan. Rekomendasi perbaikan yang diberikan pada UMKM Kue Semprit Riho adalah berupa usulan rancangan desain material handling, meja kerja workstation pengupasan kulit kelapa, meja dan kursi kerja workstation pencetakan adonan. Rekomendasi tersebut menggunakan acuan data antropometri Indonesia dan telah disesuaikan pula dengan kondisi yang ada pada UMKM. Setelah dilakukan analisis pengukuran kembali pada usulan perbaikan, di dapatkan estimasi hasil skor pada workstation penngupasan kulit kelapa sebesar 24 dan workstation pencetakan adonan sebesar 27 dan skor tersebut berdasarkan action level WERA berada pada tingkat risiko low yang berarti tugas/pekerjaan dapat diterima.

English Abstract

UMKM Kue Semprit Riho is a business owned by Mr. Handoyo, which is engaged in the pastry food processing industry in Malang City. The type of processed pastries produced is kue semprit. The large number of requests or demand from consumers makes this home-based business able to survive until now. Kue Semprit Riho products are marketed to areas within Malang City to outside the city such as Surabaya, Blitar, Madiun, Kediri and others. The process of making products in this UMKM is mostly done by human labor manually. In actual conditions, the comfort of workers in doing work is still not considered. After conducting interviews, there were several complaints of pain in the body parts of the workers such as aches in the back, hands, shoulders and neck. From the results of observations made at the UMKM Kue Semprit Riho, it was seen that the working posture conditions of the workers at the UMKM were also still not good. With this, the researcher conducted a detailed interview with the workers of the UMKM Kue Semprit Riho to find out the level of complaints of pain in the body parts of workers using the Nordic Body Map method. The results of these interviews can be seen that there are actions in the form of improvements in the coconut skin stripping process with an NBM score of 73 which means that immediate action is needed, the dough molding process for workers 1 and 2 is 67 and 59 respectively, which means that action may be needed in the future. Furthermore, further analysis was carried out objectively at the workstation using the Workplace Ergonomic Risk Assessment (WERA) method which measured several factors including body part posture, repetition, forceful, vibration, contact stress, and work duration. From the results of the measurement analysis, it can be seen that the score of the coconut husk stripping worker is 37, workers 1 and 2 molding the dough are 39 and 42 respectively, the three scores based on the WERA classification are at a medium risk level or the task/work needs to be investigated and requires changes/improvements The improvement recommendations given to UMKM Kue Semprit Riho are in the form of proposed material handling design designs, coconut skin stripping workstation work tables, tables and chairs for dough molding workstations. These recommendations use references to Indonesian anthropometric data and have also been adjusted to the existing conditions in UMKM. After analyzing the measurements again on the proposed improvements, the estimated score on the coconut skin stripping workstation is 24 and the dough printing workstation is 27 and the score based on the WERA action level is at a low risk level which means the task / work is acceptable

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052307
Uncontrolled Keywords: Ergonomi, Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs), Nordic Body Map (NBM), Workplace Ergonomic Risk Assessment (WERA)-Ergonomics, Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs), Nordic Body Map (NBM), Workplace Ergonomic Risk Assessment (WERA).
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Industri
Depositing User: Emy Sukartini
Date Deposited: 19 Jan 2024 06:32
Last Modified: 19 Jan 2024 06:32
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