Sari, Oktavia Kamelia. and Franciscus Apriwan, M.A (2023) Makna tradisi petik laut bagi masyarakat pesisir lekok jawa timur. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Lekok merupakan sebuah wilayah pesisir dikabupaten Pasuruan berdekatan dengan pantai utara pulau jawa. Mata pencaharian masyarakat pesisir yang didominasi oleh nelayan. Masyarakat Pesisir Lekok terdiri dari beberapa desa dan dusun.Desa yang dekat dengan pesisir laut ialah Desa Jatirejo dan Pasinan. Masyarakat pesisir Lekok memiliki sebuah tradisi petik laut atau biasa disebut dengan syukur laut,diselenggarakan setiap tahunnya pada angin musim barat sekitar bulan pertengahan agustus .Hal ini membuat para nelayan dan masyarakat sekitar mengadakan petik laut sebagai wujud syukur terhadap allah swt. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yakni metode kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan etnografi.Penggunaan pendekataan etnografi bertujuan agar penelitian ini mengembangkan deskripsi yang kompleks serta lengkap terkait kebudayaan dari suatu kelompok. Pemerolehan data dilaksanakan denganobservasi,wawancara serta dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menegaskan bahwa makna tradisi petik laut ini memiliki makna sebuah budaya sebagai bentuk rasa syukur atas nikmat hasil ikan laut yang melimpah ,selain sebagai bentuk rasa syukur atas rezeki ikan yang melimpah terdapat rasa solidaritas antar masyarakat sekitar. Solidaritas tersebut berwujud kerjasama dan kerukunan hubungan sosial yang baik antar masyarakat nelayan pesisir Lekok. Bentuk kerjasama antar nelayan pesisir Lekok membuat acara petik laut dengan susunan panitia yang barasal dari bapak-bapak,ibu-ibu serta pemuda nelayan .
English Abstract
Lekok is a coastal area in Pasuruan regency close to the north coast of Java Island. The livelihoods of coastal communities are dominated by fishermen. The Pesisir Lekok community consists of several villages and hamlets. The villages close to the sea coast are Jatirejo and Pasinan Villages. The Lekok coastal community has a tradion of picking the sea or commonly known as sea thanksgiving, which is held every year in the west mon soon around mid-August. This makes fishermen and the surrounding community hold sea picking as a form of gratitude to Allah SWT. The research method used is a qualitative method using an ethnographic approach. The use of an ethnographic approach aims to develop a complex and complete description of the culture of a group. Data collection was carried out by observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study confirm that the meaning of picking the sea tradition has a cultural meaning as a form of gratitude for the abundant blessings of marine fish, as well as being a form of gratitude for the abundant fish sustenance, there is a sense of solidarity among the surrounding communities. Solidarity are takes the form of good cooperation and harmonious social relations between the fishing communities of the Lekok coast. The form of cooperation between Lekok coastal fishermen is to hold a picking sea event with a committee composition consisting of fathers, mothers and young fishermen.Lekok is a coastal area in Pasuruan regency close to the north coast of Java Island. The livelihoods of coastal communities are dominated by fishermen. The Pesisir Lekok community consists of several villages and hamlets. The villages close to the sea coast are Jatirejo and Pasinan Villages. The Lekok coastal community has a tradion of picking the sea or commonly known as sea thanksgiving, which is held every year in the west mon soon around mid-August. This makes fishermen and the surrounding community hold sea picking as a form of gratitude to Allah SWT. The research method used is a qualitative method using an ethnographic approach. The use of an ethnographic approach aims to develop a complex and complete description of the culture of a group. Data collection was carried out by observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study confirm that the meaning of picking the sea tradition has a cultural meaning as a form of gratitude for the abundant blessings of marine fish, as well as being a form of gratitude for the abundant fish sustenance, there is a sense of solidarity among the surrounding communities. Solidarity are takes the form of good cooperation and harmonious social relations between the fishing communities of the Lekok coast. The form of cooperation between Lekok coastal fishermen is to hold a picking sea event with a committee composition consisting of fathers, mothers and young fishermen.Lekok is a coastal area in Pasuruan regency close to the north coast of Java Island. The livelihoods of coastal communities are dominated by fishermen. The Pesisir Lekok community consists of several villages and hamlets. The villages close to the sea coast are Jatirejo and Pasinan Villages. The Lekok coastal community has a tradion of picking the sea or commonly known as sea thanksgiving, which is held every year in the west mon soon around mid-August. This makes fishermen and the surrounding community hold sea picking as a form of gratitude to Allah SWT. The research method used is a qualitative method using an ethnographic approach. The use of an ethnographic approach aims to develop a complex and complete description of the culture of a group. Data collection was carried out by observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study confirm that the meaning of picking the sea tradition has a cultural meaning as a form of gratitude for the abundant blessings of marine fish, as well as being a form of gratitude for the abundant fish sustenance, there is a sense of solidarity among the surrounding communities. Solidarity are takes the form of good cooperation and harmonious social relations between the fishing communities of the Lekok coast. The form of cooperation between Lekok coastal fishermen is to hold a picking sea event with a committee composition consisting of fathers, mothers and young fishermen.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 052312 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Makna,petik laut,masyarakat pesisir,Lekok |
Divisions: | Fakultas Ilmu Budaya > Antropologi Budaya |
Depositing User: | maria |
Date Deposited: | 12 Jan 2024 04:22 |
Last Modified: | 12 Jan 2024 04:22 |
URI: | |
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