Yenata, Kefas Rivaldo and Prof. Dr. Ir. Kurniatun Hairiah, Ph.D and Rizki Maulana Ishaq, S.P., M.P (2023) Kerapatan Cacing Tanah dari Berbagai Sistem Penggunaan Lahan di Kawasan Terdampak Banjir Bandang Lereng Gunung Arjuno. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Agroforestri menjadi salah satu upaya yang dapat diterapkan untuk memulihkan ekosistem dan mengembalikan jasa lingkungan dari lahan terdegradasi akibat banjir bandang yang terjadi pada tahun 2021 di Kawasan Lereng Gunung Arjuno, dengan adanya tutupan kanopi yang rapat, masukkan bahan organik yang cukup tinggi, dan mendukung aktivitas organisme tanah. Salah satu biota tanah yang bermanfaat adalah cacing tanah yang berperan penting dalam pembentukan pori makro dan meningkatkan infiltrasi, menyimpan air, dan meningkatkan total C organik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kerapatan dan keanekaragaman cacing tanah serta pengaruh tutupan kanopi terhadap kerapatan cacing tanah. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Januari hingga Mei 2023, di Sub DAS Kalisari dan Sub DAS Kalilanang kawasan lereng Gunung Arjuno. Pengambilan contoh dan cacing tanah dilakukan di 6 sistem penggunaan lahan (SPL). Pengukuran di masing-masing SPL diulang 4x di lahan yang berbeda, sehingga total plot pengamatan berjumlah 24. Luas lahan pengamatan 100 x 20 m2 . Pegambilan contoh tanah, seresah, dan cacing tanah dilakukan di sub plot utama 20 x 20 m2 sebanyak 5 titik dari kedalaman 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, dan 20-30 cm di masing-masing lahan. Selanjutnya contoh tanah komposit per kedalaman dianalisis tekstur, berat isi, berat jenis, C-organik, N-Total, dan pH tanahnya. Seresah dilakukan analisis kandungan C, N, lignin, dan polifenol. Sementara variabel pengamatan cacing tanah adalah populasi (jumlah) cacing (indiv. m-2 ), biomassa, serta dilakukan pengamatan penciri eksternal cacing menggunakan mikroskop binokuler, klasifikasi dilakukan berbasis genusnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa di lokasi penelitian terdapat 4 jenis cacing tanah yang ditemukan yaitu Amynthas sp, Amynthas sp (2), Pheretima sp, dan Pontoscolex corethrurus. Tingkat keanekaragaman dan kekayaan cacing tanah di semua SPL tergolong rendah dengan Indeks Shanon-Wiener (H’) = 0,9 dan Indeks kekayaan jenis (R) 0,52, namun tingkat kemerataan cacing tanah tergolong tinggi (Indeks E=1,08). Lahan AFKL dan HP lebih didominasi oleh jenis Pontoscolex corethrurus rata-rata INP > 96%; di lahan KB INP = 146%, sedang di lahan TS lebih didominasi oleh spesies Amynthas sp, INP 104%. Jumlah cacing tanah (P) di lahan berbasis pohon AFKL, HP, AFM, dan AFS rata-rata 33 indiv. m- 2 ,biomasa cacing (B) rata-rata 16,95 g.m-2 , dan B:P rata-rata 0,44 g/indiv. Sementara di lahan terbuka terbuka KB dan TS rata-rata P = 10 indiv.m-2 , B= 3,85 g.m-2 , dan B:P = 0,24 g/indiv. Tingkat tutupan kanopi yang lebih tinggi diperoleh jumlah cacing tanah yang lebih tinggi (r=0,34) dan biomasa cacing yang meningkat pula (r=0,39). Cadangan karbon (C) dalam tanah (Below-ground) dan di atas permukaan tanah (Above-ground) berpengaruh positif terhadap peningkatan populasi cacing tanah, namun demikian pengaruh cadangan C biomasa tanaman di atas tanah lebih kuat dari pada cadangan C tanah.
English Abstract
Agroforestry is one of the efforts that can be implemented to restore ecosystems and restore environmental services from degraded land due to flash floods that occur in 2021 on the Slopes of Mount Arjuno, through its dense canopy cover, high organic matter input and supporting the activities of soil organisms. Earthworms is one of the beneficial soil biota which play an important role in the formation of macro pores and increase infiltration and water availability, increase total organic C. This study aims to evaluate the density and diversity of earthworms and the effect of canopy cover on earthworm density. This research was conducted from January to May 2022, in the micro watershed Kalisari and Kalilanang on the slopes of Mount Arjuno. Sampling of soil and earthworms were carried out in 6 land use systems (LUS). Measurements in each LUS were repeated 4 times in different fields, that made the total number of observation plots was 24. The size observed area was 100 x 20 m2 . Sampling of soil, litter and earthworms was carried out in the main sub-plot 20 x 20 m2 at 5 points from a depth of 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm and 20-30 cm of each plot. The composite soil samples per depth were analyzed for texture, bulk density, specific gravity, total C-organic, total N and soil pH. The litter was analyzed for are the population (number) of earthworms (indiv. m-2 ), biomass, as well as observations of external characteristics of earthworms using a binocular microscope, for earthworm classification is carried out based on their genus. The results showed that at the study site there were 4 types of earthworms obtained, namely Amynthas sp, Amynthas sp (2), Pheretima sp, and Pontoscolex corethrurus. The level of diversity and richness of earthworms in all LUS is low based on the Shanon-Wiener Index (H') = 0.9 and the species richness index (R) 0.52, but the level of evenness of earthworms is high (Index E = 1.08). AFKL and HP land were dominated by Pontoscolex corethrurus with INP (Important value index) > 96%; while in KB the observed INP = 146%, while in TS land it was more dominated by Amynthas sp, with INP 104%. The number of earthworms (P) in a closer tree canopy cover AFKL, HP, AFM, and AFS averaged 33 indiv. m-2 and earthworm biomass (B) on average 17 g m-2 , ratio of B:P is 0.44 g/indiv. While in open open land use KB and TS average P = 10 indiv.m-2 , B = 3.85 g m-2 , and B:P = 0.24 g/indiv. A higher level of canopy cover resulted in a higher number of earthworms (r=0.34) and an increased earthworm biomass (r=0.39).A higher Soil Carbon (C) stocks and above-ground C stock have a positive effect on increasing earthworm populations density, however the effect of C stocks of above ground plant biomass is stronger than soil C stocks.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 052304 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Sistem Agroforestri, kerapatan cacing, Pontoscolex corethrurus |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi |
Depositing User: | maria |
Date Deposited: | 16 Jan 2024 01:26 |
Last Modified: | 16 Jan 2024 01:26 |
URI: | |
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