Pengaruh Macam Inokulum dan Jenis Kacang Kedelai yang Digunakan Terhadap Kadar Protein Terlarut dan Total Padatan Terlarut pada Tempe

Wulandini, Dinda Galuh and Dr. Ir. Nur Hidayat, MP and Prof. Dian Handayani, SKM., M.Kes., Ph.D (2023) Pengaruh Macam Inokulum dan Jenis Kacang Kedelai yang Digunakan Terhadap Kadar Protein Terlarut dan Total Padatan Terlarut pada Tempe. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tempe merupakan salah satu produk makan khas Indonesia yang pengolahannya memanfaatkan proses fermentasi. Jenis tempe yang umum dijual di pasaran Indonesia yaitu tempe kedelai dan tempe ampas tahu. Tempe kaya akan zat gizi yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber pangan penambah nilai gizi (terutama protein nabati) bagi penderita kurang gizi bagi penderita stunting, gizi buruk, pasien gagal ginjal yang mengalami gangguan metabolisme protein, dan lain sebagainya. Pembuatan tempe kedelai sangat erat kaitannya dengan bahan baku kedelai serta inokulum yang digunakan. Kedelai berdasarkan sumbernya terbagi menjadi 2, yaitu kedelai lokal dari Indonesia dan kedelai impor. Saat ini, jenis kedelai yang umum beredar di pasaran yaitu kedelai impor GMO. Padahal, banyak jenis kedelai lokal varietas unggul yang cocok digunakan dalam pembuatan tempe seperti kedelai Grobongan, Anjasmara, dan Argomulyo. Macam inokulum yang umumnya digunakan dalam pembuatan tempe yaitu usar, laru, dan inokulum bubuk dari LIPI bermerk “Raprima”. Kedua hal ini berpengaruh besar pada kadar protein terlarut dan kadar lemak dari tempe yang dihasilkan. Umumnya, kadar protein terlarut dan total padatan terlarut pada tempe berbeda-beda karena keanekaragaman aktivitas enzim protease, lipase, karbohidrase, dan phytase yang dihasilkan Rhizopus sp. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh interaksi variasi jenis inokulum dan variasi jenis kedelai pada fermentasi tempe terhadap kadar protein terlarut dan total padatan terlarut. Pengujian dalam penelitian ini meliputi uji kadar protein terlarut, kadar protein total, total padatan terlarut, dan kadar air. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 2 faktor meliputi variasi varietas kedelai serta variasi macam inokulum tempe dengan masing-masing faktor terdapat 3 level perlakuan. Macam varietas kedelai yang digunakan yaitu impor GMO (K1), lokal Grobongan (K2), dan lokal Anjasmara (K3). Macam inokulum yang digunakan yaitu usar (S1), laru (S2), dan Raprima (S3). Terdapat 9 kombinasi sampel berbeda antara lain S1 K1, S1 K2, S1 K3, S2 K1, S2 K2, S2 K3, S3 K1, S3 K2, S3 K3. Setiap perlakuan dilakukan pengulangan sebanyak 3 (tiga) kali dan hasil pengujian dianalisis menggunakan Two-Way ANOVA. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji lanjutan menggunakan uji Duncan (DMRT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa macam inokulum dan jenis kedelai mempengaruhi kadar protein terlarut, kadar protein total, daya cerna protein, dan kadar air dari tempe yang dihasilkan tetapi tidak mempengaruhi parameter total padatan terlarut. Kadar protein terlarut tempe hanya dipengaruhi oleh jenis kedelai dengan hasil terbaik tempe kedelai impor sebesar 0,956%. Kadar protein tempe dipengaruhi oleh jenis kedelai dan macam inokulum dengan hasil terbaik tempe kedelai lokal grobongan dan inokulum laru sebesar 37,69% (%bb). Daya cerna protein tempe hanya dipengaruhi oleh jenis kedelai dengan hasil terbaik tempe kedelai impor sebesar 4,175%. Kadar air tempe hanya dipengaruhi oleh jenis kedelai dengan hasil tertinggi tempe kedelai grobongan sebesar 61,07% (%bb). Diketahui tempe S3 K1 (inokulum raprima dan kedelai impor) merupakan tempe dengan interaksi terbaik dari keseluhan parameter. Hasil analisis tempe S3 K1 menunjukkan kadar protein terlarut sebesar 1,035%, total padatan terlarut sebesar 7,00 %brix, kadar protein total sebesar 22,332%, daya cerna protein sebesar 4,848%, dan kadar air sebesar 60,298%. Oleh karena itu, tempe S3 K1 direkomendasikan sebagai bahan baku pembuatan berbagai produk olahan tempe bagi diet pasien sesuai dengan kondisi penyakitnya.

English Abstract

Tempeh is one of the typical Indonesian food products whose the main processing is carried out by fermentation process. The types of tempeh that are commonly sold in the Indonesian market are soybean tempeh and tofu dregs tempeh. Tempeh is rich in nutrients that can be used as a source of food to increase nutritional value (especially vegetable protein) for stunting sufferers, malnutrition, kidney failure patients who experience protein metabolism disorders, etc. The making process of soybean tempeh can not separated from its main raw materials, namely soybean and inoculum. Based on the source, soybean is divided into 2, specifically local soybeans from Indonesia and imported soybeans. Currently, the type of soybean on the market is imported GMO soybean. In fact, many superior varieties of local soybeans are suitable for making tempeh, namely Grobongan, Anjasmara, and Argomulyo. The types of inoculum generally used in making tempeh are usar, laru, and powdered inoculum from LIPI with the "Raprima" brand. These two things have a big effect on the dissolved protein content and total dissolved solid of the tempeh final product. Generally, the soluble protein content and total dissolved solids in tempeh vary due to the diversity of protease, lipase, carbohydrase and phytase enzyme activities produced by Rhizopus sp. This study aims to analyze the interaction effect of variations in inoculum types and soybean types in tempeh fermentation on its dissolved protein and total dissolved solids. The tests that will be carried out in this study include tests of dissolved protein content, total protein content, total dissolved solids, and water content. The research design used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 2 factors including variations of soybean varieties and variations of tempeh inoculum with 3 levels of treatment for each factor. The varieties of soybean used are imported GMO (K1), local Grobogan (K2), and local Anjasmara (K3). The types of inoculum used were usar (S1), laru (S2), and Raprima (S3). There are 9 different sample combinations, i.e. S1 K1, S1 K2, S1 K3, S2 K1, S2 K2, S2 K3, S3 K1, S3 K2, S3 K3. Each treatment was repeated 3 (three) times and the test results were analyzed using Two-Way ANOVA. Further tests were carried out using Duncan's test (DMRT). The results showed that the type of inoculum and type of soybean did affect the soluble protein content, total protein content, protein digestibility, and water content of the resulting tempeh but did not affect the total soluble solids of tempeh. The soluble protein content of tempe’s protein was only influenced by the type of soybean with the best yield of imported soybean tempe being 0,956%.Tempeh’s protein content was influenced by the type of soybean and the type of inoculum with the best yield of group local soybean tempeh and laru inoculum of 37,69% (%wb). The digestibility of tempe’s protein was only influenced by the type of soybean with the best yield of imported soybean tempe being 4,175%. The moisture content of tempeh was only influenced by the type of soybean with the highest yield of group soybean tempe of 61,07% (%wb). Tempeh S3 K1 (inoculum raprima and imported soybean) is the tempeh with the best interaction of all parameters. The results of tempe S3 K1 analysis showed dissolved protein content of 1.035%, total dissolved solids of 7.00% brix, total protein content of 22.332%, protein digestibility of 4.848%, and water content of 60.298%. Therefore, S3 K1 tempeh is recommended as a raw material for making various processed tempeh products for the patient's diet according to the condition of the disease.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052310
Uncontrolled Keywords: Jenis Kedelai, Kadar Protein Terlarut, Macam Inokulum, Tempe Kedelai,Total Padatan Terlarut-Dissolved Protein Content, Inoculum Types, Soybean Tempeh, Soybean Types, Total Dissolved Solids
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email
Date Deposited: 15 Jan 2024 08:20
Last Modified: 15 Jan 2024 08:20
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