Domestic Violence as The Result of Patriarchy in It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover.

Saputra,, Gema Buana Dwi. and Arcci Tusita, S.S., M.Hum (2023) Domestic Violence as The Result of Patriarchy in It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Patriarki yang masih berakar dalam masyarakat menyebabkan kekerasan rumah tangga muncul. Banyak yang meyakini bahwa kekerasan rumah tangga sebagian besar dilakukan oleh pria yang membuat respon wanita muncul dalam menghadapinya. Studi ini akan membahas tentang bagaimana kekerasan dalam rumah tangga dilihat sebagai hasil dari patriarki karena berfokus untuk mengungkapkan alasan Ryle Kincaid melakukan kekerasan rumah tangga, norma patriarki yang dilakukan, dan respon Lily Bloom, sebagai wanita korban kekerasan rumah tangga, terhadap kekerasan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan analisis fact-findings untuk mengumpulkan dan menganalisis data. Data diperoleh melalui It Ends with Us (2016), novel yang ditulis oleh Colleen Hoover. Dalam menganalisis data, penulis menggunakan pendekatan feminisme dan konsep Patriarchy and Norms (Walby, 1990; Soman, 2006), Types of Domestic Violence (Slabbert, 2014), dan Women’s responses to Domestic Violence (Cavanagh, 2003). Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa Ryle Kincaid sudah melakukan tiga tipe kekerasan rumah tangga, yaitu Physical Abuse (shoving, grabbing, and pushing), Emotional Abuse (accussing), dan Sexual Abuse (raping). Berdasarkan tipe dari kekerasan rumah tangga tersebut, alasan Ryle Kincaid melakukan kekerasan rumah tangga terungkap meliputi menyelamatkan ego, merasa cemburu, terkhianati, dan sedih yang diwujudkan melalui kekerasan dengan keekuatan dari patriarki. Alasan-alasan untuk melakukan tindakan tersebut membuktikan bahwa kekerasan rumah tangga selalu berkaitan dengan patriarki karena ideologi ini membuat Ryle Kincaid menjadi pemegang kekuasaan dengan kekuatan untuk mengendalikan Lily Bloom yang bisa membuatnya juga menegakkan norma patriarki melalui ‘force’ di rumah tangga. Dalam menanggapi kekerasan tersebut, Lily Bloom menunjukkan lima tanggapan setelah disiksa, yaitu Defining and Redefining the Violence, ‘Going out’ or Telling the Others about The Violence, Engendering Violence, Specific Strategies for Avoiding the Violence, and Leaving Relationship. Oleh sebab itu, kekerasan rumah tangga menjadi hasil dari konsep patriarki di dalam rumah tangga.

English Abstract

Patriarchy which is still rooted in society causes the domestic violence to appear within a household. It is convinced that domestic violence is mostly done by men which make women’s response appear in facing it. This study will discuss about how domestic violence is seen as the result of patriarchy as it focuses to reveal Ryle Kincaid’s reasons to do domestic violence, patriarchal norms allegedly done, and Lily Bloom’s responses, as the female-victim of violence, to it. The method used in study is qualitative-descriptive with fact-findings analysis to collect and analyse the data. Data were gained through It Ends with Us (2016), a novel written by Colleen Hoover. In analysing the data, the writer used feminism as the approach and the concept of Patriarchy and Norms (Walby, 1990; Soman, 2006), Types of Domestic Violence (Slabbert, 2014), and Women’s Response in Domestic Violence (Cavanagh, 2003). The result of study shows Ryle Kincaid has committed three types of domestic violence which are Physical Abuse (shoving, grabbing, and pushing), Emotional Abuse (accusation), dan Sexual Abuse (raping). Through these type of violence, Ryle Kincaid’s reasons to do domestic violence are revealed consisting of saving his ego, feeling jealous, betrayed, and upset which are projected through violence with power from patriarchy. Those reasons to commit domestic violence proves that the violence is always intertwined to patriarchy as it makes Ryle Kincaid to be the main authority with power to control Lily Bloom which leads him to uphold patriarchal norm through force within a household as well. In responding the violence, Lily Bloom shows five responses after getting abused which are Defining and Redefining the Violence, ‘Going out’ or Telling the Others about The Violence, Engendering Violence, Specific Strategies for Avoiding the Violence, and Leaving Relationship. Therefore, it is concluded that domestic violence become the result of patriarchy within a household.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052312
Uncontrolled Keywords: patriarki, kekerasan rumah tangga, respon perempuan
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Budaya > Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: maria
Date Deposited: 11 Jan 2024 07:23
Last Modified: 11 Jan 2024 07:23
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