Nur, Alya Aulia and Dr. Ir. Andy Soegianto,, CESA and Prof. Ir. Arifin Noor Sugiharto,, M.Sc., Ph.D (2023) Evaluasi Toleransi Salinitas Beberapa Genotipe Padi (Oryza sativa L) menggunakan Nilai Indeks dan Analisis Genotype by Trai. Magister thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.
Lahan salin di Indonesia banyak ditemukan di daerah rawa pasang surut tipe A dan di lahan sawah dataran rendah di sepanjang pesisir pantai seperti di Kecamatan Indramayu, Sindang, Cantigi, dan Losarang. Survei yang dilakukan di daerah Indramayu menunjukkan sekitar 65 ribu hektar areal padi yang terletak dalam radius 5-10 km dari pantai tergolong sebagai daerah yang rawan terhadap salinitas dan tingkat salinitasnya dapat berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil padi. Peningkatan salinitas lebih dari 4 dS/m akan menghasilkan padi sekitar 85% dari keadaan normal. Pemuliaan genotipe padi toleran cekaman salinitas di Indonesia saat ini lebih banyak dilakukan dengan cara menggabungkan antara sifat toleran cekaman salinitas dan sifat unggul lainnya dengan persilangan, kemudian dilakukan seleksi untuk memilih genotipe yang tahan terhadap cekaman salinitas. Informasi kemampuan adaptasi, potensi dan stabilitas hasil dari galurgalur toleran tersebut merupakan salah satu syarat dalam pelepasan suatu varietas di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan antara sifat atau karakter komponen hasil dengan genotipe yang diuji pada lingkungan cekaman salinitas, mengetahui genotipe yang memiliki nilai stabilitas dan adaptabilitas tinggi pada berbagai lingkungan cekaman salinitas, dan mengevaluasi genotipe-genotipe berdasarkan sifat atau karakter komponen hasil pada lingkungan cekaman salinitas. Penelitian ini dibagi menjadi tiga unit percobaan. L1: Optimum, L2: Rumah kaca EC 5 dS/m, L3: Sawah terintrusi air laut. Setiap unit percobaan menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan tiga ulangan dan satu faktor yaitu genotipe sebanyak 16 taraf Variabel yang diamati antara lain: tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan, jumlah daun, umur berbunga, umur panen, fertilitas polen, luas daun, panjang akar, kerapatan stomata, bobot basah dan kering daun dan batang, panjang malai, persentase gabah isi, bobot 1000 butir, bobot total per rumpun, produksi per ha (untuk lahan sawah). Analisis data menggunakan analisis ragam gabungan dilakukan menggunakan Uji-F untuk mengetahui interaksi genotipe x lingkungan. Uji lanjut yang digunakan yaitu Uji BNJ 5%. Analisis stabilitas dan adaptabilitas menggunakan metode Finlay-Wilkinson (nilai bi). Analisis nilai indeks (TOL, GMP, IH, ISH, RED, SSI, STI). Analisis clustergram menggunakan dendrogram. Analisis GT biplot menggunakan R studio 4.2.2. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh Hubungan interaksi genotip x lingkungan menunjukkan nilai signifikan (p<0.05) pada karakter tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan, jumlah daun, umur berbunga, umur panen, kerapatan stomata, panjang akar, luas daun, bobot basah dan kering batang dan daun, panjang malai, persentase gabah isi, bobot total per rumpun. Perbedaan signifikan pada nilai kuadrat tengah menunjukkan adanya perbedaan respon diantara tiga unit percobaan. Genotipe stabil dan adaptif berdasarkan nilai SSI terbagi menjadi 4 kelompok. Kelompok pertama memiliki satu anggota yaitu G1 (R: rentan). Kelompok kedua (TVRG: tahan vegetatif, rentan generatif) memiliki 6 anggota yaitu G14, G2, G4, G5, G3, dan G6. Kelompok ketiga memiliki 1 (R: rentan) anggota yaitu G15, dan kelompok keempat memiliki 8 anggota (RVTG: rentan vegetatif, tahan generatif) yaitu G11, G13, G7, G9, G12, G10, G8, dan G16. Genotipe padi toleran salinitas yang stabil dan memiliki hasil yang lebih tinggi dari varietas pembanding pada L1, L2, dan L3 berdasarkan analisis biplot: Rankingv genotype adalah G12 (BP 30795C-Ski-8-2-Ert-3-Ski-1) galur hasil persilangan BBPadi dan G9 (IR 129336:11-19-Ski-0-KN-20) galur introduksi IRRI. Lingkungan cekaman salinitas yang berbeda-beda memberikan respon yang berbeda pada masing-masing genotipe. Lingkungan optimum (L1) sesuai dengan G7 dan G16. Lingkungan cekaman salinitas rumah kaca (L2) sesuai dengan G7 dan G10. Lingkungan cekaman salinitas sawah (L3) sesuai dengan G13.
English Abstract
Saline land in Indonesia is commonly found in areas with type A and in lowland paddy fields along the coastal regions, such as in the Indramayu, Sindang, Cantigi, and Losarang districts. A survey conducted in the Indramayu area indicates that approximately 65 thousand hectares of rice fields located within a 5- 10 km radius from the coast are categorized as susceptible to salinity, and the level of salinity can significantly impact rice growth and yield. Salinity exceeding 4 dS/m results in rice yields that are approximately 85% less than the normal condition. Currently, the breeding of salt tolerance genotypes in Indonesia is largely accomplished by combining traits for salt tolerance with other superior traits through crossbreeding, followed by the selection of genotypes that exhibit resilience to salt stress. Information regarding the adaptive capacity, potential, and stability of yields of these salt-tolerant lines is a prerequisite for variety release in Indonesia. This research aims to establish the relationship between yield component traits and the tested genotypes under salt stress conditions, identify genotypes with high stability and adaptability values across various salt stress environments, and evaluate genotypes based on yield component traits under salt stress conditions. This research was divided into three experimental units. The first experiment was conducted in a greenhouse under optimum conditions, without any stress. The second experiment took place in a greenhouse under saline conditions with a controlled electrical conductivity (EC) of 5 dS/m throughout the rice plant's life cycle. The third experiment was carried out in a paddy field affected by seawater intrusion. Each experimental unit employed a randomized complete block design with three replications and a single factor, which was the genotype, comprising 16 levels (10 IRRI introduction lines, 2 BBPadi crossbreed lines, 3 salttolerant VUB lines, and 1 susceptible reference variety). The observed variables included plant height, number of tillers, leaf count, flowering age, harvesting age, pollen fertility, leaf area, root length, stomatal density, leaf and stem wet and dry weights, panicle length, filled grain percentage, 1000-grain weight, total weight per hill, and production per hectare (for paddy fields). Data analysis was carried out using combined analysis of variance with an F-test to assess genotype x environment interactions. Post hoc tests were performed using a 5% Least Significant Difference (LSD) test. Stability and adaptability were analyzed using the Finlay-Wilkinson method (bi values). Index value analysis was conducted for TOL, GMP, IH, ISH, RED, SSI, STI. Clustergram analysis was performed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and dendrograms. Genotype by Trait (GT) biplot analysis was executed using R studio 4.2.2. Based on the research findings, the Genotype x Environment interaction exhibited significant values (p<0.05) for the following traits: plant height, number of tillers, leaf count, flowering age, harvesting age, stomatal density, root length, leaf area, wet and dry weights of stems and leaves, panicle length, filled grain percentage, and total weight per hill. Significant differences in the mean squares indicate varying responses among the three experimental units. Genotypes displaying stability and adaptability, as determined by the SSI values, can be categorized into four groups. The first group comprises a single member, G1 (R: susceptible). The second group (TVRG: tolerant vegetative, susceptible generative) consists of six members, namely G14, G2, G4, G5, G3, and G6. Thevii third group includes a single member (R: susceptible), G15, and the fourth group comprises eight members (RVTG: susceptible vegetative, tolerant generative), specifically G11, G13, G7, G9, G12, G10, G8, and G16. Salt-tolerant rice genotypes that exhibit stability and higher yields than the reference variety in L1, L2, and L3, as per the biplot analysis, include the following: G12 (BP 30795C-Ski- 8-2-Ert-3-Ski-1), a BBPadi crossbreed, and G9 (IR 129336:11-19-Ski-0-KN-20), an IRRI introduction line. Different saline stress environments elicit distinct responses from each genotype. The optimal environment (L1) is suitable for G7 and G16. The greenhouse saline stress environment (L2) is suitable for G7 and G10. The paddy field saline stress environment (L3) is suitable for G13.
Item Type: | Thesis (Magister) |
Identification Number: | 052304 |
Divisions: | S2/S3 > Magister Ilmu Tanaman, Fakultas Pertanian |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with username chikyta |
Date Deposited: | 10 Jan 2024 04:44 |
Last Modified: | 10 Jan 2024 04:44 |
URI: | |
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