Optimasi Formulasi Clay Mask Ekstrak Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera) Menggunakan Metode Simplex Lattice Design (SLD)

Resita Maudina Ayu, Setyawati and Dr. Ir. Susinggih Wijana,, MS. and Beauty Suestining D. Dewanti,, ST, MT, Ph.D. (2023) Optimasi Formulasi Clay Mask Ekstrak Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera) Menggunakan Metode Simplex Lattice Design (SLD). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Beberapa masalah wajah yang banyak dialami oleh masyarakat Indonesia yaitu penuaan dini, flek hitam, dan jerawat. Penuaan dini ditimbulkan akibat paparan sinar matahari yang menyebabkan terbentuknya radikal bebas. Salah satu perawatan wajah yang efisien untuk dilakukan yaitu dengan penggunaan masker organik. Clay mask adalah masker yang berbahan dasar tanah liat yang kaya akan kandungan mineralnya. Pada daun kelor mengandung antioksidan tinggi seperti tanin, flavonoid, saponin, fitosterol, fenolik, dan polyphenol. Senyawa-senyawa tersebut baik untuk kesehatan maupun kulit, serta berperan sebagai antipenuaan dan dapat melindungi dari paparan sinar UV. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui pengaruh formulasi clay mask terhadap aktivitas antioksidan, pH, kadar air, waktu mengering, dan daya sebar, serta mengetahui formula yang paling optimum sebagai sediaan clay mask ekstrak daun kelor. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mengekstraksi bahan menggunakan metode maserasi dan etanol 96% sebagai pelarutnya. Rancangan penelitian yang dilakukan dirancang dengan metode Simplex Lattice Design (SLD) dengan dua faktor perlakuan dan lima respon. Faktor perlakuan yang digunakan yaitu konsentrasi ekstrak daun kelor dan bubuk clay. Penelitian dengan metode Simplex Lattice Design (SLD) ini dibantu menggunakan software Design Expert 13. Terdapat 8 run yang dihasilkan oleh program dengan batas bawah ekstrak daun kelor yang ditetapkan sebesar 0 gr dan batas atas 1,75 gr serta batas bawah bubuk clay sebesar 18,25 gr dan batas atas 20 gr. Berat total tiap sediaan masker yang dihasilkan yaitu 40 gram. Pengujian yang dilakukan diantaranya uji pH, uji kadar air, uji aktivitas antioksidan, uji daya sebar, dan uji waktu kering. Data dianalisis menggunakan software Design Expert 13. Prediksi hasil optimum software Design Expert 13 yaitu formula dengan konsentrasi ekstrak daun kelor 1,75 gram dan bubuk clay 18,25 gram. Nilai respon prediksi dengan formula tersebut yakni IC50 sebesar 149,419 ppm, pH 6,2, kadar air 47,59%, waktu mengering 19 menit, dan daya sebar 4,9 cm dengan nilai desirability 0,722. Proses optimasi dengan formula tersebut divalidasi sebanyak 3 kali pengulangan, yang menghasilkan nilai IC50 sebesar 146,347 ppm yang tergolong aktivitas antioksidan sedang, pH 6,19, kadar air 48,38%, waktu mengering 19 menit, dan daya sebar 4,9 cm. Kesimpulan yang dapat diperoleh yaitu konsentrasi ekstrak daun kelor dan bubuk clay memiliki pengaruh terhadap respon aktivitas antioksidan, pH, kadar air, waktu mengering, dan daya sebar. Nilai prediksi dengan hasil penelitian tidak jauh berbeda. Formula dengan konsentrasi ekstrak daun kelor 1,75 gram dan bubuk clay 18,25 gram memiliki nilai desirability 0,722. Nilai desirability 0,722 mengartikan bahwa formula tersebut diharapkan mampu menghasilkan clay mask ekstrak daun kelor dengan karakteristik yang sesuai berdasarkan target optimasi sebesar 72,2%.

English Abstract

Some of the facial problems that many Indonesian people experience are premature aging, dark spots, and acne. Premature aging is caused by exposure to sunlight which causes the formation of free radicals. One of the efficient facial treatments to do is by using organic masks. Clay mask is a mask made from clay which is rich in mineral content. Moringa leaves contain high antioxidants such as tannins, flavonoids, saponins, phytosterols, phenolics and polyphenols. These compounds are good for health and skin, and also as anti-aging and can protect against exposure to UV rays. The purpose of this study was to know the effect of the clay mask formulation on antioxidant activity, pH, water content, drying time, and dispersive power, and to know the formula used the most optimum as a clay mask preparation of Moringa leaf extract. This research was conducted by extracting the material using the maceration method and 96% ethanol as the solvent. The research design was carried out using the Simplex Lattice Design (SLD) method with two treatment factors and five responses. The treatment factors used were the concentration of moringa leaf extract and clay powder. This research using the Simplex Lattice Design (SLD) method was assisted by using Design Expert 13 software. There were 8 runs produced by the program with a lower limit for Moringa leaf extract set at 0 gr and an upper limit of 1.75 gr and a lower limit for clay powder of 18. 25 gr and the upper limit is 20 gr. The total weight of each mask preparation produced is 40 grams. Tests carried out included pH test, water content test, antioxidant activity test, spreadability test, and dry time test. Data were analyzed using Design Expert 13 software. The optimum result prediction of the Design Expert 13 software is a formula with a concentration of 1.75 grams of Moringa leaf extract and 18.25 grams of clay powder. The predicted response value with this formula is IC50 of 149.419 ppm, pH 6.2, moisture content 47.59%, drying time 19 minutes, and spreadability 4.9 cm with a desirability value of 0.722. The optimization process with this formula was validated 3 times, which resulted in an IC50 value of 146.347 ppm which was classified as moderate antioxidant activity, pH 6.19, moisture content 48.38%, drying time 19 minutes and spreadability 4.9 cm. The conclusion that can be obtained is that the concentration of moringa leaf extract and clay powder has an influence on the response of antioxidant activity, pH, water content, drying time, and dispersive power. Predictive value with research results are not much different. Formula with a concentration of 1.75 grams of Moringa leaf extract and 18.25 grams of clay powder has a desirability value of 0.722. The desirability value of 0.722 means that the formula is expected to be able to produce clay mask of Moringa leaf extract with appropriate characteristics based on an optimization target of 72.2%.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052310
Uncontrolled Keywords: Antioksidan, Clay Mask, Kelor, Maserasi, SLD Antioxidants, Clay Mask, Maceration, Moringa, SLD
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username verry
Date Deposited: 17 Jan 2024 08:50
Last Modified: 17 Jan 2024 08:50
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/211711
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