Pengaruh Penambahan Nikel Pada Paduan Aluminium-Silikon Terhadap Struktur Mikro, Kekerasan, dan Kekutan Impak

Zulvikar, Muhammad Rahan (2023) Pengaruh Penambahan Nikel Pada Paduan Aluminium-Silikon Terhadap Struktur Mikro, Kekerasan, dan Kekutan Impak. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan nikel pada paduan aluminium-silikon terhadap struktur mikro, kekerasan, dan kekuatan impak. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimental skala laboratorium. Paduan yang digunakan adalah piston bekas yang dilebur lalu ditambahkan variasi potongan nikel sebesar 0%wt, 2%wt, 4%wt, 6%wt, 8%wt, dan 10%wt. Kemudian dilakukan pengujian komposisi kimia, struktur mikro, kekerasan, dan kekuatan impak. Dari hasil pengujian komposisi kimia terdapat perubahan setiap variasinya, semakin banyak penambahan unsur nikel akan menurunkan komposisi dari silikonnya. Dari hasil pengujian didapatkan bentuk morfologi struktur mikro berubah setiap variasinya dan diameter butir semakin kecil seiring dengan banyaknya kandungan nikel. Pada 0%wt diameter butir sebesar 39,2 μm; 2%wt sebesar 28 μm; 4%wt sebesar 24,5 μm; 6%wt sebesar 22,4 μm; 8%wt sebesar 20,3 μm; 10%wt sebesar 19,5 μm. Pada hasil pengujian kekerasan rata-rata nilai kekerasan pada 0%wt sebesar 21,66 HR30T; 2%wt 39,66 HR30T; 4%wt 51,81 HR30T; 6%wt 56,71 HR30T; 8%wt 59,83 HR30T; 10%wt 66,65 HR30T. Nilai kekerasan meningkat dengan bertambahnya kandungan nikel pada paduan dan ukuran butir yang semakin kecil. Hasil pengujian kekuatan impak nilai kekuatan impak tertinggi pada 0%wt sebesar 0,054 J/mm2, lalu pada 2%wt nilai kekuatan impak sebesar 0,015 J/mm2; 4%wt 0,012 J/mm2; 6%wt 0,010 J/mm2; 8% wt 0,008 J/mm2; 10%wt 0,006 J/mm2. Dari hasil pengujian didapatkan bahwa semakin banyak kandungan nikel maka akan menurunkan nilai kekuatan impaknya

English Abstract

The purpose of this research is to determine the effect of nickel addition to aluminium-silicon alloy on the microstructure, hardness, and impact strength. The method used is an experimental laboratory-scale method. The alloy used is from used piston that was melted and then added with nickel in varying proportions of 0%wt, 2%wt, 4%wt, 6%wt, 8%wt, and 10%wt. And then chemical composition, microstructure, hardness, and impact strength tests were conducted. The chemical composition tests revealed changes in each variation, where an increase in nickel content led to a decrease in the silicon composition. Results from microstructure tests showed that the morphology of the microstructure changed with each variation, and the grain size decreased as the nickel content increased. At 0%wt, the grain size was 39.2 μm; at 2%wt, it was 28 μm; at 4%wt, it was 24.5 μm; at 6%wt, it was 22.4 μm; at 8%wt, it was 20.3 μm; and at 10%wt, it was 19.5 μm. The average hardness values obtained from the tests were as follows: at 0%wt, it was 21.66 HR30T; at 2%wt, it was 39.66 HR30T; at 4%wt, it was 51.81 HR30T; at 6%wt, it was 56.71 HR30T; at 8%wt, it was 59.83 HR30T; and at 10%wt, it was 66.65 HR30T. The hardness increased with an increase in nickel content in the alloy and with smaller grain size. The results of the impact strength tests showed that the highest value of impact strength was at 0%wt, which was 0.054 J/mm2, followed by 2%wt with an impact strength value of 0.015 J/mm2; 4%wt with 0.012 J/mm2; 6%wt with 0.010 J/mm2; 8%wt with 0.008 J/mm2; and 10%wt with 0.006 J/mm2. The results of the tests indicated that an increase in nickel content would decrease the impact strength value.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0523070069
Uncontrolled Keywords: Aluminium-Silikon, Nikel, Struktur Mikro, Kekerasan, Kekuatan Impak
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Mesin
Depositing User: agung
Date Deposited: 12 Jan 2024 02:35
Last Modified: 12 Jan 2024 02:35
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