Pengaruh Peran Kelompok Tani Suka Bakti Terhadap Kesejahteraan Petani Kopi Robusta (Coffea canephora) Desa Ngajum Kabupaten Malang

Subagio, Amanda Pusparani and Dr.Asihing Kustanti,, S.Hut., M.Si and Vi’in Ayu Pertiwi,, S.P., M.P. (2023) Pengaruh Peran Kelompok Tani Suka Bakti Terhadap Kesejahteraan Petani Kopi Robusta (Coffea canephora) Desa Ngajum Kabupaten Malang. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Kesejahteraan petani menjadi salah satu dari tujuan pembangunan pertanian yang berkelanjutan (sustainable agriculture) di Indonesia. Data BPS menunjukkan kesejahteraan petani setiap tahun mengalami penurunan. Petani Desa Ngajum memiliki kendala utama yang selama ini mengganggu usaha tani yaitu masalah irigasi dan kurangnya jumlah pestisida, oleh karena itu dibentuklah kelompok tani Suka Bakti. Menurut Husna (2022), kelompok tani dibentuk untuk memudahkan pemerintah menyalurkan sarana produksi kepada petani agar lebih terkoordinasi. Peraturan Menteri Pertanian Nomor 82 tahun 2013, menyebutkan bahwa kelompok tani dikatakan bekerja secara maksimal apabila mampu memenuhi ketiga fungsinya yaitu sebagai media belajar, wahana kerjasama, dan unit produksi untuk membantu meningkatkan produksi dan kesejahteraan petani (Effendy & Yetsi, 2018). Oleh karena itu penulis ingin mengidentifikasi apakah dengan terbentuknya kelompok tani Suka Bakti dapat membantu petani kopi di Desa Ngajum dalam menyelesaikan masalah sehingga dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan mereka. Penelitian bertujuan untuk: a) Menganalisis tingkat peran kelompok tani (media belajar, wahana kerjasama, unit produksi) pada petani anggota kelompok tani Suka Bakti, b) Menganalisis tingkat kesejahteraan petani kopi di kelompok tani Suka Bakti, c) Menganalisis pengaruh peran kelompok tani (media belajar, wahana kerjasama, unit produksi) Suka Bakti terhadap tingkat kesejahteraan petani kopi Desa Ngajum. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode survei. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan penyebaran kuesioner. Sampel ditentukan menggunakan metode probability sampling yaitu simple random sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 33 petani. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah statistik deskriptif dan analisis regresi linier berganda. Analisis statistik deskriptif digunakan untuk menentukan tingkat peran kelompok tani dan tingkat kesejahteraan petani yang tergabung dalam kelompok tani Suka Bakti. Analisis regresi linier berganda digunakan untuk mengetahui pengaruh peran kelompok tani Suka Bakti terhadap kesejahteraan petani kopi Desa Ngajum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, 1) Bedasarkan hasil analisis statistik deskriptif yang dilakukan, didapatkan rata-rata total skor peran kelompok tani Suka Bakti pada petani anggota adalah 52,1 yang menunjukkan bahwa tingkat peran kelompok tani Suka Bakti berada pada kategori tinggi dengan variabel media belajar paling mempengaruhi sebesar 35 persen. Indikator peran kelompok tani sebagai media belajar yang paling tinggi adalah lingkungan belajar dan memecahkan masalah dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 4,6. Kelompok tani suka bakti memiliki program kerja yang dapat menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang baik. Program kerja yang dilakukan oleh kelompok tani Suka Bakti salah satunya adalah mendatangkan penyuluh setiap satu bulan sekali. Kegiatan tersebut mampu membantu petani memecahkan berbagai macam masalah yang dihadapi. 2) Rata-rata total skor lapang kesejahteraan petani kopi kelompok tani Suka Bakti yang didapatkan dari analisis statistik deskriptif adalah sebesar 34,97 atau 87 persen dari keseluruhan. Hasil tersebut menjelaskan bahwa petani kopi kelompokvii

English Abstract

Farmers' welfare is one of the goals of sustainable agriculture development in Indonesia. BPS data shows that the welfare of farmers has decreased every year. The farmers of Ngajum Village have the main obstacles that have disrupted their farming business, such as irrigation problems and a lack of pesticides, therefore the Suka Bakti farmer group was formed. According to Husna (2022), farmer groups were formed to make it easier for the government to distribute production facilities to farmers so that they are more coordinated. Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture Number 82 of 2013, states that farmer groups are said to work optimally if they can fulfill their three functions, as a learning medium, vehicle cooperation, and production unit to help increase production and farmer welfare (Effendy & Yetsi, 2018). Therefore the author wants to identify whether the formation of the Suka Bakti farmer group can help coffee farmers in Ngajum Village in solving problems to improve their welfare. The aims of the study were: a) to analyze level of the role of farmer groups (learning media, collaboration vehicles, production units) among farmers who are members of the Suka Bakti farmer group, b) to analyze the level of welfare of coffee farmers in the Suka Bakti farmer group, c) to analyze the influence of the role of farmer groups ( learning media, collaboration vehicles, production units) Suka Bakti on the level of welfare of coffee farmers in Ngajum Village. The research was conducted using a quantitative approach to the survey method. Data was collected through interviews and distributing questionnaires. The sample was determined using the probability sampling method, namely simple random sampling with a total sample of 33 farmers. The data analysis method used is descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression analysis. Descriptive statistical analysis was used to determine the level of the role of farmer groups and the level of welfare of farmers who are members of the Suka Bakti farmer group. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to determine the effect of the role of the Suka Bakti farmer group on the welfare of coffee farmers in Ngajum Village. The results showed that 1) Based on the results of the descriptive statistical analysis carried out, the average total score of the role of the Suka Bakti farmer group among farmer members was 52.1 which indicated that the level of the role of the Suka Bakti farmer group was in the high category with learning media variables most affected by 35 percent. The highest indicators of the role of farmer groups as learning media are the learning environment and problem-solving with an average value of 4.6. The Suka Bakti Farmer Group has a work program that can create a good learning environment. One of the work programs carried out by the Suka Bakti farmer group is to bring in extension agents once a month. These activities can help farmers solve various kinds of problems they face. 2) The average total field score of the welfare of coffee farmers from the Suka Bakti farmer group obtained from the descriptive statistical analysis is 34.97 or 87 percent of the total. These results explain that the welfare of coffee farmers who areix members of the Suka Bakti farmer group is included in the high category. The indicator that has the highest score in influencing the level of welfare of coffee farmers in Ngajum Village is employment at 4.6. Employment is worth more because currently coffee has a high selling value due to the difficult cultivation process and the current trend of coffee consumption is increasing. Because of this, coffee farmers from the Suka Bakti farmer group have a high chance of increasing productivity to have better welfare. 3) The results of multiple linear regression analysis show that farmer groups as learning media and a vehicle for cooperation have a positive and significant effect on the welfare of member farmers with regression coefficient values of 0.809 and 1.113. Based on field conditions, the Suka Bakti farmer group routinely conducts outreach regarding the problems encountered, the use of alsintan, and the distribution of subsidies once a month with extension workers. This activity reflects the role of farmer groups as learning media and a vehicle for collaboration to improve the welfare of the Suka Bakti farmer group farmers. Meanwhile, the role of the Suka Bakti farmer group as a production unit has a regression coefficient of -0.235 with a calculated t value that is smaller than t table, 1.334 <2.045. This means that farmer groups as production units do not have a significant positive effect on farmer welfare. The presence or absence of the role of the Suka Bakti farmer group as a production unit has no significant effect on the welfare of coffee farmers of Ngajum Village. Based on field results, the number of alsintan provided by farmer groups is insufficient for the production activities of all group members, but this does not affect the productivity of farmer groups because farmers have their own alsintan. These results contradict research conducted by Kurniawan et al., (2021) where his research stated that the production unit variable had a significant positive effect because the need for agricultural equipment to support coffee production was entirely assisted by the government. The difference in the amount of alsintan assistance distributed by the government in the Suka Bakti farmer group research is one of the indicators that causes the lack of the role of farmer groups as a production unit for the welfare of farmers. Based on the results of the discussion, the authors put forward the following suggestions: farmers should make the most of farmer groups as one of the factors that can support and improve family welfare as research shows that Suka Bakti farmer groups have a high role as learning media for farmers, the government must pay attention more to the problems faced by farmer groups, especially regarding the problems of agricultural machinery owned because adequate agricultural machinery will have an impact on productivity which can then improve the welfare of farmers, future researchers are expected to use more variables to help farmers solve problems and can help improve their welfare.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052304
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian > Agribisnis
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username chikyta
Date Deposited: 10 Jan 2024 06:50
Last Modified: 10 Jan 2024 06:50
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