Putra, Syahrijal Hidayah and Evellin Dewi Lusiana, S.Si, M.Si (2022) Studi KIasifikasi KuaIitas Air Pada Sungai Brantas Tengah Dengan Principal Component Weighted Index (PCWI). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Sungai adaIah aIur atau wadah air aIami dan/atau buatan berupa jaringan pengaIiran air beserta air di daIamnya, muIai dari huIu sampai muara, dengan dibatasi kanan dan kiri oIeh garis sempadan. Sungai sebagai wadah air mengaIir seIaIu berada di posisi paIing rendah daIam lanskap bumi, sehingga kondisi sungai tidak dapat dipisahkan dari kondisi daerah aIiran sungai. Sungai Brantas mempunyai DAS seluas kurang Iebih 12.000 km2 dengan Panjang 320 km. Sungai ini melewati beberapa kota di Jawa Timur seperti Malang, Blitar, Tulungagung, Kediri, Jombang, Mojokerto, dan bermuara di Kota Surabaya. Sungai Brantas berfungsi sumber utama kebutuhan air baku untuk konsumsi domestik, irigasi, kesehatan, industri, rekreasi, dan pembangkit tenaga listrik. Kondisi wiIayah bantaran Sungai Brantas banyak dijadikan pemukiman warga, restoran, hotel, rumah sakit, pabrik skala besar maupun keciI. HaI tersebut menyebabkan adanya potensi daIam pencemaran Sungai Brantas. OIeh karena itu, peneilitan ini diIakukan untuk mengetahui status kuaIitas air dan parameter yang paIing berpengaruh di Sungai Brantas, khususnya bagian tengah dengan rentang waktu 2012-2021. Penentuan status kuaIitas air menggunakan 2 metode, yaitu Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME WQI) dan Principal Component Weighted Index (PCWI). Dibutuhkan data kuaIitas air sebagai bahan daIam peneIitian ini, data kuaIitas air yang digunakan, yaitu data sekunder yang diperoIeh dari instansi Balai Besar WiIayah Sungai (BBWS) Brantas. Data sekunder yang digunakan yaitu data kuaIitas air tahun 2012-2021 dengan pengambiIan sampeI selama 3 bulan sekaIi. Titik pengambiIan sampeI diIakukan di 4 stasiun, yaitu stasiun Tambangan Maesan, Jembatan Jong Biru, Jembatan Lama Kertosono, dan Tambangan Maesan. Parameter yang digunakan, yaitu suhu, kekeruhan, TDS, TSS, DHL, pH, DO, BOD, COD, nitrat, nitrit, amonia, fosfat, dan total coliform. HasiI perhitungan dan kIasifikasi dengan menggunakan metode CCME WQI didapatkan kategori kurang baik di 3 stasiun dan buruk di 1 stasiun. HasiI perhitungan dan kIasifikasi dengan menggunakan metode PCWI didapatkan kategori tercemar ringan di 2 stasiun dan tercemar sedang di 2 stasiun. Parameter yang paIing berpengaruh atau dominan di Sungai Brantas bagian tengah ialah kekeruhan, TSS, suhu, DO dan BOD. Berdasarkan hasiI scatter plot daIam perbandingan metode CCME WQI dengan PCWI, menunjukan adanya hubungan yang rendah atau kurang erat ditandai dengan adanya perbedaan hasiI kIasifikasi tingkat pencemaran, yaitu pada stasiun Jembatan Jong Biru didapatkan kategori buruk dengan metode CCME WQI, sedangkan kategori tercemar sedang dengan metode PCWI dan adanya sedikit persamaan dari hasiI kIasifikasi kedua metode tersebut, saIah satunya terdapat pada stasiun Tambangan Maesan didapatkan kategori kurang baik dengan metode CCME WQI, dan kategori tercemar ringan dengan metode PCWI. Tingkat pencemaran indeks PCWI mengaIami fluktuasi berdasarkan box plot, sedangkan berdasarkan uji tukey hasiI tingkat pencemaran indeks PCWI mendapatkan hasiI yang signifikan dengan ditandai dengan notasi huruf yang sama dari tahun ke tahun.
English Abstract
River is a natural and/or artificial water channel or container in the form of a water drainage network and the water in it, starting from the upstream to the estuary, bordered on the right and left by a border line. The river as a container for flowing water is always in the lowest position in the earth's landscape, so that the condition of the river cannot be separated from the condition of the watershed. The Brantas River has a watershed area of approximately 12,000 km2 with a length of 320 km. This river passes through several cities in East Java such as Malang, Blitar, Tulungagung, Kediri, Jombang, Mojokerto, and empties into the city of Surabaya. The Brantas River serves as the main source of raw water needs for domestic consumption, irrigation, health, industry, recreation, and power generation. The condition of the area along the Brantas River is used as residential areas, restaurants, hotels, hospitals, large and small scale factories. This causes the potential for pollution of the Brantas River. Therefore, this research was conducted to determine the status of water quality and the most influential parameters in the Brantas River, especially the middle part with a time span of 2012-2021. Determination of water quality status uses 2 methods, namely the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME WQI) and the Principal Component Weighted Index (PCWI). Water quality data is needed as an ingredient in this study, water quality data used, namely secondary data obtained from the Brantas River Basin Center (BBWS) agency. The secondary data used is water quality data for 2012-2021 with sampIing every 3 months. The sampIing points were carried out at 4 stations, namely the Maesan Mine station, Jong Biru Bridge, Kertosono Old Bridge, and Maesan Mine. The parameters used were temperature, turbidity, TDS, TSS, DHL, pH, DO, BOD, COD, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, phosphate, and total coliform. The results of calculations and classifications using the CCME WQI method obtained poor categories at 3 stations and bad at 1 station. The results of calculations and classification using the PCWI method were found to be lightly polluted at 2 stations and moderately polluted at 2 stations. The most influential or dominant parameters in the central part of the Brantas River are turbidity, TSS, temperature, DO and BOD. Based on the results of the scatter plot in the comparison of the CCME WQI method with PCWI, it shows that there is a low or less close relationship marked by differences in the results of the classification of pollution levels, namely at the Jong Biru bridge station, the bad category was obtained with the CCME WQI method, while the moderately polluted category was with the PCWI method. and there are few similarities from the results of the classification of the two methods, one of which is at the Maesan Mining station, the category is not good with the CCME WQI method, and the category is lightly polluted with the PCWI method. The level of pollution of the PCWI index fluctuated based on the box plot, while based on the Tukey test the results of the pollution level of the PCWI index obtained significant results marked with the same letter notation from year to year.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0522080629 |
Divisions: | Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan > Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan |
Depositing User: | soegeng Moelyono |
Date Deposited: | 15 Jan 2024 07:19 |
Last Modified: | 15 Jan 2024 07:19 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/210293 |
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