Pengaruh Rotational Speed Dan Friction Time Terhadap Distribusi Temperatur Pengelasan Cdfw Logam Al-6061 Dengan Ss-304

Pradipta, Muhamad Ananda (2017) Pengaruh Rotational Speed Dan Friction Time Terhadap Distribusi Temperatur Pengelasan Cdfw Logam Al-6061 Dengan Ss-304. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Teknologi CDFW (continous drive friction welding) mulai dikembangkan karena prosesnya yang murah, cepat, dan aman. CDFW dilakukan dengan cara memberikan rotasi ke benda kerja pertama dan memberikan tekanan ke benda kerja kedua sehingga menimbulkan gesekan. Gesekan yang terjadi menghasilkan panas yang dapat menyambungkan kedua benda kerja tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh rotational speed dan friction time terhadap distribusi temperatur benda kerja yang dihasilkan dari proses pengelasan CDFW. Material yang digunakan pada benda kerja pertama yakni Al-6061 yang memiliki temperatur rekristalisasi sebesar 315,560C dan temperatur cair sebesar 660°C. Material yang digunakan pada benda kerja kedua yakni SS-304 yang memiliki temperatur rekristalisasi sebesar 537,780C dan temperatur cair sebesar 1523,8890C. Penelitian ini menggunakan software berbasis elemen hingga. Modelling diatur dengan cara material SS-304 dirotasi dengan kecepatan yang ditentukan dan Al-6061 ditekan dengan friction pressure sebesar 40Mpa selama friction time yang ditentukan kemudian diberikan upset pressure sebesar 60 MPa selama 1 detik. Pada material SS-304variasi rotational speed yang digunakan yaitu 1000, 1400, dan 1800 RPM sedangkan variasi friction time benda kerja yakni 1 detik, 2 detik, dan 3 detik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semakin besar rotational speed dan semakin besar friction time benda kerja menyebabkan distribusi temperatur yang dihasilkan semakin besar yang diakibatkan oleh proses pengelasan CDFW. Temperatur tertinggi dihasilkan oleh variasi 1800 RPM dengan friction time 3 detik sebesar 486,030C. Sedangkan temperatur terendah dihasilkan oleh variasi 1000 RPM dengan friction time 156,180C. Pada prosesnya, material yang digunakan akan menyambung apabila salah satu benda kerja telah mencapai temperatur rekristalisasinya. Penyambungan las CDFW yang baik apabila daerah sambungan las berada di antara temperatur rekristalisasi dan temperatur cair material. Berdasarkan asumsi tersebut, maka variasi 1800 RPM dengan friction time 3 detik memungkinkan memiliki hasil pengelasan yang paling baik, karena telah mencapai temperatur rekristalisasi material Al-6061 dan di bawah temperatur cair material Al-6061. Kata kunci: Continuous drive friction welding, rotational speed, friction time

English Abstract

CDFW (continous drive friction welding) technology has been developed because of its quick process, low cost and safety. CDFW method are giving rotation in to first object and giving pressure in to second object thus make frictions between two objects. The friction produced between two objects creates heat, resulting two objects bonded. This research purposes are to knowing influence of rotational speed and friction time to object’s temperature distribution produced from CDFW process. Material used for first object is Al-6061 which has recrystalisation temperature at 315,560C and melting temperature at 6600C. Material used for second object is SS-304 which has recrystalisation temperature at 537,780C and melting temperature at 1523,8890C. This research is using finite element based software. Modelling has been set that SS-304 material rotated with rotational speed at desired RPM, and Al-6061 material pressured with friction pressure at 40MPa at desired time and upset pressure at 60 MPa for 1 second. The rotational speed applied to material Al-6061 are 1000 RPM, 1400 RPM, and 1800 RPM, while the friction time variations are 1 second, 2 seconds, and 3 seconds. The result of this simulation shows higher rotational speed and longer friction time create higher temperature distributions during CDFW processes. Highest temperature’s distribution, which is 486,030C at the core of collided area, is shown when the model had its object’s rotational speed at 1800 RPM and the friction time is 3 seconds. While lowest temperature’s distribution, which is 156,180C at the core of collided area, is shown when the model had its variation of rotational speed at 1000 RPM and the friction time 1 second. In the process, material will be bonded if one of material reached its recrystalisation temperature. CDFW welding process has a good quality when its heat affected zone temperature between recrystalisation temperature and melting temperature of one object. Using this asumption, the best option for object variation is 1800 RPM while the friction time is 3 seconds shown by its temperature at the core of collided area is reaching recrystalisation temperature Al-6061 and lower than melting temperature Al-6061, thus is the best condition to get the best welding quality.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: SKR/FT/2017/459/051705422
Uncontrolled Keywords: Continuous drive friction welding, rotational speed, friction time, temperatur.
Subjects: 600 Technology (Applied sciences) > 671 Metalworking Processes and primary metal products > 671.5 Joining and cutting of metals > 671.52 Welding
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Mesin
Depositing User: Nur Cholis
Date Deposited: 05 Sep 2017 03:41
Last Modified: 29 Nov 2020 01:56
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