Fakultas Pertanian. Universitas Brawijaya. Induksi Mutasi pada Alpukat dengan Iradiasi Sinar Gamma

Ihsan, Farihul and Prof. Ir. Sumeru A.,, M.Agr.Sc, PhD and Dr. Ir. Andy Soegianto,, CESA. (2023) Fakultas Pertanian. Universitas Brawijaya. Induksi Mutasi pada Alpukat dengan Iradiasi Sinar Gamma. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Alpukat (Persea americana Mill.) dianggap sebagai komoditas yang mempunyai potensi nilai ekonomi tinggi. Indonesia termasuk dalam 5 negara penghasil alpukat pada tahun 2019, namun hanya mampu mengekspor 0,05% dari total produksinya. Alpukat Cipedak merupakan salah satu varietas unggul Indonesia dan merupakan varietas terbaik untuk karakter ukuran buah, warna kulit, tekstur daging dan kandungan serat. namun juga memiliki kelemahan, yaitu: biji buah berukuran agak besar dengan porsi daging dapat dimakan (edible portion) 70 – 73 %, kulit buah dan daya simpan rendah (3-5 hari), sehingga menjadi kendala besar untuk pengiriman jarak jauh. Penelitian pemuliaan tanaman untuk perbaikan varietas dan pembentukan variasi genetik baru pada alpukat Cipedak perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan produksi dan kualitas alpukat di Indonesia, salah satunya dengan metode induksi mutasi iradiasi sinar gamma dan konsep LD50 digunakan sebagai rujukan dosis optimum iradiasi yang digunakan dalam pelaksanaan induksi mutasi. Namun, pada alpukat dengan adaptasi tropis seperti alpukat Cipedak, belum ada laporan tentang pelaksanaan induksi iradiasi sinar gamma untuk mengetahui dosis yang tepat terhadap LD50 serta pengaruhnya terhadap keragaman genetik hasil induksi mutasi. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan September 2021 hingga Maret 2022. Pelaksanaan iradiasi materi tanaman dilaksanakan di Pusat Aplikasi Isotop dan Radiasi (PAIR), Badan Atom dan Tenaga Nuklir Nasional (BATAN). Penyambungan entres yang telah diiradiasi pada batang bawah dilaksanakan di Instalasi Penelitian dan Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (IP2TP) Cukurgondang. Analisis keragaman DNA-RAPD dilakukan di Laboratorium Mutu, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Buah Tropika (Balitbu Tropika). Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan 6 perlakuan dosis iradiasi sinar gamma yaitu: Kontrol A, Kontrol B, 10 Gy, 20 Gy, 30 Gy dan 40 Gy. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pendugaan LD50 adalah 6,4 Gy. Dosis sinar gamma 30 Gy dan 40 Gy menyebabkan kematian 100%. Dosis 20 Gy menyebabkan kematian 96% namun benih yang dihasilkan tidak mampu bertunas. Kontrol A, Kontrol B dan Dosis 10 Gy menyebabkan kematian masingmasing: 9%; 32%; 78% dan dengan pertambahan panjang tunas hingga umur 20 minggu setelah sambung masing-masing: 10,83 cm; 9,99 cm; 6,48 cm. Penelitian ini telah mendapatkan 13 benih M1 alpukat yang mampu bertunas dan tumbuh dengan baik. Pengujian kemiripan fenotipik dan genotipik melalui pengamatan makro-morfologi, mikro-morfolgi dan analisa DNA-RAPD menunjukkan tingkat koefisien kemiripan masing-masing: 67-89%; 72-100%; dan 26-93%. Dosis anjuran iradiasi sinar gamma pada entres alpukat Cipedak adalah 6,4 - 20 Gy

English Abstract

Avocado (Persea americana Mill.) is one of the world's important fruit commodities. World avocado production in 2019 exceeded from 7.18 million tons. Indonesia is the 5th largest avocado-producing country of which however, only 0.05% that could be exported from its total production. Lack of superior variety, high heterogeneity of seedling, poor fruit quality, and discontinue fruits availability are the reasons for a very low overseas market access. Avocado cv. Cipedak is a superior cultivar that match the preferences of Indonesian consumers. However, it has several weaknesses, such as low edible portion (70-73%), thin skin, and short fruit shelf life (3-5 day). One effort to improve the character weakness is by mutation breeding using gamma ray irradiation. The LD50 concept is reference for the optimum dose of irradiation in mutation induction. However, in avocados with tropical adaptations such as the Cipedak avocado, there has been no report on the implementation of gamma-ray irradiation induction to determine the dose for LD50 and its effect on genetic diversity as a result of mutation induction. The research was conducted from September 2021 to March 2022. The scion irradiation was carried out at the National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia. Farther, irradiated scions were grafted at the Cukurgondang Research Station. meanwhile DNA-RAPD analysis was conducted in Molecular Laboratory of Indonesian Tropical Fruit Research Institute (ITFRI). A Randomized Block Design was used wich 6 doses gamma-ray irradiation i.e.: Control A, Control B, 10 Gy, 20 Gy, 30 Gy and 40 Gy. The result showed that the LD50 at 6.4 Gy. The results showed that 100% of mortality was given by gamma rays dose of 30 Gy and 40 Gy. Death of 96% was presented by 20 Gy dose treatment, however the grefted scion unable to germinate. Irradiation treatment in dose 10 Gy, Control B and A exhibited scions mortality of 78%, 32%, 9%, respectively. Those grafted scions displayed twig length of 6.48 cm, 9.99 cm, and 10.83 cm, respectively after 20 weeks. Induction of mutation by gamma ray irradiation at a dose of 10 Gy was conducted on Cipedak avocado shoots produced 13 first generation avocado mutants (M1). The observed variables were macro and micromorphological characters as well as DNA-RAPD analysis. The results showed that there were phenotypic and genotypic changes in 13 M1 avocados seedlings. The coefficients of differences on macro and micromorphological characters were up to 33% and 28%, respectively and the coefficient of difference for DNA-RAPD analysis was 74%. The recommended dosage of gamma-ray irradiation for Cipedak avocado scion was in the range of 6.4 - 20 Gy.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 042304
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Ilmu Tanaman, Fakultas Pertanian
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username chikyta
Date Deposited: 15 Jan 2024 06:24
Last Modified: 15 Jan 2024 06:29
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/210149
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