Rizqillah, Naufal Ghani and Dr.Eng. Ir. Oke Oktavianty, S.Si., MT. (2023) Implementasi Metode Lean Six Sigma Pada Proses Produksi Gula (Studi Kasus: PG Kebon Agung). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
PG Kebon Agung sebagai salah satu pabrik gula yang berkontribusi dalam pemenuhan gula kebutuhan dalam negeri memerlukan adanya perbaikan untuk meningkatkan produksi gula kristal. Dalam kinerja produksinya ditemukan bahwa terdapat kenaikan jumlah produk defect pada 3 tahun terakhir. Selain itu terjadi kenaikan durasi produksi namun hasil produksi menurun. Untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode lean six sigma. Dengan metode tersebut maka penelitian akan dibagi menjadi 4 tahap antara lain define, measure, analyze, dan improve. Pada tahap define dapat diketahui gambaran umum perusahaan dan alur produksi yang terjadi. Permasalahan utama yang ditermukan berdasaran hasil kuisioner waste assessment model dan análisis diagram Pareto dengan rasio 60/40 adalah waste defect (20%), motion(18%), dan (17%) inventory. Hasil identifikasi critical waste defect adalah bintik hitam, gula basah, dan warna gula tidak sesuai, waste motion adalah proses penumpukan karung 50 kg secara manual dan waste inventory disebabkan oleh penumpukan raw material tebu. Hasil pengukuran DPMO didapatkan waste defect sebesar 68.099, waste motion sebesar 371.111 dan waste inventory sebesar 671.896. Pada tahap analyze dilakukan análisis menggunakan interrelationship diagram dan didapatkan untuk factor terbesar waste defect adalah tenaga kerja kurang mendapatkan pelatihan dan pengawasan untuk menjalankan SOP, waste motion adalah tata kelola penempatan gudang gula yang kurang efektif dan efisien, serta untuk waste inventory adalah manajemen inventory yang kurang informatif, efektif dan efisien. Berdasarkan hasil análisis diberikan rekomendasi perbaikan berupa perbaikan pada perekrutan dan pelatihan tenaga kerja, Melakukan pembersihan dan maintanance dengan lebih optimal, Membuat production control board, perbaikan instruksi kerja pengelolaan gudang gula, penambahan material handling pada gudang, meningkatkan sistem pemesanan dari supplier serta meningkatkan jumlah mesin pengangkut tebu. Berdasarkan rekomendasi perbaikan yang telah ditentukan membutuhkan biaya pengadaan dengan nominal sebesar Rp9,970,629,774.54 yang diperlukan terdiri dari pengadaan production control board, forklift, sistem informasi pemesanan dari supplier berbasis website dan mesin pengangkutan xii tebu. Biaya tersebut masih belum termasuk biaya maintenance, biaya depresiasi, biaya kecelakaan kerja, biaya akomodasi dan lain sebagainya yang memerlukan kajian lebih mendalam.
English Abstract
PG Kebon Agung as one of the sugar factories that contributes to meeting domestic sugar needs requires improvements to increase crystal sugar production. In terms of production performance, it was found that there was an increase in the number of defective products in the last 3 years. Apart from that, there was an increase in production duration but production output decreased. To solve this problem, this research uses the lean six sigma method. With this method, the research will be divided into 4 stages, including define, measure, analyze and improve. At the define stage, you can find out the general picture of the company and the production flow that occurs. The main problems found based on the results of the waste assessment model questionnaire and Pareto diagram analysis with a 60/40 ratio were waste defects (20%), motion (18%), and (17%) inventory. The results of identifying critical waste defects are black spots, wet sugar and inappropriate sugar color, waste motion is the process of manually stacking 50 kg sacks and waste inventory is caused by the buildup of raw sugar cane material. The DPMO measurement results showed that waste defects were 68,099, motion waste was 371,111 and inventory waste was 671,896. At the analysis stage, an analysis was carried out using an interrelationship diagram and it was found that the biggest waste defect factor was that the workforce did not receive enough training and supervision to carry out SOPs, waste motion was management of the placement of sugar warehouses that was less effective and efficient, and waste inventory was inventory management that was lacking. informative, effective and efficient. Based on the results of the analysis, recommendations for improvement are given in the form of improvements to recruitment and training of workers, carrying out cleaning and maintenance more optimally, creating a production control board, improving work instructions for sugar warehouse management, adding material handling to the warehouse, improving the ordering system from suppliers and increasing the number of machines. sugar cane transporter. Based on the recommendations for improvements that have been determined, procurement costs with a nominal value of IDR 9,970,629,774.54 are required, consisting of procurement of production control boards, forklifts, ordering information systems from website-based suppliers and sugar cane transport machines. These costs still do not include maintenance xiv costs, depreciation costs, work accident costs, accommodation costs and so on which require more in-depth study.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 052307 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Gula Kristal, Interrelationship Diagram, Lean, Six sigma, TIMWOOD Waste, Crystal Sugar, Interrelationship Diagram, Lean, Six Sigma, TIMWOOD Waste. |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Industri |
Depositing User: | Zainul Mustofa |
Date Deposited: | 16 Jan 2024 02:23 |
Last Modified: | 16 Jan 2024 02:23 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/210672 |
NAUFAL GHANI RIZQILLAH.pdf Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2025. Download (3MB) |
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