Pengaruh Lubang Resapan Biopori Berbahan Organik terhadap C dan P Tanah Kebun Jeruk Lemon (Citrus limon) di Desa Tlekung, Batu.

Kumala Dewi Purwanti, Nelsa and Prof. Dr. Ir. Soemarno,, MS. and Buyung Al Fanshuri, (2023) Pengaruh Lubang Resapan Biopori Berbahan Organik terhadap C dan P Tanah Kebun Jeruk Lemon (Citrus limon) di Desa Tlekung, Batu. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Permintaan buah lemon terus mengalami peningkatan sejalan dengan banyaknya produk olahan lemon. Kurang optimalnya produksi jeruk dapat disebabkan oleh banyak hal, salah satunya ketersediaan unsur hara. BPSI Jestro memiliki tekstur tanah dominan liat. Tanah dengan tekstur liat mudah mengalami pemadatan, run off serta ketersediaan hara pada tanah rendah sehingga pertumbuhan tanaman tidak optimal. Keterbatasan tersebut perlu dilakukan perbaikan dengan menggunakan lubang resapan biopori dan bahan organik. Penambahan bahan organik berupa pupuk kandang kambing dan kompos pada lubang resapan biopori diharapkan mampu memperbaiki sifat kimia tanah terutama C-organik dan P-tersedia pada kebun lemon hingga lapisan bawah. Penelitian dilakukan di Blok Lemon Kebun Percobaan Tlekung, BPSI Jestro, Desa Tlekung, Kota Batu pada Juli 2022 hingga Februari 2023 menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 6 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dari P0: kontrol, P1: lubang resapan biopori tanpa bahan organik, P2: lubang resapan biopori dengan bahan organik kompos dengan dosis 15 ton/ha, P3: lubang resapan biopori dengan bahan organik kompos dengan dosis 30 ton/ha, P4: lubang resapan biopori dengan bahan organik kandang dengan dosis 15 ton/ha dan P5: lubang biopori dengan bahan organik kandang kambing dengan dosis 30 ton/ha. Parameter pengamatan yang dilakukan adalah pH (H2O dan KCl), C-organik, Ptersedia, P-total, Kadar P daun dan klorofil. Analisis data yang dilakukan dengan analisis ragam (ANOVA) dengan taraf 5% menggunakan bantuan aplikasi SPSS. Hasil analisis kemudian di uji lanjut dengan menggunakan uji Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) dengan taraf 5%. Dilanjutkan dengan uji korelasi dan regresi linear berganda. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, didapatkan bahwasanya pengaplikasian lubang resapan biopori berbahan organik dapat meningkatkan kandungan C dan P tanah. Perlakuan terbaik yakni dengan penambahan bahan organik kandang kambing dosis 30 ton/ha. Peningkatan pada C-organik, P-tersedia dan P-total pada kedalaman 0- 20, 20-40 dan 40-60 berturut-turut {3.16%, 2.20%, 2.12%}, {57.90 ppm, 36.49 ppm, 33.25 ppm} dan {126.94 mg/100g, 95.48 mg/100g, 91.63 mg/100g}. Pengaplikasian lubang resapan biopori berbahan organik dapat meningkatkan klorofil daun lemon dengan perlakuan terbaik pupuk kandang kambing 30 ton/ha. Hasil analisis regresi menunjukkan P-tersedia kedalaman 20-40, 40-60; P-total 40- 60; C-organik 0-20, 20-40 mempengaruhi klorofil daun lemon sebesar 68.4% dengan nilai signifikan <0,01.

English Abstract

The demand for lemons continues to increase in line with the amount of processed lemon products. Less optimal citrus production can be caused by many things, such as the availability of nutrients. BPSI Jestro has dominant clay texture. Soils with clay texture are easy to compact, run off and the availability of nutrients in the soil is low so the growth plant is not optimal. These limitations need to improve using biopore infiltration holes and organic matter. The addition of organic matter in the form of goat manure and compost to the biopore infiltration holes is expected to improve the chemical properties of the soil, especially C- organic and P-available in the lemon garden down to the subsoil. The research was conducted in the Lemon Block at Tlekung Experimental Garden, BPSI Jestro, Tlekung Village, Batu City from July 2022 to February 2023 using a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 6 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments consisted of P0: control, P1: biopore infiltration holes without organic matter, P2: biopore infiltration holes with compost organic matter at a dose of 15 tons/ha, P3: biopore infiltration holes with compost organic matter at a dose of 30 tons/ha, P4: biopore infiltration holes with stable organic matter at a dose of 15 tons/ha and P5: biopore holes with goat pen organic matter at a dose of 30 tons/ha. Parameters for the observations were pH (H2O and KCl), C-organic, P-available, P-total, leaf P content, and chlorophyll. Data analysis was carried out by analysis of variance (ANOVA) with 5% level using the SPSS application. The results of the analysis were then further tested using Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) test with 5% level. Followed by a correlation test and multiple linear regression. Based on the research results, it was found that the application of organically made biopore infiltration holes can increase the C and P content of soil. The best treatment is the addition of goat pen organic matter at a dose of 30 tons/ha. Increased in C-organic, P-available, and P-total at depths of 0-20, 20-40, and 40-60 respectively {3.16%, 2.20%, 2.12%}, {57.90 ppm, 36.49 ppm, 33.25 ppm} and {126.94 mg/100g, 95.48 mg/100g, 91.63 mg/100g}. The application of organically made biopore infiltration holes can increase the chlorophyll of lemon leaves with the best treatment of goat manure 30 tons/ha. The results of the regression analysis showed that P-available depths were 20-40, 40-60; P-total 40-60; C-organic 0-20, 20-40 affects the chlorophyll of lemon leaves by 68.4% with a significant value <0.01.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052304
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Ilmu Tanah
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username ismiatun
Date Deposited: 12 Jan 2024 02:00
Last Modified: 12 Jan 2024 02:00
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