Studi Penentuan IPAL Komunal yang Berpengaruh Signifikan Terhadap Kualitas Air Sungai Bengawan Solo di Stasiun Semanggi sampai Stasiun Jurug Kota Surakarta,

Paramita,, Linda Dian (2023) Studi Penentuan IPAL Komunal yang Berpengaruh Signifikan Terhadap Kualitas Air Sungai Bengawan Solo di Stasiun Semanggi sampai Stasiun Jurug Kota Surakarta,. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Penanganan air limbah di Kota Surakarta dominan menggunakan sistem on-site dan salahsatunya yaitu IPAL komunal. Daerah studi di sepanjang aliran sungai terdapat 6 IPAL komunal yang tersebar di daerah padat penduduk. Guna mengetahui IPAL komunal yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pencemaran kualitas air Sungai Bengawan Solo di Kota Surakarta, maka perlu dilakukan suatu analisis. Pada penelitian ini analisis yang dilakukan yaitu analisis regresi linear berganda metode langkah maju (Forward Selection) dengan menggunakan IBM SPSS Statistics 25. Hasil dari analisis regresi linear berganda metode langkah maju (Forward Selection) menggunakan IBM SPSS Statistics 25 yaitu IPAL komunal yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap pencemaran kualitas air Sungai Bengawan Solo dan besaran persentase pengaruhnya. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan, didapatkan IPAL komunal yang mempengaruhi kualitas sungai Bengawan Solo mulai Stasiun Semanggi (Jembatan Semanggi-Nusupan) hingga Stasiun Jurug (Jembatan Jurug) diantaranya parameter BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) oleh TPL 1, TPL 2, dan TPL 5 sebesar 87,5%, parameter COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) dipengaruhi TPL 1, TPL 2, dan TPL 3 sebesar 91,2%, parameter TSS (Total Suspended Solid) dipengaruhi TPL 4 dan TPL 6 sebesar 64%, dan parameter Total Coliform dipengaruhi oleh TPL 1, TPL 2, TPL 5, dan TPL 6 sebesar 98%.

English Abstract

The Bengawan Solo River flows through two provinces, namely Central Java and East Java which has a large population. This has an impact on increasing the need for domestic water supply which has an impact on increasing the amount of wastewater. Surakarta City is one of the cities that is crossed by the Bengawan Solo River and used by the community for several daily activities. Wastewater management in Surakarta City mostly uses on-site systems and one of them is a communal WWTP. The study area along the river basin has 6 communal WWTPs scattered in densely populated areas. In order to determine the communal WWTP that has a significant effect on the pollution of the water quality of the Bengawan Solo River in Surakarta City, it is necessary to conduct an analysis. In this study, the analysis carried out was multiple linear regression analysis of the forward selection method using IBM SPSS Statistics 25. The results of multiple linear regression analysis of the forward selection method using IBM SPSS Statistics 25 are communal WWTP which has a significant effect on the pollution of the water quality of the Bengawan Solo River and the percentage of its influence. Based on the calculation results, it was found that communal WWTPs influenced the quality of the Bengawan Solo River from Semanggi Station (Semanggi-Nusupan Bridge) to Jurug Station (Jurug Bridge) including BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand) parameters influenced by TPL 1, TPL 2, and TPL 5 by 87.5%, COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) parameters influenced by TPL 1, TPL 2, and TPL 3 by 91 2%, TSS (Total Suspended Solid) parameters influenced by TPL 4 and TPL 6 by 64%, and Total Coliform parameters influenced by TPL 1, TPL 2, TPL 5, and TPL 6 by 98%.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 0523070057
Uncontrolled Keywords: IPAL komunal, kualitas air sungai, regresi linear berganda, metode langkah maju, IBM SPSS Statistics 25
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Pengairan
Depositing User: agung
Date Deposited: 11 Jan 2024 05:10
Last Modified: 11 Jan 2024 05:12
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