Studi Perencanaan Unit Bangunan Instalasi Pengelolaan dan Distribusi Pipa Utama Air Bersih di Desa Semanten dan Sambong, Kabupaten Pacitan.

Adinda, Ramaditya Hafizh and Ir. Rini Wahyu Sayekti, MS and Ir. Moh. Solichin, MT., Ph.D, IPU (2023) Studi Perencanaan Unit Bangunan Instalasi Pengelolaan dan Distribusi Pipa Utama Air Bersih di Desa Semanten dan Sambong, Kabupaten Pacitan. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh masih adanya Masyarakat yang belum terlayani. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang suatu bagnunan pengelolaan air bersih agar dapat melayani untuk Desa Semanten dan Sambong. Hasil dari kualitas airnya belum memenuhi syarat sebagai air bersih. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan total kebutuhan air masyarakat Desa Semanten dan Sambong yaitu 1.058.313 Lt/hari atau dengan debit 13,3 Lt/ detik agar dapat melayani kebutuhan air bersih masyarakat Desa Semanten dan Sambong. Unit pengelolaan air besih ini berupa bangunan Intake, unit koagulasi, unit flokulasi, unit sedimentasi, unit filtrasi, unit filtrasi, unit reservoir, dan unit hidran umum. Dari perhitungan anggaran didapatkan total anggaran yaitu Rp 483.536.460. Pemerintah Kabupaten Pacitan terutama PDAM Pacitan diharapkan dapat menyediakan Instalasi Pengelolaan Air Bersih di setiap wilayah pemerintahannya. Serta melindungi dan merawat sumber mata air baku penolahan air bersih.

English Abstract

This research is motivated by the existence of communities that have not been served. This research aims to design a clean water management structure so that it can serve Semanten and Sambong Villages. The results of the water quality do not meet the requirements as clean water. From the research results, it was found that the total water needs of the people of Semanten and Sambong Villages were 1,058,313 Lt/day or with a discharge of 13.3 Lt/second in order to serve the clean water needs of the people of Semanten and Sambong Villages. The clean water management unit is in the form of an Intake building, a unit coagulation, flocculation units, sedimentation units, filtration units, filtration units, reservoir units, and general hydrant units. From budget calculations, the total budget is IDR 483,536,460. The Pacitan Regency Government, especially PDAM Pacitan, is expected to be able to provide Clean Water Management Installations in every area of its government. As well as protecting and maintaining raw water sources for clean water processing.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052307
Uncontrolled Keywords: Pengelolaan Instalasi, Air bersih, Watercad V8i, Sungai Grindulu, Installation Management, Clean Water, Watercad V8i, Grindulu River.
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Pengairan
Depositing User: Zainul Mustofa
Date Deposited: 18 Jan 2024 07:18
Last Modified: 18 Jan 2024 07:18
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