Ardiansyah, Nandha and Prof. Ir. Kurniatun Hairiah.,, Ph.D and Rizki Maulana Ishaq,, S.P, M.P (2023) Cadangan karbon dalam tanah berbagai sistem penggunaan lahan di kawasan hutan terdampak banjir bandang di lereng gunung Arjuno. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Lahan-lahan terdegradasi di Kawasan sub-DAS Kalisari dan sub-DAS Kalilanang lereng Gunung Arjuno semakin meluas akibat adanya kebakaran hutan (tahun 2020), longsor dan banjir bandang (tahun 2021), sehingga meninggalkan lahan-lahan terdegradasi yang terbuka. Guna mengembalikan fungsi dan layanan lingkungan lanskap yang ada, pihak Perhutani/UT-Astra/ UB akan melakukan restorasi di tempat-tempat yang terjadi longsor dengan jalan menanam aneka jenis pohon buah-buahan menurut sistem agroforestri. Keberhasilan dari usaha restorasi lahan dapat dilakukan dengan mengevaluasi peningkatan cadangan C tanah per periode (5 tahun) relative terhadap kondisi awal sebelum restorasi (Carbon Base Line). Untuk itu perlu dilakukan pengukuran cadangan karbon dalam tanah sebelum restorasi, dan sebagai pembanding dilakukan juga pengukuran di berbagai macam lahan agroforestri sekitar kawasan (sub-DAS Kalisari dan sub-DAS Kalilanang). Tujuan penelitian: (a) mengevaluasi cadangan C dalam tanah di lahan-lahan yang akan direstorasi di lereng Gunung Arjuno, (b) menganalisis perbaikan cadangan C dalam tanah yang akan dicapai dari restorasi menggunakan agroforestri. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di lereng Gunung Arjuno yang merupakan bagian dari Kegiatan Penelitian “Pemulihan Jasa Lingkungan di lereng Gunung Arjuno” Kerjasama antara UB/UT Astra/Perhutani, pada Januari hingga Mei 2023. Pengamatan dilakukan di beberapa tempat yang terletak di 5 desa (Bulukerto, Sumbergondo, Tulungrejo, Tawangargo dan Donowarih), Kecamatan Bumiaji dan Karangploso, Malang, Provinsi Jawa Timur. Pengambilan contoh tanah dilakukan di 6 sistem penggunaan lahan (SPL) di dalam dan luar Kawasan hutan lindung: (a) agroforestri di kawasan lindung (AFKL), dan di luar kawasan hutan lindung adalah (b) hutan produksi (HP), (c) agroforestri multistrata (AFM), (d) agroforestri sederhana (AFS), (e) kebun buah (KB) dan (f) tanaman semusim (TS); dari 3 kedalaman (0-10 cm, 10-20 cm, dan 20-30 cm dengan 4x ulangan). Perhitungan perubahan cadangan C tanah berbasis pada perbedaan cadangan C dari berbagai macam penggunaan lahan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa cadangan C dalam tanah tertinggi di SPL AFKL sebesar 143 Mg ha-1 (55%) yang berbeda nyata dengan SPL lainnya, sedangkan cadangan C tanah di SPL lainnya (HP, AFM, AFS, KB, dan TS) secara statistik tidak berbeda nyata (p>0,05), dengan rata-rata 103 Mg ha-1. Aplikasi persamaan pedotransfer terhadap kandungan C organik tanah (Corg) untuk mengevaluasi kualitas tanah (Corg/ Cref = 1) ternyata di SPL AFKL masih sebagus hutan alami dengan Corg/ Cref >1, yang diikuti dengan cadangan C tanah tinggi. Cadangan C dalam tanah di lahan yang akan direstorasi 30% lebih rendah dibandingkan C tanah AF kawasan lindung. Sistem penggunaan lahan AF sederhana memiliki kerapatan pohon yang tinggi (25,7 m2 ha-1) akan tetapi tidak diikuti dengan cadangan C tanah yang tinggi (109 Mg ha-1). Cadangan C tanah tertinggi terdapat di SPL AF kawasan lindung sebesar walaupun kerapatan pohonnya lebih rendah rata-rata 22,5 m2 ha-1.
English Abstract
Degraded lands in the area of sub-watersheds Kalisari and Kalilanang on the slopes of Mount Arjuno are expanding due to forest fires (year 2020), landslides and flash floods (year 2021), leaving degraded lands exposed. In order to restore the existing landscape environmental functions and services, Perhutani/UTAstra/ UB will carry out revegetation in areas where landslides have occurred by planting various types of fruit trees according to the agroforestry system. The success of land restoration efforts can be assessed by evaluating the increase in soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil C stock per 5 years period relative to the initial conditions before restoration (Carbon Base Line). For this reason, it is necessary to measure carbon stocks in the soil prior to revegetation, and as a comparison, measurements are also carried out in various types of agroforestry system around the area. The aims of the research: (a) to evaluate soil C stock in various land use systems (LUS) that will be restored on the slopes of Mount Arjuno, (b) to analyze the improvement in soil C stock to be achieved from restoration using agroforestry. This research was carried out on the slopes of Mount Arjuno which is part of the Research Activity "Recovery of Environmental Services on the slopes of Mount Arjuno" in collaboration between UB/UT Astra/Perhutani, from January to May 2023. Observations were made in several places located in 5 villages (Bulukerto, Sumbergondo, Tulungrejo, Tawangargo and Donowarih), Bumiaji and Karangploso Districts, Malang, East Java Province. Soil sampling was carried out in 6 land use systems (SPL) inside and outside protected forest areas: (a) agroforestry in protected areas (AFKL), and outside protected forest areas were (b) production forests (HP), (c) multistrata agroforestry (AFM), (d) simple agroforestry (AFS), (e) orchards (KB) and (f) seasonal crops (TS); from 3 depths (0-10 cm, 10- 20 cm, and 20-30 cm with 4 repetitions). Calculation of changes in soil C stocks is based on differences in C stocks (C stock difference) of various land uses. The results showed that the highest soil C stock in LUS AFKL was 143 Mg ha-1 (55%) which was significantly different from other LUSs, while soil C stock in other LUS (HP, AFS, AFM, KB, and TS) were not significantly different (p>0.05), with the average 103 Mg ha-1. Application of the existing pedotransfer equation to soil organic C content (Corg) to evaluate soil quality (Corg/Cref = 1), shown that in AFKL it is still as good as natural forest with Corg/Cref > 1, followed by high soil C stock. Soil C stocks in the area will be restored are 30% lower than soil C stock in AFKL. The AFS has a high tree density or tree basal area (25,7 m2 ha-1) but is not followed by a high soil C stock (109 Mg ha-1). The highest soil C stock are found in AFKL although the average its basal area lower (22,5 m2 ha-1).
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 052304 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Agroforestri, Banjir Bandang, revegetasi, cadangan C tanah |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Ilmu Tanah |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with username ismiatun |
Date Deposited: | 11 Jan 2024 07:49 |
Last Modified: | 11 Jan 2024 07:49 |
URI: | |
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