Permata, Anggita Ika and Prof. Dr. Teti Estiasih, STP., MP. (2023) Evaluasi dan Perbaikan Penerapan Sistem Jaminan Produk Halal di Central Kitchen dan In House Bakery PT Lotte Mart Indonesia. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
PT Lotte Mart Indonesia yang bergerak dibidang ritel multinasional berprinsip dalam meningkatkan nilai merek produk dengan membangun identitas bahwa produk PT Lotte Mart Indonesia merupakan produk halal yang dibuktikan dengan adanya Sertifikat Halal. PT Lotte Mart Indonesia menjual beragam produk salah satunya yaitu bakery yang dibuat di central kitchen dan in house bakery setiap outlet. Namun, penerapan sistem jaminan produk halal tidaklah mudah. Pemenuhan SJPH menemui banyak kendala dan kurang sesuai dengan standar HAS 23000-3 terkait Persyaratan Sertifikasi Halal Restoran dan Jasa Boga. Maka, perlu dilakukan evaluasi terkait implementasi SJPH yang telah berjalan berdasarkan HAS 23000-3. Setelah dilakukan evaluasi, perlu adanya solusi tindakan perbaikan agar dapat meningkatkan konsistensi central kitchen dan in house bakery PT Lotte Mart Indonesia dalam mengimplementasikan SJPH. Evaluasi implementasi SJPH dilakukan berdasarkan hasil audit perpanjangan sertifikasi halal bersama LPPOM MUI yang berupa penjelasan terkait kelemahan yang ditemukan secara kualitatif. Selain itu, evaluasi juga didasarkan atas kuesioner evaluasi implementasi SJPH yang disebarkan kepada tim manajemen halal. Setelah dievaluasi, dirumuskan solusi tindakan perbaikan dan disampaikan ke perusahaan agar dapat meningkatkan konsistensi perusahaan dalam mengimplementasikan SJPH. Hasil yang diperoleh dari kegiatan evaluasi tersebut yaitu diketahui bahwa pelaksanaan beberapa kriteria di central kitchen dan in house bakery PT Lotte Mart Indonesia masih perlu perbaikan. Meskipun tim manajemen halal sudah melaksanakan kriteria pelatihan dan edukasi dengan baik serta memiliki beragam prosedur tertulis untuk aktivitas kritis, tetapi pelaksanaan prosedur tersebut belum berjalan dengan baik dan beberapa kriteria belum sesuai dengan HAS 23000-3. Terutama kriteria bahan dan produk yang ditemukan banyak kelemahan saat pelaksanaan audit. Kriteria penanganan produk yang tidak memenuhi kriteria halal dan kaji ulang manajemen yang terlewat pelaksanaannya perlu diperhatikan. Namun, kelemahan-kelemahan yang ditemukan dalam kegiatan audit perpanjangan sertifikasi halal tersebut telah mampu diperbaiki oleh perusahaan. Central kitchen dan in house bakery PT Lotte Mart Indonesia telah berusaha menerapkan setiap kriteria SJPH dengan baik sehingga mendapatkan sertifikat halal dengan status halal A (sangat baik). Namun, perlu adanya suatu sistem yang lebih terintegrasi. Salah satunya dengan memperbarui struktur organisasi menjadi lebih jelas tugas, tanggung jawab, dan wewenangnya. Struktur organisasi tersebut harus terdiri dari seluruh personil yang bersinggungan dengan aktivitas kritis. Selain itu, perlu adanya briefing berkala agar mengingatkan staf untuk melaksanakan setiap prosedur atau SOP yang dibuat perusahaan. Komunikasi dan koordinasi juga perlu ditingkatkan dari seluruh elemen yang melaksanakan setiap kriteria sistem jaminan produk halal sehingga pelaksanaan sistem jaminan produk halal dapat berjalan sinergis dan terstruktur.
English Abstract
PT Lotte Mart Indonesia is a multinational retail. Has the principle of increasing product brand value by building an identity that PT Lotte Mart Indonesia's products are halal products as evidenced by the existence of a Halal Certificate. PT Lotte Mart Indonesia sells a variety of products, one of which is a bakery made in the central kitchen and in-house bakery for each outlet. However, implementing a halal product guarantee system is not easy. Fulfillment of SJPH encounters many obstacles and is not in accordance with the HAS 23000-3 standard regarding Halal Certification Requirements for Restaurants and Catering Services. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the implementation of SJPH which has been running based on HAS 23000-3. After evaluation, there is a need for corrective action solutions in order to improve the consistency of PT Lotte Mart Indonesia's central kitchen and in-house bakery in implementing SJPH. The evaluation of SJPH implementation is carried out based on the results of an audit of the halal certification extension with LPPOM MUI in the form of an explanation regarding the weaknesses found qualitatively. In addition, the evaluation is also based on the SJPH implementation evaluation questionnaire distributed to the halal management team. After being evaluated, corrective action solutions are formulated and submitted to the company in order to increase the company's consistency in implementing SJPH. The results obtained from the evaluation activities are that it is known that the implementation of several criteria in the central kitchen and in-house bakery of PT Lotte Mart Indonesia still needs improvement. Even though the halal management team has carried out the training and education criteria properly and has various written procedures for critical activities, the implementation of these procedures has not gone well and some of the criteria are still not in accordance with HAS 23000-3. Especially the criteria for materials and products found many weaknesses during the audit. Criteria for handling products that do not meet the criteria for halal and management reviews that have missed their implementation need to be considered. However, the weaknesses found in the audit activities for the extension of the halal certification have been repaired by the company. PT Lotte Mart Indonesia's central kitchen and in-house bakery have tried to apply every SJPH criterion properly so that they get a halal certificate with halal status A (very good). However, there needs to be a more integrated system. One of them is by updating the organizational structure to make the duties, responsibilities, and authorities clearer. The organizational structure must consist of all personnel who are in contact with critical activities. In addition, there is a need for periodic briefings to remind staff to carry out every procedure or SOP made by the company. Communication and coordination also need to be improved from all elements that carry out each criterion of the halal product assurance system so that the implementation of the halal product guarantee system can run synergistically.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 052310 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | HAS 23000-3; PT Lotte Mart Indonesia; Sertifikasi Halal; Sistem Jaminan Produk Halal-Halal Assurance System; Halal Certification; HAS 23000-3; PT Lotte Mart Indonesia |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with email |
Date Deposited: | 11 Jan 2024 03:06 |
Last Modified: | 11 Jan 2024 03:06 |
URI: | |
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