Kajian Kesesuaian Habitat Jamur Patogen Serangga dari Pematang dengan Tingkat Keanekaragaman Rerumputan Berbeda.

KHOIRI., FAHMI ABDULLOH and Prof. Dr. Ir. Aminudin Afandhi,, MS and Tita Widjayanti, SP. M.Si. (2023) Kajian Kesesuaian Habitat Jamur Patogen Serangga dari Pematang dengan Tingkat Keanekaragaman Rerumputan Berbeda. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Pematang adalah struktur yang terletak di sekitar lahan pertanian padi sawah Pematang berfungsi sebagai batas lahan. Vegetasi rerumputan yang umumnya tumbuh di pematang berperan menjadi habitat berbagai organisme dan mikroorganisme. Salah satu mikroorganisme yang dapat ditemukan di pematang adalah Jamur Patogen Serangga (JPS). JPS memiliki potensi besar sebagai Agens hayati untuk mengendalikan serangga hama. Namun keberhasilan penggunaan JPS untuk pengendalian hama dipengaruhi oleh faktor lingkungan seperti kondisi habitat JPS. Habitat JPS dipengaruhi oleh kondisi lingkungan mikro seperti kelembapan, suhu, dan cahaya matahari. Faktor lingkungan mikro dipengaruhi oleh vegetasi seperti struktur vegetasi dan keanekaragaman vegetasi. Rerumputan yang tumbuh di pematang memiliki keanekaragaman yang berbeda, baik dalam hal spesies maupun struktur vegetasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui apakah ada hubungan tingkat keanekaragaman vegetasi rerumputan berbeda di lima pematang dengan Jumlah larva yang terinfeksi JPS dan mengetahui apakah faktor naungan berhubungan dengan Jumlah larva yang terinfeksi JPS di lima pematang dengan lima vegetasi rerumputan berbeda. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei hingga Juni 2023. Lahan penelitian berlokasi di Jl. Mulyosari dusun Jetak lor, desa Mulyoagung, Dau kota Malang dan Laboratorium Pengendalian Hayati, Jurusan Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya Malang. Penelitian ini dilakukan di lima pematang yaitu Pematang 1 diantara tanaman padi dan sayuran, Pematang 2 diantara tanaman padi, Pematang 3 dengan naungan tanaman jeruk, Pematang 4 dengan naungan tanaman pisang dan Ubi kayu, dan Pematang 5 diantara tanaman padi. Indeks keanekaragaman rerumputan dan faktor lingkungan dianalisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan Hubungan indeks keanekaragaman rerumputan dengan jumlah larva terinfeksi JPS dianalisis menggunakan Uji Pearson menggunakan SPSS 25. Hasil dari penelitian adalah Tingkat keanekaragaman vegetasi rerumputan berbeda di pematang ada hubungan dengan jumlah larva yang terinfeksi JPS. P4 mengakibatkan 4 larva terinfeksi JPS, sedangkan P1 dan P5 sebesar 1 larva terinfeksi, P2 dan P3 sebanyak 2 dan 3 larva. Nilai H’ rerumputan P1-P5 berturut turut nilanya 1,14 , 1,34 , 1,49 , 1,54 , 1,33. Besar kecilnya jumlah larva terinfeksi ditentukan nilai indeks keanekaragaman rerumputan di pematang. Indeks keanekaragaman rerumputan tinggi menyebabkan jumlah larva terifeksi JPS tinggi. Secara umum kondisi habitat JPS pada lima pematang berdasarkan data faktor lingkungan dan dibanding dengan literatur sudah cukup baik Pada P1, P2 dan P5 hanya aspek naungan saja yang belum terpenuhi sehingga kurang sesuai sebagai habitat JPS. Sedangkan pada P3 dan P4 sesuai sebagai habitat JPS karena ada naungan sehingga memenuhi kondisi lingkungan habitat yang sesuai JPS menurut literatur

English Abstract

The bund is a structure located in the area around a paddy rice field. The bund serves as the boundary of the field. Grass vegetation that generally grows on the bunds acts as a habitat for various organisms and microorganisms. One of the microorganisms that can be found in pematang is entomopathogenic fungus (EPF). EPF has great potential as a biological agent to control insect pests. However, the successful use of EPF for pest control is influenced by environmental factors such as EPF habitat conditions. EPF habitat is influenced by microenvironmental conditions such as humidity, temperature, and sunlight. Microenvironmental factors are influenced by vegetation such as vegetation structure and vegetation diversity. Grasses that grow on bunds have different diversity, both in terms of species and vegetation structure. The objectives of this study were to determine whether there is a relationship between the level of diversity of different grass vegetation in five bunds with the number of EPF-infected larvae and to determine whether the shading factor is related to the number of EPF-infected larvae in five bunds with five different grass vegetation. This research was conducted from May to June 2023. The research field was located at Jl. Mulyosari, Jetak lor hamlet, Mulyoagung village, Dau Malang city and Biological Control Laboratory, Department of Plant Pests and Diseases, Faculty of Agriculture, Brawijaya University Malang. This research was conducted in five bunds, namely bund 1 between rice and vegetables, bund 2 with dense grasses between rice plants, bund 3 with orange shade, bund 4 with banana and cassava shade, and bund 5 with sparse grasses between rice plants. The grass diversity index and environmental factors were analyzed using descriptive analysis and the relationship between grass diversity index and the number of EPF infected larvae was analyzed using the Pearson Test using SPSS 25. The result of the study was that the level of diversity of different grass vegetation in the bunds had a relationship with the number of larvae infected with EPF. P4 resulted in 4 larvae infected with EPF, while P1 and P5 amounted to 1 infected larva, P2 and P3 to 2 and 3 larvae. The H' values of grasses P1-P5 were 1.14, 1.34, 1.49, 1.54, 1.33, respectively. The number of infected larvae was determined by the diversity index of the grasses in the bunds. A high grass diversity index results in a high number of JPS-infected larvae. In general, EPF habitat conditions in the five bunds based on data on environmental factors and compared with the literature are quite good. In P1, P2 and P5, only the aspect of shading has not been fulfilled so that it is less suitable as a JPS habitat. Meanwhile, P3 and P4 are suitable as EPF habitat because there is shade so that they fulfill the environmental conditions of suitable EPF habitat according to the literature.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052304
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username chikyta
Date Deposited: 15 Jan 2024 04:02
Last Modified: 15 Jan 2024 04:02
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/209994
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2025.

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