Sethya Dewi, Shinta and Dr. Kurniawan Sigit Wicaksono,, SP. M.Sc. and Prof. Dr. Ir Sri Rahayu Utami,, M.Sc and Setiyadi Riza,, S.P., M.Sc. (2023) Evaluasi Kualitas Fisika & Kimia Air Sungai pada Berbagai Penggunaan Lahan di Kawasan DAS Brantas Hulu. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
RINGKASAN Shinta Sethya Dewi. 195040200111062. Evaluasi Kualitas Fisika & Kimia Air Sungai pada Berbagai Penggunaan Lahan di Kawasan DAS Brantas Hulu. Dibawah bimbingan Kurniawan Sigit Wicaksono sebagai Pembimbing Utama. Dinamika penggunaan lahan di daerah aliran sungai (DAS) dewasa ini semakin menggerus fungsi lahan alaminya, yaitu hutan. Hutan sebagai wilayah dengan tutupan lahan yang rapat memegang peranan yang vital terhadap kelestarian ekosistem sekitar. Adanya jasa lingkungan yang dihasilkan oleh hutan memberikan segudang manfaat bagi kelestarian wilayah DAS sehingga hilangnya fungsi-fungsi tersebut dapat memberikan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan. Walau demikian, faktanya kebutuhan manusia akan lahan semakin hari kian meningkat. Pengalihfungsian lahan membuat kawasan yang semula memiliki vegetasi yang rapat berubah menjadi kawasan lain yang disesuaikan dengan kepentingan manusia seiring dengan berkembangnya waktu. Akibatnya, luas kawasan hijau sebagai daerah resapan air semakin menurun dan lebih jauh akan berdampak pada degradasi kualitas air di sepanjang aliran sungainya. Tujuan dilaksanakannya penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengkaji dan mengevaluasi pengaruh variasi penggunaan lahan terhadap kualitas air sungai yang dihasilkan berdasarkan parameter fisik dan kimianya. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dari bulan Maret – Juli 2023 di kawasan DAS Brantas Hulu. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode purposive sampling dengan menyesuaikan kemudahan akses, biaya, serta waktu penelitian. Adapun penggunaan lahan yang dipilih meliputi penggunaan lahan hutan, perkebunan, tegalan, permukiman, dan peternakan. Pengambilan sampel air dilakukan pada tiga bagian sungai meliputi bagian kanan, tengah, dan kiri sungai. Sampel yang telah didapatkan kemudian dianalisis di Laboratorium Fisika Tanah, Universitas Brawijaya dan Laboratorium Lingkungan Perum Jasa Tirta 1, Malang. Hasil analisis yang didapatkan kemudian dibandingkan dengan standar mutu yang tercantum pada Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 22 Tahun 2021 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup serta dilakukan pengolahan data menggunakan uji statistik One Way ANOVA dengan taraf 5% serta uji lanjut BNJ dengan taraf yang sama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas air sungai yang didapatkan dari masing-masing penggunaan lahan di kawasan DAS Brantas Hulu berdasarkan parameter suhu air, BOD, COD, DO, nitrit, dan nitratnya tergolong dalam kelas yang beragam baik dari kelas 1 hingga 4. Kualitas air sungai terbaik didapatkan pada penggunaan lahan hutan dengan rata-rata nilai suhu air sebesar 16,5°C; BOD sebesar 3,38 mg/L; COD sebesar 22,95 mg/L; DO sebesar 11,50 mg/L; serta kandungan nitrit dan nitrat berturut-turut sebanyak 0,02 mg/L dan 1,53 mg/L. Selain itu, terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pada nilai rata-rata kualitas air sungai berdasarkan parameter suhu air, BOD, COD, DO, nitrit dan nitrat sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa jenis penggunaan lahan memengaruhi tinggi rendahnya mutu air sungai yang dihasilkan di DAS Brantas Hulu.
English Abstract
SUMMARY Shinta Sethya Dewi. 195040200111062. Evaluation of the Physical & Chemical Quality of River Water in Various Land Uses in the Upper Brantas Watershed. Supervised by Kurniawan Sigit Wicaksono as Main Supervisor. The dynamics of land use in watershed areas recenly reduce the function of it’s natural land, such as forests. Forests as an areas with dense land cover take a vital role in preserving the surrounding ecosystem. The environmental services produced by forests provide a multitude of benefits for the sustainability of watershed areas so that the loss of these functions can cause a negative impact on the environment. However, the fact is that human need for land will increase day by day. Land conversion causes areas that originally had dense vegetation become other areas that have been adapted to human interests over time. As the result, total area of green areas that play role as the water catchment areas is decreasing and will further impact on reducing it’s river water quality. The aim of carrying out this research is to identify and activate the influence of land use variations on the resulting air quality based on physical and chemical parameters. This research was carried out from March – July 2023 in the Brantas Hulu watershed. The method used in this case is the purposive sampling method by adjusting ease of access, costs, and research time. The land uses selected included forest, plantations, moorlands, settlements and farm land. Water samples were taken at the observation location in three parts of the river, including the right, middle, and left side of the river. Samples that have been obtained were then analyzed at the Laboratorium Fisika Tanah, Universitas Brawijaya and Laboratorium Lingkungan of Perum Jasa Tirta 1, Malang. Furthermore, the results obtained were compared with the quality standards stated in the Government Regulation of Republic of Indonesia Number 22 of 2021 concerning Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management and data analysis was carried out using the One Way ANOVA statistical test with a level of 5% and the Tukey HSD post hoc test with the same level. The results of the research show that the air quality obtained from each land use in the Brantas Hulu watershed area based on the parameters of water temperature, BOD, COD, DO, nitrite and nitrate is included in various classes, from class 1 to 4. The best river water quality obtained on forest land use with an average water temperature value is 16.5°C; BOD 3.38 mg/L; COD 22.95 mg/L; DO 11.50 mg/L; then nitrite and nitrate content is 0.02 mg/L and 1.53 mg/L. Furthermore, there are significant differences in the average value of river water quality based on the parameters of water temperature, BOD, COD, DO, nitrite and nitrate so it can be said that the type of land use influences the quality of river water produced in the Upper Brantas Watershed.SUMMARY Shinta Sethya Dewi. 195040200111062. Evaluation of the Physical & Chemical Quality of River Water in Various Land Uses in the Upper Brantas Watershed. Supervised by Kurniawan Sigit Wicaksono as Main Supervisor. The dynamics of land use in watershed areas recenly reduce the function of it’s natural land, such as forests. Forests as an areas with dense land cover take a vital role in preserving the surrounding ecosystem. The environmental services produced by forests provide a multitude of benefits for the sustainability of watershed areas so that the loss of these functions can cause a negative impact on the environment. However, the fact is that human need for land will increase day by day. Land conversion causes areas that originally had dense vegetation become other areas that have been adapted to human interests over time. As the result, total area of green areas that play role as the water catchment areas is decreasing and will further impact on reducing it’s river water quality. The aim of carrying out this research is to identify and activate the influence of land use variations on the resulting air quality based on physical and chemical parameters. This research was carried out from March – July 2023 in the Brantas Hulu watershed. The method used in this case is the purposive sampling method by adjusting ease of access, costs, and research time. The land uses selected included forest, plantations, moorlands, settlements and farm land. Water samples were taken at the observation location in three parts of the river, including the right, middle, and left side of the river. Samples that have been obtained were then analyzed at the Laboratorium Fisika Tanah, Universitas Brawijaya and Laboratorium Lingkungan of Perum Jasa Tirta 1, Malang. Furthermore, the results obtained were compared with the quality standards stated in the Government Regulation of Republic of Indonesia Number 22 of 2021 concerning Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management and data analysis was carried out using the One Way ANOVA statistical test with a level of 5% and the Tukey HSD post hoc test with the same level. The results of the research show that the air quality obtained from each land use in the Brantas Hulu watershed area based on the parameters of water temperature, BOD, COD, DO, nitrite and nitrate is included in various classes, from class 1 to 4. The best river water quality obtained on forest land use with an average water temperature value is 16.5°C; BOD 3.38 mg/L; COD 22.95 mg/L; DO 11.50 mg/L; then nitrite and nitrate content is 0.02 mg/L and 1.53 mg/L. Furthermore, there are significant differences in the average value of river water quality based on the parameters of water temperature, BOD, COD, DO, nitrite and nitrate so it can be said that the type of land use influences the quality of river water produced in the Upper Brantas Watershed.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 052304 |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with username saputro |
Date Deposited: | 11 Jan 2024 03:12 |
Last Modified: | 11 Jan 2024 03:12 |
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