Visualisasi Ketimpangan Sosial Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Dalam Teknik Grafis Cetak Saring

Hadi, Nicho Pratama, and A. Syarifuudin Rohman,, M. PD., and I Kadek Yudi Astawan,, M.Sn, (2022) Visualisasi Ketimpangan Sosial Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Dalam Teknik Grafis Cetak Saring. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


ABSTRAK Hadi Pratama, Nicho, 2022, “Visualisasi Ketimpangan Sosial Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Dalam Teknik Grafis Cetak Saring”. Program Studi Seni Rupa Murni, Jurusan Seni dan Antropologi Budaya, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Brawijaya.Pembimbing: I Kadek Yudi Astawan, S.Sn., M.Sn. Kata Kunci: Ketimpangan, Sosial, Covid-19, Grafis, Cetak Saring. Ketertarikan penulis terhadap fenomena yang terjadi lingkungan sekitar menjadi gagasan awal dalam terciptanya tugas akhir ini. Ketimpangan-ketimpangan yang muncul di ranah sosial selama masa Covid-19 dalam rentang waktu tahun 2020-2022 menjadi dasar pijak pemilahan dan pemilihan gagasan dalam penciptaan karya penulis. Beberapa ketimpangan sosial yang terjadi selama pandemi yakni seperti, panic buying, kebijakan social distancing, air bersih, KDRT, bekerja dan belajar dari rumah menjadi perhatian penulis dalam mewujudkan karyanya. Penulis menggunakan pokok perupaan jamur beracun untuk menvisualisasikan fenomena ketimpangan sosial pandemi covid-19 dalam wujud rupa yang artistik dan estetik dengan teknik grafis cetak saring. Metode yang digunakan untuk mewujudkan karya penulis menggunakan metode penciptaan dari L.H Chapman yaitu (1) Inception of idea, (2) Elaboration and refinement, (3) Heention in a medium, dan pemanfaatan beberapa teori mengenai paradigma dan warna komplementer. Adapun hasil penciptaan yang dihasilkan dalam tugas akhir ini berjumlah tujuh karya dengan teknik grafis cetak saring. Perwujudan visual karya penulis secara konseptual direpresentasikan pada visualisasi objek jamur beracun dengan menyesuaikan fenomena ketimpangan sosial yang ditemukan selama pandemi covid-19 dalam rentang waktu 2020-2022. Pemilihan bentuk-bentuk jamur beracun, secara tidak langsung membuka ruang dialektis terhadap proses apresiasi karya dalam konstruksi pemaknaan lebih lanjut dan intensif. Warna komplementer dihasratkan dapat menjadi perwalian atas situasi kontras (hakekatnya berseberangan posisi), utamanya berkaitan dengan ketegangan posisi dan oposisi, kontradiksi pandangan, juga diskursus wacana Covid-19 yang menjamur di masyarakat. Melalui karya-karya ini penulis berharap agar karya penulis dapat memberi kesan, memberi pengalaman batin pada setiap apresiator yang menikmatinya.

English Abstract

ABSTRACT Hadi Pratama, Nicho, 2022, “Visualization of Social Inequality During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Screen Printing Graphic Techniques”. Fine Art Study Program, Department of Arts and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Cultural Studies, Brawijaya University. Mentor: I Kadek Yudi Astawan, S.Sn, M.Sn. Key Words: Social Inequality, Covid-19, Graphic, Screen Printing. The writer’s interest towards the fenomena occuring in the surrounding environment became the initial idea in creating this final assignment. Emerging inequalities within social environment during the Covid-19 pandemic, from the year of 2020 to 2022 has become the base of sorting and selection in making the writer’s work. Several social inequalities occurred during pandemic, such as panic buying, social distancing policy, sanitation, domestic violence, work and study from home have become the writer’s interest in realizing their work. The author uses the subject of poisonous mushrooms to visualize those phenomenons of social inequality in the COVID-19 pandemic in an artistic and aesthetic form using screen printing graphic techniques. The method used in realization of the writer’s work are from L.H Chapman, first, Inception of idea, secondly, Elaboration and refinement, last, Heention in a medium, also the utilization of some teories about paradigm and complementary colours. The results of the creation produced in this final project amounted to seven works using screen printing graphic techniques. The visual embodiment of the author's work is conceptually represented in the visualization of poisonous mushroom objects by adjusting the phenomenon of social inequality found during the covid-19 pandemic in the 2020-2022’ times span. The selection of forms of poisonous mushrooms, indirectly opens up a dialectical space for the process of appreciation of works in the construction of further and intensive meaning. Complementary colors are expected to be guardians of contrasting situations (essentially opposite positions) mainly related to the tension of positions and opposition, contradictory views, as well as the Covid-19 discourse that is ‘mushrooming’ in society. Through these works the author hopes that the author's art work can give impressions, giving inner experiences to every relishing apreciator.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052312
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Budaya > Seni Rupa Murni
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username saputro
Date Deposited: 12 Jan 2024 07:24
Last Modified: 12 Jan 2024 07:24
Restricted to Registered users only until 31 December 2024.

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