Analisis Risiko Halal dan Keamanan Pada Proses Produksi Sosis dengan Metode House of Risk (HOR) (Studi Kasus di PT Prima Widodo Makmur, Cianjur, Jawa Barat).

Dardiri, Hadyansyah and Dr. Retno Astuti, STP, MT and Dr. Sucipto, STP, MP (2023) Analisis Risiko Halal dan Keamanan Pada Proses Produksi Sosis dengan Metode House of Risk (HOR) (Studi Kasus di PT Prima Widodo Makmur, Cianjur, Jawa Barat). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Salah satu komoditas hasil ternak yang mengandung gizi tinggi adalah daging. Daging sapi dibutuhkan manusia karena kaya protein, asam amino, dan komponen organik lainnya. PT Prima Widodo Makmur mengolah daging sapi menjadi beberapa jenis produk salah satunya sosis. Produksi sosis di perusahaan ini memiliki kapasitas paling tinggi. Hal tersebut menyebabkan produksi sosis terdapat kekurangan yang dapat berdampak pada kehalalan dan keamanan. Manajemen risiko proses produksi merupakan salah satu upaya membantu perusahaan. Tujuan pertama penelitian ini yaitu menganalisis risiko keamanan dan kehalalan proses produksi sosis di PT Prima Widodo Makmur. Kedua, menentukan dan menghitung prioritas agen risiko keamanan dan kehalalan. Terakhir, memberikan rekomendasi strategi yang tepat untuk menghilangkan atau meminimalkan risiko proses produksi sosis di PT Prima Widodo Makmur. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah House of Risk (HOR). Metode ini berfokus pada perumusan strategi, pencegahan, pengurangan, dan penanganan beberapa agen risiko yang memiliki potensi menimbulkan lebih dari satu risiko. Diagram Pareto dibutuhkan untuk menentukan agen risiko yang diprioritaskan. Metode HOR memperhatikan agen risiko dengan rencana mitigasi (preventive action) didasarkan pada agen risiko prioritas. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian teridentifikasi 26 risk event dan 26 risk agent. Pada HOR fase 1 dilakukan penilaian severity, occurance, dan correlation. Berdasarkan perhitungan Aggregate Risk Potential (ARP) dan prinsip diagram Pareto dihasilkan tiga prioritas risk agent. Pertama, karyawan mencemari produk setelah ke kamar mandi dengan ARP 2952. Kedua, karyawan tidak menggunakan APD dan mencemari produk dengan ARP 2205. Ketiga, terdapat kotoran tikus pada mesin proses produksi dengan ARP 1638. Ketiga risk agent tersebut menyebabkan terjadi beberapa risk event. Pada HOR fase 2 didapatkan tiga preventive action prioritas dari perhitungan Correlation, Total of Effectiveness, Degree of Difficulty, dan Difficulty to Effectiveness. Ketiga preventive action prioritas adalah membuat peringatan wajib mencuci tangan sebelum masuk ruang produksi, menyediakan gloves, hair net, dan masker pada samping pintu masuk ruang produksi, dan menambal pipa saluran pembuangan dengan jaring – jaring alumunium anti tikus. Hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat mengurangi risk agent penyebab risk event kehalalan dan keamanan proses produksi sosis di perusahaan.

English Abstract

One of the livestock product commodities that contain high nutrition is meat. Beef is needed by humans because it is rich in protein, amino acids and other organic components. PT Prima Widodo Makmur processes beef into several types of products, one of which is sausage. Sausage production in this company has the highest capacity. This causes in the production of sausages there are deficiencies that can have an impact on halal and safety. Production process risk management is one of the efforts of researchers in helping companies. The first objective of this study is to analyze the safety and halal risks of the sausage production process at PT Prima Widodo Makmur. Second, determine and calculate the priority of security and halal risk agents. Finally, provide recommendations on the right strategy to eliminate or minimize the risk of the sausage production process at PT Prima Widodo Makmur. The method used in this research is House of Risk (HOR). This method focuses on the formulation of strategies, prevention, reduction and handling of several risk agents that have the potential to cause more than one risk. Pareto chart is needed to determine the priority risk agent. The HOR method pays attention to risk agents with mitigation plans (preventive actions) based on priority risk agents. Based on the research results, 26 risk events and 26 risk agents were identified. In HOR phase 1, assessment of severity, occurrence, and correlation was carried out. Based on Aggregate Risk Potential (ARP) calculations and the principle of the Pareto diagram, three priority risk agents are produced. First, employees contaminate the product after going to the bathroom with an ARP 2952. Second, employees do not use PPE and contaminate the product with an ARP 2205. Third, there is mouse droppings on the production process machine with an ARP value of 1638. The three risk agents cause several risk events. In HOR phase 2, three priority preventive actions were obtained from Correlation, Total of Effectiveness, Degree of Difficulty, and Difficulty to Effectiveness calculations. The three priority preventive actions are making warnings that it is mandatory to wash hands before entering the production room, providing gloves, hair nets and masks next to the entrance to the production room, and patching sewer pipes with aluminum anti-rat nets. The research results are expected to reduce the risk agents that cause halal risk events and the safety of the sausage production process in the company.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052310
Uncontrolled Keywords: Sosis, risiko, House of Risk, kehalalan dan keamanan, tindakan preventif, Sausage, risk, House of Risk, halal and safety, preventive action
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Hasil Pertanian
Depositing User: Annisti Nurul F
Date Deposited: 15 Jan 2024 08:35
Last Modified: 15 Jan 2024 08:35
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