Analisis Pengendalian Kualitas Proses Produksi Ikan Lempuk Renyah Berbasis Metode Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) dan Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) di Kecamatan Grati, Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jawa Timur

Muchammad, Afiffudin and Dr. Sucipto,, STP., MP., IPU and Ika Atsari Dewi,, S.TP., M.P., IPM (2023) Analisis Pengendalian Kualitas Proses Produksi Ikan Lempuk Renyah Berbasis Metode Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) dan Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) di Kecamatan Grati, Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jawa Timur. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Ikan lempuk (Gabiopterus brachypterus) merupakan ikan endemik asli Ranu Grati yang menyerupai ikan teri. Ikan lempuk dimanfaatkan menjadi ikan lempuk renyah. Terdapat 3 usaha di wilayah Kecamatan Grati memproduksi ikan lempuk renyah yaitu Mendez, Isrina Food dan Toom. Selama proses produksi masih ditemukan penyimpangan seperti adonan ikan menggumpal, hasil penggorengan ikan tidak lurus dan ikan gosong. Hal tersebut perlu identifikasi akar permasalahan dan dicari usulan perbaikannya. Tujuan penelitian yaitu mengidentifikasi defect yang dominan, penyebab dari tiap defect dan menentukan usulan perbaikannya. Metode pada penelitian ini yaitu Failure Mode and Effect Analysis dan Fault Tree Analysis. Metode FMEA digunakan untuk proses identifikasi potensi kegagalan untuk menghilangkan defect pada sistem produksi. Potensi kegagalan dominan akan diketahui berdasar RPN tertinggi. Metode ini diintegrasikan dengan metode FTA untuk menentukan akar permasalahan dengan rinci pada kegagalan paling dasar, sehingga upaya perbaikan diharapkan sesuai dan mampu meminimalisir penyebab kegagalan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan defect yang menjadi prioritas untuk diperbaiki berdasar perhitungan nilai RPN tertinggi. Pada usaha Mendhez urutan prioritas perbaikan yaitu adonan ikan menggumpal, defect ikan gosong dan defect hasil penggorengan ikan bengkok/tidak lurus. Pada usaha Toom berupa ikan gosong, defect hasil penggorengan ikan tidak lurus atau bengkok dan defect adonan ikan menggumpal. Pada usaha Isrina Food berupa hasil penggorengan ikan tidak lurus/bengkok, defect adonan ikan menggumpal dan ikan gosong. Berdasarkan FTA diperoleh akar permasalahan sebanyak 24 basic event. Basic event tersebut dihitung nilai RRW (Risk reduction Worth) diperoleh hasil tertinggi akar permasalahan timbulnya kegagalan proses produksi paling utama di tiga usaha. Pada usaha Mendhez yaitu minyak tidak disaring setelah dua kali pemakaian dengan nilai RRW 1,399, tidak ada alat pengukur suhu minyak 1,359, distribusi bahan baku tidak kondisi dingin 1,129, ikan dicampur dari supplier berbeda 1,250, dan tidak ada proses penimbangan 1,207. Di Usaha Toom yaitu minyak tidak disaring setelah dua kali pemakaian dengan nilai 1,570, penyimpanan ikan bertumpuk 1,167, tidak ada alat pengukur suhu minyak 1,351, dan tidak ada proses penimbangan saat proses membuat adonan 1,207. Di Usaha Isrina yaitu distribusi bahan baku tidak kondisi dingin dengan nilai RRW 1,400, minyak tidak disaring setelah dua kali pemakaian 1,399, tidak ada instruksi kerja/SOP 1,207 dan ikan terlalu lama pada suhu ruang dengan nilai 1,217. Upaya perbaikan yang diberikan yaitu menerapkan sistem distribusi rantai dingin menggunakan cooling box. Memberikan sekat saat penyimpanan bahan baku pada freezer. Membuat SOP produksi dan menyediakan alat pengukur suhu minyak atau Deep Fryer Thermostat.

English Abstract

Lempuk fish (Gabiopterus brachypterus) is an endemic fish native to Ranu Grati that resembles anchovies. Lempuk fish is used as crispy soft fish. There are 3 businesses in Grati sub-district producing crispy soft fish, namely Mendez, Isrina Food and Toom. During the production process, irregularities are still found such as clumped fish dough, fish frying results are not straight and burnt fish. It is necessary to identify the root of the problem and seek proposals for improvement. The purpose of the study is to identify the dominant defects, the cause of each defect and determine the proposed improvement. The methods in this study are Failure Mode and Effect Analysis and Fault Tree Analysis. The FMEA method is used to identify potential failures to eliminate defects in production systems. The dominant failure potential will be known based on the highest RPN. This method is integrated with the FTA method to determine the root cause of the problem in detail at the most basic failure, so that improvement efforts are expected to be appropriate and able to minimize the cause of failure. The results of the analysis show defects that are a priority to be repaired based on the calculation of the highest RPN value. In Mendhez's business, the priority order of improvement is clumped fish dough, burnt fish defects and defects resulting from crooked / not straight fish frying. In Toom's business in the form of burnt fish, defects from frying fish are not straight or crooked and fish dough defects clump. In Isrina Food's business in the form of frying fish is not straight / crooked, defects of fish dough clumped and burnt fish. Based on the FTA, the root cause of 24 basic events was obtained. The basic event calculated the RRW (Risk reduction Worth) value obtained the highest results, the root cause of the failure of the production process, most importantly in three businesses. In Mendhez's business, oil is not filtered after two uses with an RRW value of 1,399, there is no oil temperature measuring device 1,359, raw material distribution is not cold conditions 1,129, fish mixed from different suppliers 1,250, and there is no weighing process 1,207. In Toom's business, the oil is not filtered after two uses with a value of 1.570, fish storage is stacked 1.167, there is no oil temperature measuring device 1.351, and there is no weighing process during the process of making dough 1.207. In Isrina Business, the distribution of raw materials is not cold with a value of RRW 1,400, oil is not filtered after two uses of 1,399, there is no work instruction / SOP 1,207 and fish is too long at room temperature with a value of 1,217. The improvement efforts provided are implementing a cold chain distribution system using cooling boxes. Provide partitions when storing raw materials in the freezer. Create production SOPs and provide oil temperature measuring devices or Deep Fryer Thermostats.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052310
Uncontrolled Keywords: FMEA, FTA, Ikan Lempuk Renyah, Kualitas Crispy Lempuk Fish, FMEA, FTA, Quality
Divisions: Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian > Teknologi Industri Pertanian
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username verry
Date Deposited: 10 Jan 2024 07:59
Last Modified: 15 Feb 2024 04:13
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