Analisis Lean Manufacturing untuk Meminimalkan Waste pada Produksi Chizzu Mozzarella dengan Pendekatan Value Stream Mapping dan Root Cause Analysis

Hartono, Arka Syahira and Dr. Eng. Zefry Darmawan, ST., MT. (2023) Analisis Lean Manufacturing untuk Meminimalkan Waste pada Produksi Chizzu Mozzarella dengan Pendekatan Value Stream Mapping dan Root Cause Analysis. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Sektor industri diyakini sebagai sektor yang sedang memimpin zona lain dalam bidang perekonomian yang mengarah pada kemajuan negara Indonesia. Begitu juga pada provinsi jawa timur, Perekonomian Jawa Timur masih didominasi oleh Lapangan Usaha Industri Pengolahan sebesar 30,31%. Menurut riset terdahulu, konsumsi keju di Indonesia mengalami peningkatan setiap tahun nya. Tetapi peningkatan konsumsi keju di Indonesia tidak diimbangi dengan peningkatan produksi keju yang mengakibatkan ketersediaan keju di pasaran tidak tercukupi, sehingga diperlukan import dari negara lain untuk mencukupi kebutuhan konsumsi keju di Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang pengolahan pangan terkhusus nya pada keju mozzarella yang diberi nama “Chizzu Mozzarella”. CV Narendra Food didirikan oleh Pak Dapin Narendra yang dirintis pada tanggal 30 Mei 2017 dan memiliki pabrik yang terletak di Batu. Penelitian ini berfokus untuk mengurangi aktivitas non-value added guna meminimasi waste pada proses produksi Chizzu Mozzarella. Pada penelitian ini, dikumpulkan data mengenai aliran informasi aktivitas proses produksi Chizzu Mozzarella, cycle time, jumlah operator, lead time, waktu transportasi, dan total waktu proses value added serta non-value added. Kemudian akan dilakukan pembuatan Value Stream Mapping (VSM) untuk melihat keseluruhan proses produksi Chizzu Mozzarella. Kemudian akan dianalisis tujuh jenis pemborosan (waste) berdasarkan VSM dan mengidentifkasi akar permasalahan menggunakan Root Cause Analysis (RCA) dengan tools fishbone diagram. Hasil dari akar permasalahan dari pemborosan tersebut menjadi dasaran untuk memberikan rekomendasi perbaikan pada proses produksi Chizzu Mozzarella. Berdasarkan Current State Mapping (CSM) didapatkan nilai cycle time selama 1557 menit 01 detik, lead time selama 1620 menit, dan process cycle efficiency senilai 77,25%. Kemudian setelah dilakukan analisis lebih lanjut, didapatkan tiga waste motion, waste transportation, dan waste waiting. Berdasarkan analisis root cause analysis (RCA) dengan tools fishbone diagram, didapatkan akar permasalahan yang dijadikan rekomendasi perbaikan. Rekomendasi perbaikan yang diusulkan yaitu penambahan trolley keju, penambahan workstation quality control susu, penambahan tray freezer, re-layouting pabrik, pembuatan intruksi kerja, dan pembuatan master production schedule. Berdasarkan rekomendasi perbaikan yang diberikan dibuat Future State Mapping (FSM) dan didapatkan perbaikan berupa penurunan cycle time sebesar 52 menit 02 detik dan penurunan lead time sebesar 82 menit 10 detik.

English Abstract

The industrial sector is believed to be the sector that is leading other zones in the economic sector which leads to the progress of the Indonesian economics. Likewise, in East Java province, the East Java economy is still dominated by the processing industry business field at 30.31%. According to previous research, cheese consumption in Indonesia has increased every year. However, the increase in cheese consumption in Indonesia has not been matched by an increase in cheese production, resulting in insufficient cheese availability on the market, which leads to imports from other countries are needed to meet the need for cheese consumption in Indonesia. This research was carried out at a company that focuses in food processing, specifically mozzarella cheese, which was named "Chizzu Mozzarella". CV Narendra Food was founded by Mr. Dapin Narendra on May 30th 2017 and has a factory in Batu. This research focuses on reducing non-value added activities in order to minimize waste in the Chizzu Mozzarella production process. In this research, data was collected regarding the flow of information on Chizzu Mozzarella production process activities, cycle time, number of operators, lead time, transportation time, and total value added and non-value added process time. Then a Value Stream Mapping (VSM) will be created to see the entire Chizzu Mozzarella production process. Then we will analyze seven types of waste based on VSM and identify the root of the problem using root cause analysis (RCA) with fishbone diagram tools. The results of the root causes of these waste are the basis for providing recommendations for improvements to the Chizzu Mozzarella production process. Based on Current State Mapping (CSM), the cycle time value is 1557 minutes 01 seconds, the lead time is 1620 minutes, and the process cycle efficiency is 77.25%. Then, after further analysis was carried out, three types of wastes were obtainded, which is waste of motion, waste of transportation, and waste of waiting. Based on the root cause analysis (RCA) analysis using fishbone diagram tools, the root of the problem was obtained which was used as a recommendation for improvement. The proposed improvement recommendations include adding a cheese trolley, adding a milk quality control workstation, adding a freezer tray, re-layouting the factory, creating work instructions, and creating a master production schedule. Based on the recommendations for improvements given, a Future State Mapping (FSM) was created and improvements were obtained in the form of a reduction in cycle time of 52 minutes 02 seconds and a reduction in lead time of 82 minutes 10 seconds.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052307
Uncontrolled Keywords: Lean Manufacturing, Waste, Value Stream Mapping (VSM), root cause analysis (RCA), Keju Mozzarella
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 658 General management > 658.5 Management of production > 658.56 Product control, packaging; waste control and utilization > 658.567 Waste control and utilization
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Industri
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username tunjungsari
Date Deposited: 12 Jan 2024 07:46
Last Modified: 12 Jan 2024 07:46
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2025.

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