Pusat Wisata Kesehatan Mental (Wellness Resort) dengan Fasilitas Berbasis Salutogenesis di Ubud Bali

Juliansyah, Bima and Ar. Wasiska Iyati, ST., MT., IAI. (2023) Pusat Wisata Kesehatan Mental (Wellness Resort) dengan Fasilitas Berbasis Salutogenesis di Ubud Bali. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Era revolusi industri 4.0 dan munculnya pandemi Covid-19 berdampak pada tekanan psikologis manusia yang berjalan lurus dengan peningkatan penderita gangguan kesehatan mental. WHO menyebutkan dalam tahun 2019 sebanyak 970 juta orang di seluruh dunia hidup dengan gangguan mental. Kesehatan mental adalah keadaan keseimbangan individu untuk mampu berfungsi secara efektif yang berdampak pada kemampuan untuk bertindak produktif dan berkontribusi kepada masyarakat. Dibuatlah gagasan perencanaan desain fasilitas wisata kesehatan yang berfokus pada paningkatan kesehatan mental dalam bentuk resor kesehatan dengan fasilitas yang terdiri dari spa, yoga, pusat kebugaran, meditasi, pusat spiritual, pusat pendidikan, area hewan peliharaan, unit kesehatan, dan fasilitas aktivitas luar ruangan. Pendekatan arsitektur yang digunakan adalah arsitektur berbasis salutogenesis yang dikembangkan oleh arsitek Alan Dilani berdasarkan teori salutogenesis Antonovsky. Elemen desain berdasarkan salutogenesis terdiri dari crowding space, nature, landmarks, daylight, sunlight, windows, the restorative environment, accessibility and way finding, color, music/noise, art/aesthetic elements, culture dan space for social support. Desain yang dihasilkan berupa ruang binaan yang dapat menghubungkan manusia dengan alam secara visual dan fisik, dilengkapi dengan kemudahan aksesibilitas, meningkatkan dukungan dan komunikasi sosial, dan secara langsung memberikan kepuasan visual, suara dan kelengkapan fasilitas dan dapat memberikan peningkatan kualitas kesehatan mental manusia.

English Abstract

The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 and the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic have an impact on human psychological pressure which goes straight with an increase in people with mental health disorders. WHO said in 2019 as many as 970 million people around the world lived with mental disorders. Mental health is a state of balance of individuals to be able to function effectively which impacts the ability to act productively and contribute to society. An idea was made to design a health tourism facility that focuses on improving mental health in the form of a health resort with facilities consisting of spa, yoga, fitness center, meditation, spiritual center, education center, pet area, health unit, and outdoor activity facilities.The architectural approach used is a salutogenesis-based architecture developed by architect Alan Dilani based on Antonovsky's theory of salutogenesis. Design elements based on salutogenesis consist of crowding space, nature, landmarks, daylight, sunlight, windows, the restorative environment, accessibility and way finding, color, music/noise, art/aesthetic elements, culture and space for social support. The resulting design is a built space that can connect humans with nature visually and physically, equipped with easy accessibility, improve social support and communication, and directly provide visual, sound and completeness of facilities that can improve the quality of mental health.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052307
Uncontrolled Keywords: Resor Kesehatan, Arsitektur Salutogenesis, Wisata Kesehatan, Kesehatan Mental
Subjects: 300 Social sciences > 306 Culture and institutions > 306.4 Spesific aspects of culture > 306.48 Recreation and performing arts > 306.481 General topics of recreation > 306.481 9 Travel and tourism
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Arsitektur
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username tunjungsari
Date Deposited: 16 Jan 2024 08:43
Last Modified: 16 Jan 2024 08:43
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/211145
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2025.

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