Uji Alelopati Jerami Padi Pada Pengendalian Dua Jenis Gulma Dominan di Pertanaman Kedelai.

NISA, DIYA KHOIRUN and Prof. Dr. Ir. Eko Widaryanto,, SU and Dr. Ir. Titin Sumarni,, MS. (2023) Uji Alelopati Jerami Padi Pada Pengendalian Dua Jenis Gulma Dominan di Pertanaman Kedelai. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Mekanisme alelopati yang dimiliki oleh suatu tumbuhan donor diketahui mempengaruhi ekologis dan fisiologis tumbuhan target. Tumbuhan target yang dimaksud adalah gulma. Keberadaan populasi gulma yang melebihi ambang batas dapat menurunkan hasil budidaya tanaman. Jerami padi yang melimpah mengandung beberapa alelokimia diantaranya asam fenolat (fenol), momilakton, indol, steroid dsb. (Khanh et al., 2007). Ekstrak jerami menghambat pertumbuhan gulma Echinochloa crusgalli (Anuar et al., 2015). Sehingga, ekstrak jerami padi diuji coba pada dua jenis gulma dominan yang ada di pertanaman kedelai. dua jenis gulma tersebut adalah Amaranthus spinosus dan Eleusine indica. ekstrak jerami diharapkan dapat menghambat pertumbuhan gulma tetapi tidak mengganggu pertumbuhan kedelai. selain itu, ekstrak jerami padi diharapkan menjadi sumber bioherbisida yang dapat mengurangi pemakaian herbisida kimia berlebihan. Penelitian dilakukan di rumah plastik yang terletak di Kelurahan, Mulyorejo, Kecamatan Sukun, Kota Malang. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli hingga Oktober 2022. Rancangan Petak Terpisah (RPT) dengan dua faktor diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Faktor pertama adalah jenis tanaman (T) yang terdiri dari T1: Amaranthus spinosus, T2: Eleusine indica dan T3: kedelai. Faktor kedua adalah tingkat konsentrasi jerami padi (K) yang terdiri dari K1: 0% (kontrol), K2: 25%, K3: 50%, K4: 75% dan K5: 100%. Setiap perlakuan terdiri dari 20 polibag (2 polibag untuk pengamatan non destruktif, 12 polibag (masing-masing 3 polibag untuk pengamatan destruktif). Pada kedelai terdapat 3 polibag untuk panen. Setiap polibag berisi 2 gulma atau 2 tanaman. Variabel yang diamati meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, luas daun, indeks klorofil, bobot segar tanaman, bobot kering tanaman, waktu muncul bunga, jumlah polong total, jumlah polong isi, bobot segar polong + biji dan berat kering polong + biji. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji regresi pada setiap jenis tumbuhan dan pada setiap hari pengamatan. Maka dari pengujian ini diperoleh model regresi dan koefisien regresi (koefisien determinasi). Setiap konsentrasi ekstrak jerami padi berpengaruh nyata terhadap variabel pertumbuhan gulma, kedelai dan hasil dari kedelai. Hal itu ditunjukkan dari nilai koefisien regresi diatas 0,5 serta F hitung > F significance. Jumlah daun dan luas daun kedelai yang diaplikasikan konsentrasi 100% menunjukkan kenaikan pertumbuhan yang terendah (penghambatan tertinggi) di semua spesies tumbuhan yaitu di 35 HSA hingga 49 HSA. Bobot segar gulma dan kedelai yang diaplikasikan konsentrasi ini juga menunjukkan kenaikan pertumbuhan terendah pada 35 HSA ke 49 HSA. Namun, pada variabel indeks klorofil dan bobot kering gulma dan kedelai justru menunjukkan kenaikan pertumbuhan terendah di 7 HSA ke 21 HSA. sementara itu, bobot segar biji + polong kedelai dihambat lebih tinggi yaitu 4,61% saat diaplikasikan 100% ekstrak jerami padi. Selain itu, 100% ekstrak jerami padi menghambat bobot kering biji + polong kedelai lebih tinggi dari perlakuan lainnya yaitu 21,67%.

English Abstract

The allelopathy mechanism possessed by a donor plant is known to affect the ecology and physiology of the target plant. The target plants which means are weeds. The existence of weed populations that exceed the threshold can reduce the results of crop cultivation. Abundant rice straw contains several allelochemicals including phenolic acids (phenols), momilactone, indol, steroids etc. (Khanh et al., 2007). The straw extract inhibited the growth of the weed Echinochloa crusgalli (Anuar et al., 2015). Thus, rice straw extract was tested on two dominant weed species in soybean plantations. the two types of weeds are Amaranthus spinosus and Eleusine indica. Straw extract is expected to inhibit weed growth but does not interfere with soybean growth. In addition, rice straw extract is expected to be a source of bioherbicides that can reduce excessive use of chemical herbicides. The research was conducted at a screen house which located in Kelurahan, Mulyorejo, Sukun District, Malang City. The research was conducted from July until October 2022. Split Plot Design (RPT) with two factors repeated 3 times. The first factor was the type of plant (T) consisting of T1: Amaranthus spinosus, T2: Eleusine indica and T3: soybean. The second factor was the concentration level of rice straw (K) consisting of K1: 0% (control), K2: 25%, K3: 50%, K4: 75% and K5: 100%. Each treatment consisted of 20 polybags (2 polybags for nondestructive observations, 12 polybags (each 3 polybags for destructive observations). In soybeans there are 3 polybags for harvesting. In a polybag consist of 2 weeds or 2 plants. The variables observed consisted of plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, chlorophyll index, fresh weight of plant, dry weight of plant, time of flower emergence, total number of pods, number of filled pods, fresh weight of pods + seeds and dry weight of pods + seeds. The data obtained is analyzed using regression test in each plant species and in each days of observation. So, from this test, was obtained regression models and regression coefficient (determination coefficient). Each concentration of rice straw extract has a significant effect on the growth variables of weeds, soybeans and yields of soybeans. This is shown from the value of the regression coefficient above 0.5 and F count > F significance. The number of leaves and leaf area of soybeans applied at 100% concentration showed the lowest growth increase (highest inhibition) in all plant species, namely at 35 HSA to 49 HSA. Fresh weight of weeds and associates that found this concentration also showed the lowest growth increase at 35 HSA to 49 HSA. However, the variable chlorophyll index and dry weight of weeds and soybeans actually showed the lowest growth increase at 7 HSA to 21 HSA. Meanwhile, the fresh weight of soybean seeds + pods was inhibited higher, namely 4.61% when 100% rice straw extract was applied. In addition, 100% rice straw extract inhibited the dry weight of soybean seeds + pods which was higher than the other treatments, namely 21.67%.

Item Type: Thesis (Magister)
Identification Number: 042304
Divisions: S2/S3 > Magister Ilmu Tanaman, Fakultas Pertanian
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username chikyta
Date Deposited: 12 Jan 2024 08:19
Last Modified: 12 Jan 2024 08:19
URI: http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/209482
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2025.

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