Ilham, Bariq and Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Dwi Argo, DEA and Rini Yulianingsih, STP., MT., Ph.D. (2023) Pra-Rancangan Pabrik Bioetanol Berkapasitas Produksi 14.000 Liter Per 6 Hari di Ploso, Kabupaten Kediri : Aspek Ekonomi dan Unit Fermentasi. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Kebutuhan energi yang meningkat seiring dengan menipisnya persediaan bahan bakar fosil dan terjadinya pemanasan global menyebabkan timbulnya keperluan akan bahan bakar alternatif yang ramah lingkungan, murah, dan dapat diproduksi dalam skala besar. Salah satu jenis bahan bakar alternatif tersebut adalah bioetanol. Pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan kajian berupa analisis perancangan pabrik bioetanol dengan kapasitas produksi 14.000 liter untuk siklus produksi sebanyak sekitar 6 hari beserta unit produksinya. Perancangan unit produksi difokuskan pada unit fermentasi, yang juga dihitung berdasarkan analisis neraca massa dan panas. Selain itu, juga dilakukan analisa kelayakan dan ekonomi pada perancangan pabrik. Metode perancangan pabrik meliputi enam aspek, yaitu penentuan lokasi pabrik, perhitungan neraca massa dan energi, perhitungan analisa kelayakan ekonomi, dan perancangan desain alat. Berdasarkan analisa dengan metode COG (Center of Gravity) diperoleh lokasi perusahaan di daerah Ploso, Kabupaten Kediri, dengan tipe product layout. Proses produksi bioetanol terdiri atas tahap pengolahan bahan baku, propagasi, fermentasi, distilasi, dan dehidrasi. Sementara pada aspek ekonomi diperoleh nilai HPP sebesar Rp 11.426,04 dengan margin 20% sehingga didapat harga jual Rp 13.711/liter. Adapun proyeksi dari laba produksi yang diperoleh sebesar Rp 1.609.243.508,7, nilai B/C Ratio sebesar 3,3 dengan persentase BEP sebesar 86,7%, dan nilai PBP sebesar 56 bulan. Hasil input berupa feed pada neraca massa adalah sebesar 130.354,48 kg yang terdiri atas molase, (NH4)2SO4, dan biomassa berupa yeast, sementara hasil output yang diperoleh berupa molasses broth, etanol sebesar 12.990,4 kg, yeast mud, dan CO2 sebanyak 130.354,48 kg. Sedangkan neraca energi memiliki input berupa entalpi sebesar 9,512 x 108 kkal dan output berupa entalpi sebesar 4,814 x 109 kkal, 439.404,51 kkal, dan 2.999,3 kkal, serta Qserap sebesar 4.694 x 108 kkal. Dari hasil perancangan alat diperoleh fermentor jenis torispherical berpengaduk dengan kapasitas kerja tiap alat sebesar 76.305 L atau 76,305 m3. Fermentor memiliki tinggi sebesar 8,74 m dan nilai tebal tangki 0,25 in. Alat terbuat dari bahan stainless steel tipe 304, serta dilengkapi dengan jacket. Fermentor digunakan untuk proses fermentasi batch dengan tekanan 1 atm, suhu 30 °C, dan pH 4-5, dimana proses fermentasi berlangsung selama 48 jam. Berdasarkan hasil perancangan juga diperoleh jumlah unit fermentor yang optimal untuk proses yang dilakukan, yaitu sebanyak 4 buah.
English Abstract
Rising energy demand that coincides with depleting fossil fuel supply and global warming causes the need for cheap and environmentally friendly alternative energy source that is able to be produced on a massive scale to emerge. One of those alternative sources is bioethanol. In this research, a study in the form of a design analysis for plant that produces 14,000 litres of bioethanol for a production cycle of 6 days along with its production units is conducted. Fermentation unit, to be designed based on the result of mass and heat balances’ calculation, would be the focus of the design of the production unit, while viability and economic analysis of the plant would also be included in the study. The plant design analysis method covers six aspects: the determination of its location, the calculation of the mass and heat balances, economic viability analysis, company management analysis, and unit design analysis. According to the Center of Gravity (COG) method analysis, the factory would be located in Ploso, Kediri Regency, where its layout would be designed using the product layout type. Bioethanol production consists of pre-treatment, propagation, fermentation, distillation, and dehydration processes. According to economic analysis, the obtained production cost is IDR 11,426.04 with a 20% margin, resulting in a selling price of IDR 13,711/litre. Another results from the analysis include a projected production profit of IDR 1,609,243,508.7, 3.30 in B/C ratio with 86.7% BEP percentage, and PBP value of 56 months. Meanwhile in mass balance, input in the form of feed is 130,354.48 kg, consisting of molasses, (NH4)2SO4, and yeast, whilst the output, consisting of molasses broth, 12,990.4 kg ethanol, yeast mud, and CO2, has the same value. Meanwhile heat balance calculation showed input in the form of enthalpy having a value of 9,512 x 108 kcal, whereas its output that takes form as enthalpy and Q absorption are 4.814 x 109 kkal, 439.404,51, 2,999.3, and 4.694 x 108 kcal, respectively. Stirred torispherical fermenter with a working capacity per unit of 76,305 L or 76,305 m3 is obtained from plant unit design analysis. The designed fermenter would be 8.74 m tall with vessel thickness value of 0.25 in. It would also be equipped with cooling jacket, and the vessel’s material would be type 304 stainless steel. The unit would be used for 48 hours long batch fermentation with a working pressure and temperature of 1 atm and 30 °C, with 4-5 in pH value. According to the optimatization analysis, using 4 fermenters would be optimal for the production.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 052310 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Bioetanol, Fermentasi, Molase, Perancangan Pabrik-Bioethanol, Fermentation, Molasses, Plant Design Analysis |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Keteknikan Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with email |
Date Deposited: | 12 Jan 2024 06:39 |
Last Modified: | 12 Jan 2024 06:39 |
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