Analisis Lean Manufacturing untuk Meminimalisasi Waste pada Proses Produksi Sumplemen dengan Pendekatan Value Stream Mapping dan Root Cause Analysis

Felix, Nathanael Paskah and Dr. Eng. Zefry Darmawan,, ST., MT (2023) Analisis Lean Manufacturing untuk Meminimalisasi Waste pada Proses Produksi Sumplemen dengan Pendekatan Value Stream Mapping dan Root Cause Analysis. Sarjana thesis, Universitas Brawijaya.


Perusahaan merupakan salah perusahaan yang berjalan di industri farmasi yang berada di Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jawa Timur. Perusahaan memiliki lini produk Non-Betalactam Tablet dan Coated Tablet, Non-betalactam Hard Capsule, dan Non-betalactam Oral Powder dengan sertifikasi Pedoman Cara Pembuatan Obat yang Baik (CPOB) dan Halal Assurance System (HAS). Penelitian yang dilakukan pada Perusahaan merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan mengumpulkan data gambaran umum dari Perusahaan terkait produk Non-Betalactam Tablet. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menganalisis proses produksi terhadap implementasi dari lean manufacturing yang terdapat pada proses produksi produk non-betalactam tablet. Analisis dilakukan dengan mengidentifikasi 7 waste maka akan dilakukan analisis penyebab dari waste yang terjadi. Berdasarkan hasil current state mapping didapatkan cycle time sebesar 2172 menit 40 detik, lead time sebesar 2158 menit 15 detik, dan Value Added Ratio sebesar 71,4%. Setelah mendapatkan data current state mapping dilakukan identifikasi penyebab 7 waste bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas yang menyebabkan non-value-added time pada proses produksi. Terdapat tiga rekomendasi berdasarkan prinsip lean manufacturing berupa In-lining Workstation Packaging Primer dan Sekunder, Gate Conveyor & Marking Conveyor, dan Perubahan peletakkan computer coding pada workstation packaging primer. Dengan rekomendasi perbaikan yang dibuat didapatkan Cycle Time didapatkan 1755 menit 2 detik, Lead time sebesar 1769 menit 27 detik, dan value added ratio sebesar 76,6% sehingga lead time berkurang sebanyak 18,31%.

English Abstract

Perusahaan is one of the companies operating in the pharmaceutical industry located in Pasuruan Regency, East Java. The company has a line of products including Non�Betalactam Tablets and Coated Tablets, Non-Betalactam Hard Capsules, and Non�Betalactam Oral Powders with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and Halal Assurance System (HAS) certifications. The research conducted at the company is a descriptive study that collects general data about the Non-Betalactam Tablet products. This research is carried out by analyzing the production process and the implementation of lean manufacturing in the production process of non-betalactam tablets. The analysis is conducted by identifying the 7 wastes and analyzing the causes of the occurring waste. Based on the results of the current state mapping, the cycle time is 2172 minutes 40 seconds, the lead time is 2158 minutes 15 seconds, and the Value Added Ratio is 71.4%. After obtaining the data from the current state mapping, the identification of the causes of the 7 wastes is carried out to determine the activities that cause non-value-added time in the production process. There are three recommendations based on lean manufacturing principles, namely In-lining Workstation Packaging for Primer and Secondary, Gate Conveyor & Marking Conveyor, and changing the placement of computer coding on the workstation packaging for primer. With the proposed improvement recommendations, the cycle time is reduced to 1755 minutes 2 seconds, the lead time is reduced to 1769 minutes 27 seconds, and the value added ratio increases to 76.6%, resulting in a reduction of lead time by 18.31%.

Item Type: Thesis (Sarjana)
Identification Number: 052307
Uncontrolled Keywords: 7 Waste, Lean Manufacturing, Suplemen - 7 Waste, Lean Manufacturing, Suplemen
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Industri
Depositing User: Unnamed user with username pratiwi
Date Deposited: 11 Jan 2024 01:43
Last Modified: 11 Jan 2024 01:43
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