Produksi Sapi Pedaging Pasca Penyakit Mulut dan Kuku (PMK) di Peternakan Rakyat Kabupaten Magetan

Anugrah Ramadhan, Muhammad and Prof. Dr. Ir. Kuswati, MS., IPM., ASEAN En and drh. Widi Nugroho (2023) Produksi Sapi Pedaging Pasca Penyakit Mulut dan Kuku (PMK) di Peternakan Rakyat Kabupaten Magetan. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui produksi api pedaging pasca Penyakit Mulut dan Kuku (PMK) di Peternakan Rakyat Desa Janggan dan Desa Nglopang Kabupaten Magetan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli – Agustus 2022 di Desa Janggan dan Desa Nglopang, Kabupaten Magetan, Jawa Timur. Materi dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 200 peternak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei dan observasi dengan pengamatan dan wawancara langsung terhadap peternak. Penentuan jumlah sampling menggunakan total sampling dan jumlah peternak sebagai responden berdasarkan hasil penelusuran ke pemerintah desa setempat. Struktur populasi di Desa Janggan menunjukkan bahwa pemeliharaan sapi jantan sebesar 81,05% dan sapi betina sebesar 18,94%. Sedangkan di Desa Nglopang, pemeliharaan sapi betina lebih banyak yakni 84,53% daripada sapi jantan sebanyak 15,47% dari total populasi. Populasi dan persentase induk tersedia menunjukan peranakan Limousin dan peranakan Simental di Desa Janggan sebesar 11,57% dari total populasi, sedangkan di Desa Nglopang memiliki total induk yang lebih tinggi yaitu 69,61% dari total populasi. Produksi sapi pedaging dari aspek NI dan Calf Crop pasca PMK berdasarkan struktur populasi menunjukkan nilai NI dan Calf Crop masing-masing adalah 27,62% dan 36,81% dalam satu tahun terakhir, hal ini dipengaruhi oleh kelahiran ternak, kematian ternak, dan populasi induk. Jumlah ternak yang terkena virus Penyakit Mulut dan Kuku di Desa Janggan memiliki persentase 75,43% dengan jumlah 215 ekor. Sedangkan yang tidak terinfeksi virus PMK memiliki persentase 24,56% dengan jumlah 70 ekor dari total populasi 285 ekor. Sebagian besar ternak yang terinfeksi adalah sapi pedaging jantan sebesar 61,05% dan betina hanya 14,39% dari total populasi. Sedangkan di Desa Nglopang jumlah ternak yang terkena virus Penyakit Mulut dan Kuku di Desa Nglopang memiliki persentase 63,53% dengan jumlah 115 ekor. Sedangkan yang tidak terinfeksi virus PMK memiliki persentase 36,46% dengan jumlah 66 ekor dari total populasi 181 ekor. Sebagian besar ternak yang terinfeksi didominasi oleh sapi pedaging betina sebesar 52,49% dan jantan sebesar 11,05% dari total populasi yang tertular virus PMK. Persentase penerapan GFP di Desa Janggan terdapat pada skala usaha I, II dan III yakni 34,91%, 37,55% dan 37,92%. Secara keseluruhan nilai GFP di peternakan rakyat Desa Janggan memiliki nilai rataan dari Skala I dengan nilai 1,39, Skala II dengan nilai 1,50 dan Skala III dengan nilai 1,51. Sedangkan persentase penerapan GFP terdapat pada skala usaha I, II dan III yakni 35,83%, 32,39% dan 42,87%. Secara keseluruhan nilai GFP di peternakan rakyat Desa Janggan memiliki nilai rataan dari Skala I 1,44, Skala II dengan nilai 1,30 dan Skala III dengan nilai 1,72. Kedua desa antara Desa Janggan dan Desa Nglopang memiliki kategori Penerapan Good Farming Practices "Kurang Baik" yang menyebabkan penularan virus PMK

English Abstract

The purpose of this study was to determine the production of broiler fires after Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in People's Farms in Janggan Village and Nglopang Village, Magetan Regency. This research was conducted in July – August 2022 in Janggan Village and Nglopang Village, Magetan Regency, East Java. The material in this study were Limousin and Simmental Peranakan bulls which were divided into 3 age levels: PI2 (2-2.5 years), PI4 (2.5-3 years), and PI6 (3-3.5 years) with The number of samples is 200 breeders. This study used survey and observation methods with direct observations and interviews with farmers. Determination of the number of samples using total sampling and the number of farmers as respondents based on the results of tracing to the local village government. The population structure in Janggan Village shows that keeping bulls is 81.05% and cows are 18.94%. Meanwhile in Nglopang Village, the rearing of female cows is more, namely 84.53% than bulls as much as 15.47% of the total population. The population and percentage of available broodstock showed that the Limousin and Simental breeds in Janggan Village were 11.57% of the total population, while those in Nglopang Village had a higher total brood of 69.61% of the total population. Production of beef cattle from the aspect of NI and Calf Crop after PMK based on population structure shows the value of NI and Calf Crop respectively 27.62% and 36.81% in the last year, this is influenced by the birth of cattle, livestock mortality and population parent. Foot and mouth disease will affect the value of NI and calf crop, but smallholder farmers directly sell livestock infected with FMD, so this does not affect the low value of NI and calf crop. The percentage of livestock affected by the Foot and Mouth Disease virus in Janggan Village was 75.43% with a total of 215 heads. While those who were not infected with the FMD virus had a percentage of 24.56% with a total of 70 individuals out of a total population of 285 individuals. Most of the infected livestock were male broiler cattle at 61.05% and only 14.39% female of the total population. Whereas in Nglopang Village the number of livestock affected by the Foot and Mouth Disease virus in Nglopang Village has a percentage of 63.53% with a total of 115 heads. While those who were not infected with the FMD virus had a percentage of 36.46% with a total of 66 form total population. Most of the infected livestock were dominated by female broiler cattle at 52.49% and males at 11.05% of the total population infected with the FMD virus. The percentage of GFP implementation in Janggan Village was on business scale I, II and III, namely 34.91%, 37.55% and 37.92%. Overall the GFP value in the people's farms in Janggan Village has an average value of Scale I with a value of 1.39, Scale II with a value of 1.50 and Scale III with a value of 1.51. While the percentage of GFP implementation was found on business scale I, II and III, namely 35.83%, 32.39% and 42.87%. Overall the GFP value in the people's farms in Janggan Village has an average value of Scale I 1.44, Scale II with a value of 1.30 and Scale III with a value of 1.72. The two villages between Janggan Village and Nglopang Village have the "Less Good" category of Application of Good Farming Practices which causes transmission of the FMD virus.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 042305
Uncontrolled Keywords: Calf crop, NI, FMD, and Good Farming Practice
Divisions: S2/S3 > Doktor Ilmu Ternak, Fakultas Peternakan
Depositing User: Annisti Nurul F
Date Deposited: 19 Jan 2024 05:26
Last Modified: 19 Jan 2024 05:26
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