Nur Adiyasari, Sherina and Riska Septifani, S.TP., M.P. and Linggar Lucitra, S.TP., M.P. (2023) Pengukuran Kinerja Rantai Pasok pada Produksi Kopi Robusta dengan Metode Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) dan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) (Studi Kasus di PT Harta Mulia, Blitar). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
RINGKASAN Kopi merupakan komoditas hasil perkebunan utama di Indonesia yang dapat menghasilkan devisa negara melalui kegiatan ekspor. Salah satu penghasil kopi yang cukup terkenal di Kecamatan Nglegok, Kabupaten Blitar adalah PT Harta Mulia karena memiliki lahan yang cukup produktif untuk mengembangkan komoditas kopi. Pada tahun 2021 Kecamatan Nglegok mampu memproduksi 0,37 ton kopi. PT Harta Mulia juga memproduksi beberapa jenis kopi diantaranya robusta, excelsa, dan arabika. Salah satu kopi yang unggul di PT Harta Mulia adalah kopi robusta. Produk olahan kopi robusta diantaranya kopi biji robusta dan kopi bubuk robusta. Setiap proses akan saling berkaitan agar aliran bahan baku, jasa, dan informasi sesuai dengan permintaan sehingga perlu adanya manajemen rantai pasok. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja rantai pasok dan memberikan usulan perbaikan berdasarkan hasil pengukuran kinerja rantai pasok di PT Harta Mulia. Proses produksi kopi robusta memerlukan peningkatan kinerja dalam mengelola manajemen rantai pasok melalui pengukuran kinerja. Pengukuran kinerja rantai pasok dilakukan menggunakan metode Supply Chain Operational Reference (SCOR). SCOR adalah metode yang dapat mengukur kinerja rantai pasok secara objektif berdasarkan data yang ada. Metode AHP dalam pengukuran kinerja rantai pasok digunakan untuk mengukur indikator dan memerlukan bobot untuk perhitungannya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengukuran kinerja rantai pasok menggunakan lima proses inti yaitu plan, source, make, deliver, dan return dan dijabarkan dalam setiap atribut dan Key Performance Indicator (KPI). Metode SCOR menghasilkan 27 indikator kinerja yang terpilih. Hasil indikator akan dihitung nilai bobot prioritas perbaikan dengan metode AHP. Proses yang perlu adanya perbaikan yaitu proses make dengan nilai 0,312 dan proses deliver dengan nilai bobot 0,233. Usulan perbaikan harus dilakukan berdasarkan indikator kinerja di setiap proses inti. Total pengukuran kinerja rantai pasok PT Harta Mulia adalah 38,221 yang masuk kategori poor. Namun, terdapat beberapa indikator kinerja yang perlu dilakukan perbaikan agar kinerja rantai pasok mendapatai kategori excellent.
English Abstract
SUMMARY Coffee is the main plantation commodity in Indonesia which can generate foreign exchange for the country through export activities. One of the well known coffee producers in Nglegok District, Blitar Regency is PT Harta Mulia because it has land that is productive enough to develop coffee commodities. In 2021, Nglegok District will be able to produce 0,37 tons of coffee. PT Harta Mulia also produces several types of coffee including robusta, excelsa and arabica. One of the superior coffees at PT Harta Mulia is robusta coffee. Processed robusta coffee products include robusta bean coffee and robusta ground coffee. Each process will be interconnected so that the flow of raw materials, services and information is in accordance with demand, so there is a need for supply chain management. This research aims to analyze supply chain performance and provide suggestions for improvements based on the results of measuring supply chain performance at PT Harta Mulia. The robusta coffee production process requires increased performance in managing supply chain management through performance measurement. Supply chain performance measurement is carried out using the Supply Chain Operational Reference (SCOR) method. SCOR is a method that can measure supply chain performance objectively based on existing data. The AHP method in measuring supply chain performance is used to measure indicators and requires weights for the calculation. Based on the research results, it shows that measuring supply chain performance uses five core processes, namely plan, source, make, deliver and return and is described in each attribute and Key Performance Indicator (KPI). The SCOR method produces 27 selected performance indicators. The indicator results will calculate the improvement priority weight value using the AHP method. The processes that need improvement are the make process with a value of 0,312 and the deliver process with a weight value of 0.233. Proposed improvements must be made based on performance indicators in each core process. The total measurement of PT Harta Mulia supply chain performance is 38,221 which is in the poor category. However, there are several performance indicators that need to be improved so that supply chain performance reaches the excellent category.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 052310 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | AHP, Rantai Pasok, Pengukuran Kinerja, Proses Produksi Kopi Robusta, SCOR |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with username saputro |
Date Deposited: | 15 Jan 2024 07:17 |
Last Modified: | 15 Jan 2024 07:17 |
URI: | |
Sherina Nur Adiyasari.pdf Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2025. Download (2MB) |
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