NADYA, PRABANINGTIAS and Dr. Siti Asmaul Mustaniroh,, STP, M.P and Wike Agustin Prima Dania,, STP, M.Eng., Ph.D (2023) Pengembangan Model Kelembagaan Rantai Pasok dengan Pendekatan Integrasi ISM, ANP, dan MPE (Studi Kasus pada Klaster UKM Keripik Kentang di Kota Batu). Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Agroindustri merupakan sektor yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap peningkatan ekonomi, khususnya pada lingkup Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UKM). Pandemi virus Covid-19 di Indonesia menyebabkan penurunan ekonomi global pada kuartal kedua tahun 2020 dan berdampak negatif bagi UMKM sebesar 82,9%. Peningkatan ekonomi dapat diupayakan melalui perbaikan dan pengembangan rantai pasok agroindustri berbasis model kelembagaan. Kentang merupakan salah satu produk hortikultura unggulan di Kota Batu dengan produk unggulan olahannya berupa keripik kentang yang mayoritas diproduksi oleh UKM. UKM keripik kentang terdaftar di Kota Batu pada tahun 2020-2021 sebanyak 30 unit dan yang beroperasi selama masa pandemi sejumlah 9 unit. Lima (5) UKM terkategori dalam klaster mikro dan empat (4) UKM dalam klaster kecil, dengan indikator klasterisasi omzet per bulan, kapasitas produksi, jumlah tenaga kerja, lama operasional dan kepemilikan sertifikat halal. Pengelolaan dan peningkatan kinerja kelembagaan agroindustri keripik kentang di Kota Batu secara tepat akan menunjang keberhasilan pembangunan ekonomi berbasis pertanian di Jawa Timur. Hal ini didukung melalui penguatan rantai pasok sehingga evaluasi dan penyusunan strategi pengembangan rantai pasok dengan model kelembagaan penting dilakukan. Struktur kelembagaan rantai pasok pada klaster UKM keripik kentang meliputi pemasok, UKM keripik kentang, dan distributor (toko milik UKM/retail/grosir). UKM keripik kentang menjadi fokus penelitian karena kelembagaan berkaitan erat dengan UKM, serta adanya kebutuhan penguatan kelembagaan dan kemandirian UKM keripik kentang dalam rangka kompetisi pasar. Masalah kelembagaan yang dihadapi UKM keripik kentang diantaranya, keterbatasan persediaan (bahan baku, produk setengah jadi, dan produk jadi), fluktuasi harga dan kualitas kentang, inkonsistensi kualitas kentang dari pemasok, kendala produksi akibat faktor cuaca (musim hujan), dan kualitas keripik kentang yang inkonsisten. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis elemen kunci rantai pasok dan menyusun alternatif usulan pengembangan model kelembagaan rantai pasok keripik kentang. Evaluasi dan perbaikan rantai pasok berbasis model kelembagaan dilakukan dengan integrasi metode ISM, ANP, dan MPE yang bertujuan memperbaiki dan mengembangkan sistem rantai pasok kedua klaster UKM keripik kentang. Hasil metode ISM menunjukkan, rantai pasok kedua klaster UKM melibatkan 3 aktor yang sama yaitu pemasok bahan baku, UKM keripik kentang, dan distributor (retail/grosir). Elemen kunci klaster mikro dan kecil UKM keripik kentang meliputi, kendala utama, perubahan yang dimungkinkan, kebutuhan program, tujuan dari program, dan lembaga terlibat. Kombinasi hasil metode ISM-ANP menunjukkan, prioritas utama alternatif strategi pengembangan model kelembagaan untuk klaster mikro yaitu penerapan pemasaran berbasis digital (St5 dengan bobot ANP 0,230) dan penerapan standardisasi kualitas bahan baku dan produk (St7 dengan bobot ANP 0,382) untuk klaster kecil. Penentuan prioritas alternatif usulan pengembangan model kelembagaan dengan metode MPE menunjukkan, model kelembagaan terpilih yaitu model kelembagaan dengan melibatkan lembaga internal penjamin mutu produk dan lembaga eksternal dalam proses audit mutu produk, serta mempertimbangkan pengembangan keterampilan tenaga kerja (C) dengan total skor penilaian 11.264,93. Usulan terpilih dapat diimplementasikan untuk kedua klaster dengan fokus pengembangan yang dapat disesuaikan kebutuhan dan kepemilikan sumber daya masing-masing klaster UKM.
English Abstract
Agro-industry is a sector that has a significant influence on improving the economy, especially in the scope of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The Covid-19 virus pandemic in Indonesia caused a global economic downturn in the second quarter of 2020 and had a negative impact on MSMEs of 82.9%. Economic improvement can be pursued through the improvement and development of agro-industry supply chains based on an institutional model. Potatoes are one of the leading horticultural products in Batu City with superior processed products in the form of potato chips, which are mostly produced by SMEs. There are 30 potato chip SMEs registered in Batu City in 2020-2021 and 9 units operating during the pandemic. Five (5) SMEs are categorized in the micro cluster and four (4) SMEs in the small cluster, with clustering indicators of monthly turnover, production capacity, number of workers, length of operation, and ownership of halal certificates. Proper management and improvement of the institutional performance of the potato chip agro- industry in Batu City will support the success of agriculture-based economic development in East Java. This is supported through supply chain strengthening, so it is important to evaluate and formulate a supply chain development strategy using an institutional model. The institutional structure of the supply chain in the potato chip SME cluster includes suppliers, potato chip SMEs, and distributors (stores owned by SMEs/retail/grocery). Potato chip SMEs are the focus of research because institutions are closely related to SMEs, as well as the need for institutional strengthening and independence of potato chip SMEs in the framework of market competition. Institutional problems faced by potato chip SMEs include limited supplies (raw materials, semi-finished products, and finished products), fluctuations in potato price and quality, inconsistency in the quality of potatoes from suppliers, production constraints due to weather factors (rainy season), and potato chip quality. inconsistent. This study aims to analyze the key elements of the supply chain and develop alternative proposals for the development of an institutional model for the potato chip supply chain. Evaluation and improvement of the institutional model-based supply chain are carried out by integrating the ISM, ANP, and MPE methods aimed at improving and developing the supply chain system of the two potato chip SME clusters. The results of the ISM method show that the supply chains of the two SME clusters involve the same 3 actors, namely raw material suppliers, potato chip SMEs, and distributors (retail/wholesale). The key elements of micro and small clusters of potato chip SMEs include the main constraints, possible changes, program needs, program objectives, and the institutions involved. The combination of the results of the ISM-ANP method shows that the main priorities for alternative institutional model development strategies for micro-clusters are the application of digital-based marketing (St5 with an ANP weight of 0.230) and the application of raw material and product quality standardization (St7 with an ANP weight of 0.382) for small clusters. Determining the priority of alternative proposals for the development of institutional models using the MPE method shows that the selected institutional model is an institutional model involving internal product quality assurance agencies and external institutions in the process of product quality audits, and considering workforce skills development (C) with a total assessment score of 11,264.93. The selected proposals can be implemented for both clusters with a development focus that can be adjusted to the needs and ownership of the resources of each SME cluster.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 052310 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Institutions, Potato Chips, Model, Supply Chain Kelembagaan, Keripik Kentang, Model, Rantai Pasok |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with username verry |
Date Deposited: | 12 Jan 2024 03:36 |
Last Modified: | 12 Jan 2024 03:36 |
URI: | |
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