Ardhiyah Nur Mazidah, Nitha and Prof. Dr. Ir. Titiek Islami,, M.S. and Dr. agr. Nunun Barunawati,, SP., MP. (2023) Aplikasi Jenis Biochar dan Pupuk NPK pada Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Kedelai Hitam (Glycine max (L) Merril) Varietas Detam. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Kedelai merupakan salah satu jenis kacang-kacangan yang dikonsumsi masyarakat Indonesia karena memiliki sumber protein yang terdiri dari 30–45% asam amino esensial dan 15–22% minyak (Sobko et al., 2020). Keberadaan kedelai menjadi salah satu konsumsi sehari-hari masyarakat Indonesia karena mempunyai rasa yang enak dan gurih serta mempunyai manfaat yang cukup besar bagi kesehatan. Menurut Ralle and Subaedah (2020), kedelai hitam memiliki kandungan antosianin tinggi sehingga banyak dimanfaatkan di bidang makanan sehat serta industri kecap. salah satu upaya dalam meningkatkan hasil tanaman kedelai hitam yakni melalui perbaikan kesuburan tanah dengan aplikasi amandemen tanah seperti biochar serta penambahan unsur hara secara makro dan mikro melalui pemupukan anorganik. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Agro Techno Park (ATP) Jatikerto, Universitas Brawijaya, kabupaten Malang. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli - Oktober 2022. Penelitian dilaksanakan menggunakan faktorial yang disusun berdasarkan rancangan acak kelompok menggunakan 2 faktor. Faktor pertama yaitu aplikasi dosis pupuk NPK yang terdiri dari 3 taraf diantaranya 150 kg ha-1, 200 kg ha-1, 250 kg ha-1. Faktor kedua terdiri atas 4 taraf aplikasi jenis biochar yang terdiri atas tanpa biochar, tongkol jagung, jerami padi dan sekam padi. Variabel antara lain tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, luas daun, panjang akar, jumlah akar, jumlah bintil akar total, umur berbunga, bobot segar, bobot kering, jumlah polong, jumlah polong isi, jumlah biji, bobot biji (g tan-1), bobot biji (g petak-1), bobot biji (t ha-1), bobot 100 biji (g), kandungan klorofil, laju pertumbuhan tanaman (LPT), indeks luas daun (ILD). Hasil penelitian, secara keseluruhan memperlihatkan perlakuan dosis pupuk NPK 150 kg ha-1 meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman kedelai , begitupun juga dengan jenis biochar jerami padi menunjukkan peningkatan pertumbuhan yang meliputi tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, luas daun, panjang akar, jumlah akar, jumlah bintil akar, bobot segar tanaman, dan bobot kering tanaman dan kandungan klorofil. Pada komponen hasil perlakuan biochar jerami padi dengan dosis pupuk NPK 150 kg ha-1 menunjukkan peningkatan jumlah polong, jumlah polong isi, jumlah biji, bobot biji (g petak-1) dan bobot biji (t ha-1). Sedangkan perlakuan dosis pupuk NPK 150 kg ha-1 meningkatkan pertumbuhan tanaman dan hasil bobot 100 biji. Analisis pertumbuhan tanaman pada berbagai dosis pupuk NPK dan jenis biochar meningkatkan laju pertumbuhan tanaman dan indeks luas daun tanaman kedelai hitam.
English Abstract
Soybean is a legume plant that is consumed by Indonesian people because it has a protein source of 30–45% with essential amino acids and 15–22% oil as a raw material for food or beverages (Sobko et al., 2020). The existence of soybeans is one of the daily consumption of Indonesian people because it has a delicious and savory taste and has quite large benefits for health. According to Ralle and Subaedah (2020), black soybeans have a high anthocyanin content so they are widely used in the health food sector and the soy sauce industry. One of the efforts to increase the yield of black soybeans is by improving soil fertility by applying soil amendments such as biochar and adding macro and micro nutrients through inorganic fertilization. The research carried from July - October 2022 in the rainy season which located in the Jatikerto Agro Techno Park (ATP) area of Brawijaya University, Malang Regency, East Java. The experiment was arranged in a Factorial Randomized Block Design with two factors is arranged in a factorial manner with 2 factors. The first factor is the application of inorganic fertilizer doses consisting of 3 levels including 150 kg ha-1, 200 kg ha-1, 250 kg ha-1. The second factor is the application of the type of biochar which consists of corn cobs, rice straw and rice husks. Futhermore, the observation variable consist of soil chemical analysis. Meanwhile the plant observation variables consist of plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, number of roots, length of roots, number of nodules, flowering age, fresh weight, dry weight, number of pods, number of filled pods, number of seeds, weight of seeds (g tan-1), weight of seeds (g plot-1), weight of seeds (t ha-1), weight of 100 seeds (g), chlorophyll contents, crop growth rate (CGR) and Leaf Area Index (LAI). The results of the research, overall show that treatment with a doses of NPK fertilizer of 150 kg ha-1 increases the growth of soybean plants. The rice straw biochar type showed increased in growth which includes plant height, leaf number, leaf area, root length, number of roots, number of root nodules, fresh weight and dry weight and chlorophyll content. The result component of rice straw biochar treatment with an NPK fertilizer doses of 150 kg ha-1 showed increased in the number of pods, number of filled pods, number of seeds, seed weight (g plot-1) and seed weight (t ha-1). Meanwhile, treatment with an NPK fertilizer doses of 150 kg ha-1 increased the growth of soybean plants and weight of 100 seeds. Analysis of plant growth at various doses of NPK fertilizer and types of biochar increased crop growth rate and leaf area index of black soybean plants.
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | 042304 |
Divisions: | Program Pascasarjana > Magister Pengelolaan Lingkungan, Program Pascasarjana |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with username ismiatun |
Date Deposited: | 12 Jan 2024 02:55 |
Last Modified: | 12 Jan 2024 02:55 |
URI: | |
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