Upaya Pengadopsian Fast Track Legislation Yang Mewujudkan Partisipasi Bermakna (Meaningful Participation)

Musa, Dyah Ayu Riska and Prof. Dr. Muchamad Ali Safa’at, S.H., M.H and Dr. Dhia Al Uyun, S.H., M.H (2023) Upaya Pengadopsian Fast Track Legislation Yang Mewujudkan Partisipasi Bermakna (Meaningful Participation). Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Fenomena pengadopsian teknik fast track legislation mulai terlihat pada beberapa undang-undang. Teknik fast track legislation dikenal sebagai salah satu prosedur pembentukan undang-undang secara cepat dan telah diterapkan oleh sejumlah negara seperti Inggis, Amerika Serikat, dan Selandia Baru. Undang-undang dibentuk sebagai respon atas kehendak dan kebutuhan masyarakat dan sudah menjadi prinsipnya bahwa masyarakat berhak untuk ikut serta dalam pembentukan undang-undang. Dibentuknya undang-undang melalui fast track legislation menimbulkan kekhawatiran akan terbatasnya partisipasi masyarakatsehingga berpotensi melanggar konstitusi dan tidak sesuai dengan amanat Mahkamah Konstitusi atas pentingnya penyelenggaraanpartisipasi masyarakat bermakna dalam pembentukan peraturanperundang-undangan. Penelitian hukum normatif digunakan pada penelitian ini melalui pendekatan perundang-undangan, konsep, serta kasus dengan cara melakukan interpretasi terhadap pemaknaan fast track legislation dan partisipasi bermakna sehingga diketahui maksud dan tujuannya. Serta dilakukan perbandingan dengan sejumlah negara untuk mengilustrasikan kondisi penggunaan fast track legislation yang dapat mewujudkan partisipasi bermakna.

English Abstract

The phenomenon of adopting the fast track legislation technic is starting to be seen in several laws. The fast track legislation technic is known as one of the procedures for the rapid formation of laws and has been applied by a number of countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, and New Zealand. Laws are formed in response to the will and needs of the people and it is the principle that the people have the right to participate in the formation of laws. The drafting of laws through fast track legislation raises concerns about limited public participation, which may violate the constitution and is contrary to the Constitutional Court's mandate on the importance of organizing meaningful public participation in the formation of laws and regulations. The techniue of laws, concepts, and instances is utilized in this research to understand the meaning of fast track legislation and meaningful participation so that the objective and purpose are known. Comparisons are also made with a number of countries to illustrate the conditions of the use of fast track legislation that can realize meaningful participation.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 042301
Uncontrolled Keywords: Fast track legislation, Partisipasi bermakna, Pembentukan undang-undang
Divisions: Fakultas Hukum > Ilmu Hukum
Depositing User: Samuri
Date Deposited: 17 Jan 2024 04:17
Last Modified: 17 Jan 2024 04:17
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/211394
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2025.

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