Anisa, Nurfa and Prof. Ir. Djarot B. Darmadi,, M.T., Ph.D. and Sugiono,, ST., MT., Ph.D. (2022) Peran Bio-Aktivator Getah Pepaya Pada Pengolahan Recycled Pulp Terhadap Efisiensi Energi Di Industri Kertas. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
RINGKASAN Nurfa Anisa, Program Doktor Teknik Mesin, Minat Teknik Industri Manufaktur, Departemen Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Brawijaya Malang, Juni 2022, Peran Bio-Aktivator Getah Pepaya Pada Pengolahan Recycled Pulp Terhadap Efisiensi Energi Di Industri Kertas, Pembimbing Utama: I.N.G Wardana, Pembimbing Pendamping 1: Djarot B. Darmadi, Pembimbing Pendamping 2: Sugiono Industri kertas termasuk kategori industri terbesar di dunia. Kertas banyak memberi manfaat pada kehidupan umat manusia, dan terbukti sangat mendukung kegiatan di berbagai bidang. Sehingga kertas diproduksi dan dikonsumsi di seluruh dunia. Namun, kemajuan ekonomi di sektor produksi dan konsumsi kertas berdampak tingginya konsumsi energi dan air, biaya variabel-variabel lainnya, dan kelestarian lingkungan. Sehingga dibutuhkan cara agar tercapai keseimbangan antara pertumbuhan ekonomi dan perlindungan lingkungan. Bioteknologi berbasis enzyme membantu pengurangan biaya produksi dan menawarkan teknologi yang ramah lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini berfokus pada penambahan enzyme getah pepaya sebagai bio-aktivator pada pengolahan recycled pulp untuk meningkatkan efisiensi energi di industri kertas. Digunakan metode hidrolisis recycled pulp dengan cara membuat percobaan spesimen 5 gram pulp kering dicampur 150 ml air. Spesimen lainnya, ditambah 6 gram pepaya muda. Selanjutnya, campuran dikeringkan berupa pulp lembaran (handsheets) untuk bahan uji karakterisasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bio-aktivator dalam air membentuk ion bio (+) dan ion bio (-), peningkatan ion Hidrogen dalam air menjadikan air bersifat asam, diketahui dari uji derajat keasaman (pH). Ion bio (+) dan ion bio (-) dapat menggerus gugus fungsi pada lembah mikrostalagmit, merubah morfologi permukaan serat yang berakibat pada perubahan dinding porous yang berfungsi sebagai penyimpanan air (water retention) menjadi lebih besar volumenya. Serat menjadi lebih menggelembung (bulky), sehingga memperluas permukaan serat (surface area), yang diketahui dari uji SEM. Akibatnya terjadi peningkatan fibrilasi yang meningkatkan ikatan antar serat, berdampak peningkatkan kekuatan serat (strength), yaitu kekuatan tarik 24,7% dari 1,78 Nm/g ke 2,22 Nm/g, dan kekuatan retak/jebol 30% dari 0,210% kN/g ke 0,273kN/g, dan kekuatan sobek 3,4% dari 4,399 mNm/g ke 4,548 mNm/g. Bio-aktivator getah pepaya juga berperan terhadap perubahan unsur Chlorine (Cl) yang terlepas dari serat, diketahui melalui uji EDX. Chlorine biasanya digunakan untuk pemutihan (bleaching) serat. Bio-aktivator getah pepaya mampu melepaskan gugus fungsi yang mengandung pewarna seperti Bromide, Iodide, Chloride, dan Fluoride, berdampak meningkatkan kemampuan pemutihan (bleachability), sehingga meningkatkan derajat putih (whiteness) serat 3,19 poin dari 26,74 ke 29,93. Perubahan gugus fungsi diketahui melalui uji FTIR. Partikel-partikel hasil penggerusan, tinta pewarna, dan kotoran-kotoran yang diikat oleh bio-aktivator dilepaskan ke dalam air, sehingga nilai kekeruhan meningkat, diketahui melalui uji turbidity. Dengan uji freeness metode CSF, diketahui nilai freeness lebih rendah akibat peningkatan water retention, sehingga terjadi penurunan konsumsi energi di mesin refining 3,95% yaitu 4,934 kWh dari 124,906 kWh ke 119,972 kWh. Kata kunci: Bio-aktivator getah pepaya, recycled pulp, fibrilasi, turbidity, whiteness, freeness
English Abstract
SUMMARY Nurfa Anisa, Doctoral Program in Mechanical Engineering, Interest in Manufacturing Industrial Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Brawijaya University Malang, June 2022, The Role of Carica Papaya Latex Bio-Activator in Recycled Pulp Processing on Energy Efficiency in the Paper Industry, Main Advisor: I.N.G Wardana, Advisor 1: Djarot B. Darmadi, Advisor 2: Sugiono The paper industry is one of the largest industrial categories in the world. Paper provides many benefits to human life, and has proven to be very supportive of activities in various fields. So paper is produced and consumed all over the world. However, economic progress in the production and consumption of paper has an impact on high energy and water consumption, cost of other variables, and environmental sustainability. So we need a way to achieve a balance between economic growth and environmental protection. Enzyme-based biotechnology helps reduce production costs and offers an environmentally friendly technology. The purpose of this research focuses on the addition of papaya latex enzymes as bio-activators in recycled pulp processing to increase energy efficiency in the paper industry. The recycled pulp hydrolysis method was used by making experimental specimens of 5 grams of dry pulp mixed with 150 ml of water. Other specimen, plus 6 grams of young papaya. Next, the mixture is dried in the form of handsheets for the characterization test material. The result of this research is that the bio-activator in water forms bio ions (+) and bio ions (-), the increase in Hydrogen ions in water makes water acidic, it is known from the acidity test (pH). Bio ions (+) and bio ions (-) can erode the fuctional groups in the microstalagmite valley, changing the morphology of the fiber surface which results in changes in the porous walls that function as water retention to become larger in volume. The fiber is more bubbly, thus expanding the surface area of the fiber, which is known from the SEM test. As a result, there is an increase in fibrillation which increase the bond between the fibers, resulting in an increase in the fiber strength, namely the tensile strength of 24.7% from 1.78 Nm/g to 2.22 Nm/g, and the strength of the burst 30% from 0.210% kN/g to 0.273 kN/g, and the tear strength was 3.4% from 4.399 mNm/g to 4.548 mNm/g. Papaya latex bio-activator also plays a role in changes in the element Chlorine (Cl) released from the fiber, it is known through the EDX test. Chlorine is usually used for bleaching fibers. Papaya latex bio-activators is able to release functional groups containing dyes such as Bromide, Iodide, Chloride, and Fluoride, which has the effect of increasing the bleachability, thereby increasing the whiteness of the fiber 3.19 points from 26.74 to 29.93. Changes in functional groups are known through the FTIR test. Particles resulting from grinding, coloring ink, and impurities bound by the bio-activator are released into the water, so that the turbidity value increase, which is known through the turbidity test. With the freeness test of the CSF methods, it is known that the lower freeness value is due to increase in water retention, so that there is a decrease in energy consumption in the refining machine by 3.95%, namely 4.934 kWh from 124.906 kWh to 119.972 kWh. Keywords: Bio-activator of papaya latex, recycled pulp, fibrillation, turbidity, whiteness, freeness
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 052307 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Bio-aktivator getah pepaya, recycled pulp, fibrilasi, turbidity, whiteness, freeness |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Mesin |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with username saputro |
Date Deposited: | 19 Jan 2024 03:00 |
Last Modified: | 19 Jan 2024 03:00 |
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