Wijaya, M. Tito and Prof. Dr. Ir. Endang Yuli Herawati, MS (2022) Analisis Histologi Ginjal Ikan Selar Kuning (Selaroides leptolepis) yang Terpapar Logam Berat Timbal (Pb) di Perairan Pantai Binor, Probolinggo, Jawa Timur. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Kawasan pesisir Binor merupakan kawasan yang terdapat aktivitas manusia yang cukup tinggi baik dari sektor perikanan maupun industri. Banyaknya kegiatan masyarakat disekitar pesisir Pantai Binor menyebabkan tingginya logam berat yang ada di perairan tersebut. Logam berat yang diambil pada penelitian kali ini yaitu timbal berdasarkan uji pendahuluan yang dilakukan. Adanya logam berat timbal di perairan akan terakumulasi kedalam ikan sehingga membahayakan tubuh ikan. Alasan mengambil ikan selar yaitu karena kegiatan penangkapan dan produksi perikanan yang tinggi di Kab. Probolinggo. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis konsentrasi Pb di air dan ginjal ikan, untuk menganalisis kondisi ginjal ikan selar kuning, dan menganalisis status kondisi kualitas air Perairan Pantai Binor. Penelitian dilakukan sebanyak 2 kali sampling pada bulan Maret – April 2022 di Perairan Pantai Binor, Probolinggo. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode survey dengan analisis deskriptif. Lokasi pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada 3 stasiun dengan 2 kedalaman, stasiun 1 yaitu daerah PLTU, stasiun 2 yaitu daerah Fishing Ground, dan stasiun 3 yaitu daerah muara Sungai Bhiner. Sampling ikan yang diambil sebanyak 2 ikan per stasiun. Parameter kualitas air yang dianalisis antara lain fisika (suhu, TSS, kecerahan dan kecepatan arus), kimia (pH, DO, Salinitas COD, BOD dan logam berat timbal di air dan ginjal ikan) serta biologi (histologi ginjal ikan keting). Logam berat timbal (Pb) yang terdapat di air dan ginjal ikan, yaitu nilai Pb pada air berkisar antara 0 – 0,57 mg/l dan ginjal ikan selar kuning yaitu berkisar antara 12,24 – 20,95 mg/l, tingginya logam berat timbal di Perairan Pantai Binor disebabkan karena adanya kegiatan seperti tranportasi laut, PLTU dan limbah masyarakat pesisir. Pengamatan histologi jaringan ginjal ikan Selar Kuning menunjukan adanya kerusakan nekrosis, degenerasi dan kongesti, dan hasil skoring didapatkan kerusakan histologi ginjal ikan sampling 1 yaitu 56,67% – 65,00% dan pada sampling 2 yaitu 66,11% – 71,11%. Pengukuran kualitas air pada Perairan Pantai Binor diperoleh nilai suhu sebesar 29oC – 35oC, kecerahan sebesar 0,5 – 2,825 m, kecepatan arus sebesar 0,07 - 114 m/s, TSS sebesar 16,7 – 34,3 mg/l, pH sebesar 7,6 – 8,1, DO sebesar 6,8 – 7,3 mg/l, salinitas sebesar 23 – 32 ppt, COD sebesar 241,5 – 551,4 mg/l dan BOD sebesar 71,1 – 134,7 mg/l, hasil pengukuran kualitas air yang diperoleh menunjukan adanya beberapa parameter yang tidak optimum yaitu seperti, suhu, kecerahan, TSS, salinitas, COD dan BOD. Penentuan status kondisi air Pantai Binor menggunakan metode Indeks Pencemaran (IP) dan berdasarkan hasil perhitungan IP didapatkan nilai pada stasiun 1 yaitu berkisar 3,009 – 3,615, stasiun 2 berkisar 2,999 – 3,913 dan stasiun 3 berkisar 3,47 – 3,575. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan yaitu kondisi timbal di air dan ginjal ikan kadarnya melebihi baku mutu, kerusakan ginjal ikan selar kuning tergolong kategori rusak sedang dan status mutu air berdasarkan IP Pantai Binor termasuk cemar ringan. Saran yang bisa dilakukan yaitu pengawasan dan tindakan yang lebih ketat dalam pembuangan limbah kepada pelaku industri, pelaku transportasi laut maupun masyarakat sekitas pesisir agar dapat mengurangi tingkat pencemaran yang terjadi dan tidak merugikan organisme air di Perairan Binor.
English Abstract
The Binor coastal area is an area where there is a fairly high level of human activity, both from the fisheries and industrial sectors. The number of community activities around the coast of Binor Beach causes high levels of heavy metals in these waters. The heavy metal taken in this study is lead based on the preliminary tests carried out. The presence of heavy metal lead in the waters will accumulate into the fish, thus endangering the fish's body. The reason for taking selar fish is because of fishing activities and high fish production in Kab. Probolinggo. The purpose of this study was to analyze the concentration of Pb in the water and fish kidneys, to analyze the kidney condition of yellow trout, and to analyze the status of water quality conditions in the waters of Binor Beach. The study was conducted 2 times sampling in March - April 2022 in the waters of Binor Beach, Probolinggo. The method used is survey method with descriptive analysis. Sampling locations were carried out at 3 stations with 2 depths, station 1 which is the PLTU area, station 2 is the Fishing Ground area, and station 3 is the estuary area of the Bhiner River. Sampling of fish taken as much as 2 fish per station. The water quality parameters analyzed included physics (temperature, TSS, brightness and current velocity), chemistry (pH, DO, Salinity COD, BOD and heavy metal lead in water and fish kidneys) and biology (kidney histology). Heavy metal lead (Pb) found in water and fish kidneys, namely the Pb value in water ranged from 0 – 0.57 mg/l and the kidney of yellow trout which ranged from 12.24 – 20.95 mg/l, the high metal The heavy lead in Binor Coastal Waters is caused by activities such as sea transportation, PLTU and coastal community waste. Histological observation of the kidney tissue of Selar Kuning showed damage to necrosis, degeneration and congestion, and the results of the scoring showed that the histology of the kidney of fish in sampling 1 was 56.67% - 65.00% and in sampling 2, 66.11% - 71.11%. Measurement of water quality in the coastal waters of Binor obtained a temperature value of 29oC – 35oC, a brightness of 0.5 – 2.825 m, a current velocity of 0.07 - 114 m/s, a TSS of 16.7 – 34.3 mg/l, pH of 7.6 – 8.1, DO of 6.8 – 7.3 mg/l, salinity of 23 – 32 ppt, COD of 241.5 – 551.4 mg/l and BOD of 71.1 – 134, 7 mg/l, the results of water quality measurements obtained indicate that there are several parameters that are not optimum, such as temperature, brightness, TSS, salinity, COD and BOD. Determination of the status of water conditions at Binor Beach using the Pollution Index (IP) method and based on the results of IP calculations, the values obtained at station 1 are in the range of 3,009 – 3,615, station 2 are ranging from 2,999 – 3,913 and station 3 are ranging from 3.47 – 3,575. The conclusions obtained were that the level of lead in the water and fish kidneys exceeded the quality standard, kidney damage of yellow trout was classified as moderately damaged and the water quality status based on IP Binor Beach was lightly polluted. Suggestions that can be done are stricter supervision and action in the disposal of waste to industrial players, marine transportation actors and coastal communities in order to reduce the level of pollution that occurs and not harm aquatic organisms in the Binor Waters.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 0522080591 |
Divisions: | Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan > Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan |
Depositing User: | soegeng Moelyono |
Date Deposited: | 19 Jan 2024 07:33 |
Last Modified: | 19 Jan 2024 07:33 |
URI: | http://repository.ub.ac.id/id/eprint/209373 |
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