Citra Oktaviana Dewi., Shendy and Prof. Ir. Didik Suprayogo,, M.Sc., Ph.D. and Dr. Reni Ustiatik,, S.P., M.P. (2023) Karakterisasi dan Optimasi PGP Actinomycetes Untuk Mengurangi Cekaman Kekeringan dan pH Tanah Masam Pada Brassica Chinensis di PT Great Giant Pineapple. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
RINGKASAN Shendy Citra Oktaviana Dewi. 195040200111152. KARAKTERISASI DAN OPTIMASI PGP Actinomycetes UNTUK MENGURANGI CEKAMAN KEKERINGAN DAN pH TANAH MASAM PADA Brassica chinensis DI PT GREAT GIANT PINEAPPLE. Di bawah bimbingan Prof. Ir. Didik Suprayogo, M.Sc., Ph.D. sebagai Pembimbing Utama dan Dr. Reni Ustiatik, S.P., M.P. sebagai Pembimbing Pendamping. Permasalahan lahan kering yang kompleks di Lampung menyebabkan tanaman tidak dapat tumbuh dengan optimum. Permasalahan lahan kering yang sampai saat ini belum mendapat perhatian lebih adalah cekaman kekeringan dan pH tanah yang masam. Maka dari itu perlu upaya yang solutif, ramah lingkungan, dan berkelanjutan terhadap permasalahan lahan di Lampung. Salah satunya melalui introduksi Actinomycetes karena mempunyai kemampuan high survival rate yang mampu tumbuh walaupun tidak dalam kondisi lingkungan yang optimum. Kegiatan penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Pengembangan Produk dan Rumah Kaca Research and Development LOB Plant PT Great Giant Pineapple di Lampung serta Laboratorium Kimia Tanah Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya di Malang. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengkarakterisasi dan mengidentifikasi lingkungan pertumbuhan optimum Actinomycetes, menguji respon Actinomycetes terhadap cekaman kekeringan di tanaman sawi, dan menguji kemampuan Actinomycetes dalam meningkatkan pH tanah masam di PT Great Giant Pineapple. Penelitian dilaksanakan menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Faktorial (RAKF) dengan dua faktor yaitu Actinomycetes dan penyiraman. Faktor perlakuan Actinomycetes terdiri dari 6 taraf yaitu kontrol tanpa Actinomycetes (P0), Actinomycetes F22 (P1), Actinomycetes F26 (P2), Actinomycetes F34 (P3), Actinomycetes F39 (P4), dan Actinomycetes F47 (P5) yang diujikan untuk faktor perlakuan cekaman kekeringan. Faktor perlakuan penyiraman terdiri dari 2 taraf yaitu kontrol dengan disiram (K1) dan tanpa disiram atau diberi cekaman kekeringan (K2). Terdapat 12 kombinasi perlakuan di mana setiap kombinasi perlakuan diulang sebanyak 3 kali sehingga terdapat 36 unit percobaan dan setiap unit percobaan terdiri dari 15 sampel tanaman sehingga terdapat 540 satuan pengamatan non destruktif. Parameter pengamatan dalam penelitian meliputi morfologi koloni, sel, warna gram, populasi Actinomycetes di semua uji pertumbuhan lingkungan optimum, persentase stres, persentase mati, persentase survive, persentase recovery, panjang tanaman, jumlah daun, bobot segar, panjang akar, pH tanah, dan kadar bahan organik. Pengamatan respon dan vegetatif dilakukan pada 14, 21, dan 24 hari setelah tanam (HST). Data penelitian ditabulasi dan dianalisis menggunakan Microsoft Excel dan Minitab-19. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa setiap jenis Actinomycetes mempunyai karakteristik dan lingkungan pertumbuhan optimum yang bervariasi namun cenderung sama. Hal tersebut dibuktikan oleh populasi Actinomycetes F22 yang mencapai 1,81 x 107 CFU/mL yang mampu tumbuh pada semua variasi suhu inkubasi dan pH media. Pengaplikasian Actinomycetes sebagai faktor I tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap respon, pertumbuhan, produksi tanaman, dan peningkatan pH tanah, tetapi terbukti mampu memberikan respon positif. Hal tersebut dibuktikan oleh P4 (Actinomycetes F39) dan P1 (Actinomycetes F22) yang memberikan nilai tertinggi dibandingkan P0 (Tanpa Actinomycetes). Perlakuan iii penyiraman sebagai faktor II memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan (P value < 0,05) terhadap parameter pengamatan. Perlakuan K1 (Disiram) memberikan hasil yang terbaik pada parameter respon tanaman, pertumbuhan, dan produksi tanaman dengan nilai sebesar 0% stres, 0% mati, 100% survive, 100% recovery, panjang tanaman 28,62 cm, jumlah daun 7,57 helai, berat segar 26,58 gram, dan panjang akar 13,40 cm. Perlakuan K2 (Tanpa disiram) memberikan hasil yang terbaik terhadap peningkatan pH sebesar 2% dan bahan organik sebesar 2,9% dibandingkan dengan perlakuan K1. Interaksi antara Actinomycetes dengan penyiraman memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap parameter pengamatan. Hasil terbaik ditunjukkan oleh kombinasi perlakuan P4K1 (Actinomycetes F39 + Disiram). Adapun perlakuan P4K2 (Actinomycetes F39 + Tanpa disiram) memberikan hasil positif dan membuktikan bahwa adanya Actinomycetes mampu meningkatkan ketahanan tanaman terhadap cekaman kekeringan. Inovasi Actinomycetes sebagai agen PGPR diharapkan mampu memberi keuntungan bagi pertumbuhan tanaman dengan menggunakan kemampuannya dalam memproduksi hormon pertumbuhan untuk menstimulasi serta diharapkan mampu mendukung pertumbuhan tanaman dalam mengurangi cekaman kekeringan dan meningkatkan pH tanah masam di PT Great Giant Pineapple.
English Abstract
SUMMARY Shendy Citra Oktaviana Dewi. 195040200111152. CHARACTERIZATION AND OPTIMIZATION OF PGP Actinomycetes FOR DROUGHT AND pH STRESS IN Brassica chinensis AT PT GREAT GIANT PINEAPPLE. Supervised by Prof. Ir. Didik Suprayogo, M.Sc., Ph.D and Dr. Reni Ustiatik, S.P., M.P. The complex problem of dry land in Lampung causes plants to grow under sub-optimally condition. Problems of dry land which until now have not received more attention are drought and pH stress. Therefore, efforts are needed that are solutive, environmentally friendly, and sustainable for land problems in Lampung. One of them is the introduction of Actinomycetes because it has high survival rate which is able to grow even sub-optimum environmental conditions. Research activities were carried out in the Product Improvement Laboratory and the greenhouse Research and Development of LOB Plant of PT Great Giant Pineapple in Lampung and Soil Chemistry Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Brawijaya in Malang. The research was conducted to characterize and identify the optimum growth environment for Actinomycetes, to test the response of Actinomycetes to drought stress in B. chinensis, and to test the ability of Actinomycetes to increase the pH of acid soils at PT Great Giant Pineapple. The study was conducted using a Factorial Randomized Block Design (FRBD) with two factors, namely Actinomycetes and drought stress. The Actinomycetes factor consisted of 6 levels, namely control without Actinomycetes (P0), Actinomycetes F22 (P1), Actinomycetes F26 (P2), Actinomycetes F34 (P3), Actinomycetes F39 (P4), and Actinomycetes F47 (P5). The drought stress factor consisted of 2 levels, namely control with watering 80 mL/polybag (K1) and without watering or drought stress (K2). There were 12 treatment combinations where each treatment combination was repeated 3 times so that there were 36 experimental units and each experimental unit consisted of 15 plant samples so that there were 540 non-destructive observation units. Parameters observed in the study included colony morphology, cells shape, gram staining, Actinomycetes population in all growth tests, plant stress, plant dead, percentage of plant survive, percentage of plant recovery, shoot length, number of leaves, fresh weight, plant root length, soil pH, and plant organic matter content. Vegetative parameters were carried out at 14, 21, and 24 days after planting (DAP). The research data was tabulated and analyzed using Microsoft Excel and Minitab-19 with ANOVA and Tukey/HSD (Honest Significant Difference) analysis. The results of the analysis show that each type of Actinomycetes has various characteristics and optimum growth environment but tends to be the same. This was proven by the Actinomycetes F22 population which reached 1.81 x 107 CFU/mL which was able to grow at all variations of incubation temperature and pH media. The application of Actinomycetes as a factor 1 did not have a significant effect on plant, growth, production, and increase in soil pH, but was proven to be able to give a positive response. This was proven by P4 (Actinomycetes F39) and P1 (Actinomycetes F22) which gave the highest score compared to P0 (without Actinomycetes). The watering treatment as a factor II gave a significant effect (P value <0.05) on the observed parameters. The K1 treatment (watering) gave the best results in response, growth, and plant production parameters with values of 0% v stress, 0% death, 100% survival, 100% recovery, plant length 28.62 cm, number of leaves 7.57 leaves, fresh weight 26.58 gram, and root length 13.40 cm. Treatment K2 (without watering) gave the best results in increasing pH by 2% and organic matter by 2.9% compared to treatment K1. The interaction between Actinomycetes and drought stress has a significant effect on the observed parameters. The best results were shown by the P4K1 treatment combination (Actinomycetes F39 + Watering). The P4K2 treatment (Actinomycetes F39 + Without watering) gave positive results and proved that Actinomycetes were able to increase plant resistance to stress. Actinomycetes innovation as a PGPR agent is expected to be able to provide benefits for plant growth by using its ability to produce growth hormones to stimulate and is expected to be able to support plant growth in reducing drought stress and increasing acid soil pH at PT Great Giant Pineapple.
Item Type: | Thesis (Sarjana) |
Identification Number: | 052304 |
Divisions: | Fakultas Pertanian > Agroekoteknologi |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with username saputro |
Date Deposited: | 11 Jan 2024 02:52 |
Last Modified: | 11 Jan 2024 02:52 |
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