Dinamika Evaporasi Tanah Pada Berbagai Tutupan Lahan dan Kemiringan Lereng di Kawasan UB Forest

Waskitha, Izdihar Yoga and Prof. Dr. Ir. Zaenal Kusuma, SU and Istika Nita, SP., MP (2023) Dinamika Evaporasi Tanah Pada Berbagai Tutupan Lahan dan Kemiringan Lereng di Kawasan UB Forest. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Ketersediaan air tanah di lahan senantiasa mengalami perubahan pada musim hujan dan pada musim kemarau. Terjadinya proses evaporasi dalam waktu yang lama dapat menyebabkan kekeringan pada lahan dan menyebabkan permasalahan pada proses panen. UB Forest berada di lereng gunung dengan kelerengan 15% hingga 45% terdapat tanaman naungan berupa pinus dan mahoni yang dimanfaatkan untuk menaungi tanaman kopi dan tanaman semusim yang dibudidayakan oleh masyarakat sekitar. Perakaran tanaman semusim yang dapat mencapai 20 cm ke dalam tanah dan perakaran tanaman naungan yang bisa mencapai perakaran 40 cm, menjadi lapisan tanah yang penting untuk mengetahui kondisi ketersediaan air tanah. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis evaporasi tanah pada berbagai tutupan lahan dan kelas kelerengan di UB Forest dan menganalisis pengaruh sifat tanah; bahan organik, porositas dan pori mikro terhadap evaporasi tanah di UB Forest. Penelitian dilaksanakan di UB Forest Desa Bocek, Kecamatan Karangploso, Kabupaten Malang dan untuk analisis laboratorium sifat fisika dan kimia tanah dilakukan di Laboratorium Fisika Tanah dan Kimia Tanah, Departemen Tanah FP UB. Tahap penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari tahun 2021 sampai dengan Januari 2022, meliputi tahapan pra-survei, survei dan pasca-survei sampai dengan analisis laboratorium. Pelaksanaan penelitian terdapat 8 plot pengamatan yang berukuran 10 x 10 m2 , dengan lysimeter 40 cm dan lysimeter 20 cm pada lahan semusim dan lysimeter 40 cm pada seluruh plot pengamatan. Pengukuran curah hujan, ketebalan seresah dan kondisi kelerengan untuk menganalisis kharakteristik plot pengamatan. Analisis laboratorium terdiri dari tekstur tanah, berat isi, berat jenis, porositas tanah, pori makro, pori meso, pori mikro dan bahan organik. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis ragam menggunakan F (Anova 5%) dimana hasil Fpr <0,05 maka data kemudian dilakukan uji lanjut serta dilanjutkan dengan korelasi dan regresi. Karakteristik plot pengamatan tanaman naungan mahoni memiliki kondisi tajuk tanaman yang lebih rapat dan lebar sehingga memiliki kondisi seresah tipis namun lebih rata, sedangkan pada plot pengamatan tanaman naungan pinus memiliki tajuk tanaman dengan strata bertingkat sehingga kondisi seresah yang lebih tebal namun tidak merata. Hasil evaporasi dengan lysimeter 40 cm, didapatkan pada plot pengamatan MKS Kelas V memiliki nilai terendah dan evaporasi dengan lysimeter 20 cm didapatkan hasil terendah pada plot PKS Kelas V. Hubungan evaporasi dipengaruhi oleh berat isi tanah, porositas, pori meso dan pori mikro. Hubungan evaporasi dengan lysimeter 20 cm terhadap nilai berat isi tanah sebesar r=0,60 dan hubungan evaporasi dengan lysimeter 40 cm terhadap nilai berat isi, porositas, pori meso dan pori mikro sebesar r=-0,52; 0,75; 0,61 dan -0,58.

English Abstract

The availability of groundwater in the field is always changing during the rainy season and during the dry season. The occurrence of the evaporation process for a long time can cause drought on the land and cause problems in the harvesting process. UB Forest is located on a mountainside with a slope of 15% to 45% where there are shade plants in the form of pine and mahogany which are used to shade coffee plants and seasonal crops planted by the local community. The roots of seasonal plants which can reach 20 cm into the soil and the roots of shade plants which can reach 40 cm, there are important soil layers to determine the condition of groundwater availability. The research was aimed to analyze soil evaporation on various land cover and slope classes in UB Forest and to analyze the effect of soil properties; organic matter, porosity, and micro pores on soil evaporation in UB Forest. The research was conducted at UB Forest in Bocek Village, Karangploso District, Malang Regency and for laboratory analysis of soil physical and chemical at the Soil Physics and Soil Chemistry Laboratory, Department of Soil FP UB. The research phase was carried out from February 2021 to January 2022, covering the pre-survey, survey, and post-survey stages up to laboratory analysis. In the study, there were 8 observation plots measuring 10 x 10 m2 , with lysimeters of 40 cm and lysimeters of 20 cm in seasonal fields and lysimeters of 40 cm in all observation plots. Measurement of rainfall, litter thickness and slope conditions to analyze the characteristics of the observation plots. Laboratory analysis consisted of soil texture, bulk density, particle density, soil porosity, macro pores, meso pores, micro pores, and organic matter. The data obtained were analyzed for variance using F (5% ANOVA) where the results of Fpr <0.05, the data was then further tested and continued with correlation and regression. The characteristics of the observation plot for shade trees for mahogany have a denser and wider canopy so that it has a thinner but more even litter condition, while the observation plot for shade trees for pine has a canopy with multilevel strata so that the litter conditions are thicker but uneven. Evaporation results with a 40 cm lysimeter were obtained in the MKS Class V observation plot which had the lowest value and evaporation with a 20 cm lysimeter obtained the lowest results in Class V PKS plots. The evaporation relationship is influenced by soil bulk density, porosity, meso pores and micro pores. The relationship of evaporation with a 20 cm lysimeter to the soil unit weight value is r=0.60 and the evaporation relationship with a 40 cm lysimeter to the unit weight value, porosity, meso pore and micro pore value is r=-0.52; 0.75; 0.61 and -0.58.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052304
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username ihwan
Date Deposited: 15 Jan 2024 04:45
Last Modified: 15 Jan 2024 04:45
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/210089
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2025.

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